[locked to Barricade//closed actionspam]

May 11, 2010 23:05


[...Yeah that's as good as it gets, folks.]

† transformers: 2007 movie | bonecrusher

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[locked to Bonecrusher//closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 03:14:31 UTC
'Course I am. Now that you're in working order.

[Finally, something he might succeed at! Finding Blackout had been a bust.]

Let's do this.


[closed actionspam] oooooh YEAH brbhatingumoar May 13 2010, 14:43:17 UTC

[Well, slag. He hadn't been expecting Magnum so fast, and most definitely not like this. He was supposed to be a miniature cassette, not this ginormous monstrosity of awesomeness that was now shooting at him. With a snarl, he dives to shove Barricade out of the way (smaller bot, move it!), then ducks and lunges at Magnum.

Not his wisest move, since that canon and laser blaster are shooting at him, but his armor is thick and hopefully sturdy.

Even if he got creamed by a smarmy little organic a few days ago.]


[closed actionspam] WHOO! namesnotprowl May 13 2010, 17:29:51 UTC
I'm well aw-

[His facial plating shifts into an expression that's somewhere between 'the boss won't be happy' and 'this is so typical' shortly before he finds himself shoved by Bonecrusher, stumbling out of the way.

His cannon and one of his rifles cycle out, though he can't get a clear shot at the moment, with Bonecrusher lunging at the mech and all. Well, now he'd get to see how his repairs hold up in combat.

... And start another priority log for Bonecrusher.]

Lookit you, sparrow, all grown up... [He has to say, it's a nice body. Not as nice as his, though. Barricade just would have preferred dealing with the dinky little symbiont body more.]


[closed actionspam] OMG thanks for your patience. I'm back to finish this up~ not_your_gun May 22 2010, 02:38:23 UTC
Oh, so you knew it was me? Such a pity...

[He notes Bonecrusher's first move, surprised that its actually for the protection of his smaller ally...

...and devotes a few processor clicks to considering if that was a tactic Malus would have bothered teaching to his troops. It was a reasonably good one.

Then again, this was Malus.

His adversary was a fine, fierce warrior, but he wasn't likely to prompt camaraderie in his minions...which suggested there might be something more at work here. It was something to watch out for.]

After all, I'd found it such a useful disguise.

[Knowing he'd not be able to get through Bonecrusher's armor with a laser from this angle, he shifted tactics...and aimed a blast directly above the two towards the roofing of the tunnel, pummelling cracks enough to dislodge stones towards them, almost daring them to try coming any closer.]

Still, I'm glad that you've decided to grace me with your presence...

[He grins.]

We have so many things to talk about...


[closed actionspam] <33 brbhatingumoar May 23 2010, 15:44:21 UTC

[Magnum's act makes him pause, and a short comm is sent to Barricade.]
::Stay outta the way. Get back.:: [Then its cut. No time for your snarky remarks, Barricade.]

LIKE WHAT? [Bonecrusher really hates this. He respects Magnum 'liked' him, if a Decepticon can like anyone, but orders were orders. If he doesn't follow them, there's a good chance he'll die. He might hate Malus, but he hates the thought of being offlined by him more. If he doesn't still try to bring Magnum back, he's also as good as dead. So, not much to lose here. He eyes the cracks with a low snarl.]



[closed actionspam] <3! namesnotprowl May 23 2010, 16:11:39 UTC
Didn't take too long. [He looses a low chuckle.] But I think you should've figured that from our conversation.

[The comm first startles him, but it gives way to confusion and irritation. The first marginally winnable - even survivable - fight he's had in two years, and he's being told to stay out of it? Two of his optics throw a short glance at Bonecrusher and the other two to the cracks in the ceiling, before all four focus on Magnum. Barricade's claws twitch in something akin to anxiousness, but he backs up a few paces, keeping rifle and cannon trained on Magnum.]

Though I'll admit, I'm intrigued. What d'you have t'say?

[Malus is the only mech he'd ever admit he was afraid of, and for good reason - he likes his Spark where it is. Otherwise, he might not be here and doing this. And if this all fails... well. Barricade will rest the blame squarely on his own (ridiculously tall) pauldrons. He had been the one that spent time with Magnum-as-bird, after all; he should have caught him then while he had the chance. Neverminding that he ( ... )


[closed actionspam] <333333333 not_your_gun May 23 2010, 19:08:44 UTC
Scared? Hardly. I rather enjoy my fights with you, Bonecrusher...

