
Mar 01, 2010 18:52

[ . . . ]

Situation: Rectified.

Designation: Magnum. Soundwave is: at your command.

[ Locked to Jetlets ]

Designation: Jetstorm.

Query: Designation Jetfire has been restored to proper shell?

[ooc: ... Belated warning for excessive robot gore and character death. Though, you should probably come to expect that from Shattered!Prime. >>; ( Read more... )

† shattered glass | optimus prime, transformers: idw | soundwave, transformers: 2007 movie | soundwave, event ! bodyswap

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[SPAM!] sound_loyal March 2 2010, 03:26:34 UTC
[Had the situation been different, Soundwave would have informed Magnum where he was going. But the combination of his new emotional responses, his already growing distrust of the deranged Autobot, and the tension of the previous situation - and the fact he did not know if Magnum had yet recovered from it - was enough to cloud even Soundwave's logical judgment.

Keeping far from the Hollow, Soundwave followed the coordinates he could garner from Optimus' comments, hoping to catch him before he could move anywhere close to their new base of operations.

Not that he expected to change his mind, but he could steer him in the wrong direction at the very least - the Autobot would not find the Decepticons, if they did not wish to be found.

Perhaps not as fast as some, he made the trek in robot mode, considering the lack of transportation allowed by his own alternate mode. He almost missed having the lithe, jet body, if only for its speed.]


Soundwave's RAGE is building... sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:10:00 UTC

I am not-

[His processes catch the lapse in his vocals once again, his finger tightening on the trigger. He wasn't sure what it was about his emotional responses that made him refer to himself in such a way, but now was not the time to deal with it.

He was Soundwave. He did not concern himself with petty problems. Information was priority, which this creature did not possess.

He was better disposed of.]

Soundwave: does not require reciprocation for loyalty.

Optimus Prime: does not possess valuable information.

Optimus Prime: no longer useful.

[You wanted him to fire first, Optimus? Oh, he is. Right at your mocking, annoying face. :|

While he can justify it as being because you no longer have any use to him, I think you both know better.]


Optimus Prime is biding his time... allaregone March 3 2010, 06:15:47 UTC
[and he raises an arm, catching the blow full on with the armor there. but other than that?]

[another. step. and his voice is low, dark, in chorus with the purr-rumble of his engine]

Do it again.


Soundwave is CONFUSED. Soundwave hurts himself in the CONFUSION. D: sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:20:00 UTC
[It was not the reaction he had expected from the attack, drawing back slightly in surprise. It was a move he would expect from Megatron, not Optimus Prime - Then, this was not the Prime he had become familiar with.

He leveled his weapon again, but did not fire, still aimed for his faceplates. He did not change his position, despite the other closing in, his own engine growling in response.]



Optimus Prime unleashed energy! allaregone March 3 2010