[He pauses in shooting for a moment to flash a smirk at them, pleased at the more efficient output from his weaponry. He had been behind the times in his old body...and this one offered so much more while not greatly changing his appearance (well, beyond the new thrusters.)]

...though do keep in mind I know most of your moves, Bonecrusher... [A huge chunk of ceiling finally succumbed to his earlier barrage, and fell towards the pair of Tyrans, loosening other rocks to fall along with it. Still smirking, he raised his rifle, changed the setting, and let out a steady stream of laser heat towards it so that it glowed, red-hot, and would shatter into molten projectiles upon impact ( ... )


[closed actionspam] <333333333 brbhatingumoar May 24 2010, 02:55:59 UTC
[That wasn't quite what he'd meant in regard to Barricade - he just needed the smaller mech out of rubble range, in case Bonecrusher got smashed to pieces. Both of them getting crushed was very much a Bad Thing.

When he sees what Magnum's doing, he swears audibly, and hopes very much that Barricade had backed up far enough, because it certainly looked as it Bonecrusher was going to end up with a very hot molten rock shower raining down on his armor. Barricade was going to have a fit fixing this.]


[He has a feeling this is going to be a very bad day. Since he can't seem to get close enough to Magnum to actually properly pounce, he settles for his own weapon. It's not as advanced as Magnum's gun, but it packs a decent enough punch. Ignoring the sizzling noises his armor is making, he fires.]


[closed actionspam] <333333333 namesnotprowl May 24 2010, 04:15:12 UTC
[Barricade is the willfully disobedient type, all things considered. But the longer he can keep Magnum guessing - if he's guessing at all, the doubt in him rumbles - the better.

He skips back another few steps as soon as Magnum aims up again, well out of the way of the rocks. Don't worry, Bonecrusher: he's insane but he's not stupid. Though he's reconfiguring his free hand into a flail, and shooting a message over his and Crusher's comm line.]

:: You might wanna cover your head instead of trying to shoot at him. And get over here. :: [It shuts off abruptly, as he swings the flail out to try to hook Bonecrusher's plating and haul him out of the worst of it ( ... )


[closed actionspam] not_your_gun May 25 2010, 20:44:45 UTC
Those are all very good reasons, though...I can assure you he's quite accurate in his work.

[His cannon stays aimed at them, though he's not firing for the moment, curious to see if they're going to attack or retreat from this point.]

And I have no interest in messing with your loyalty. I want mechs that follow me because they chose to. [It was an important distinction in his mind--mostly because he wished to avoid any unnecessary betrayals. Then again, that had been happening, anyhow--but at least, this way, he had the right to get mad about it.]

So how about we try a different tactic. I'll fight you anyhow, because you obviously can't report back unscathed. I don't kill you. And you tell me where Malus has been hiding all this time. Sound fair?

[He let off a shot, now, for good measure, toward where the pair of them had congregated.]


[closed actionspam] HI THIS IS ME BEING LATE 8) brbhatingumoar June 4 2010, 12:47:28 UTC

[Someone in his head? No thanks. He's about to say something else, but there's a flail in his back that drags him backwards and out of the way. He wants to snip at Barricade, but he figures...why bother? The mech's right, and Barricade's one of the only mech's Bonecrusher actually listens to.]

MALUS WON'T LIKE THAT LITTLE DEAL. [Plus, Soundwave will find out. Soundwave seems to be able to get inside his head now without those tentacles, and Bonecrusher Does Not Want to be 'interrogated'.]



[closed actionspam] PISHAW IT'S FASHIONABLY PERFECT TIMING namesnotprowl June 4 2010, 13:44:25 UTC
Still going to t'pass.

[He doesn't like people in his head. It's just weird. Though he'd honestly expected for Bonecrusher to snip at him, he's glad he doesn't. Once he's gotten him out of the range of the ceiling-bits, he flicks his flail free, retracting it.]

Not everyone has good intentions for choosing to join forces with another mech, though. [Some guys are just chronic backstabbers like that. Who probably figured out that stabbing Malus in the back was incredibly difficult.]

No, Malus wouldn't like that. And he'd find out.

[Paranoia, but not without reason; Soundwave is a problem of epic proportions like that. He knows that somehow Soundwave will figure out what happened, and then Malus would know. And then Barricade would have a significantly shorter life span.]


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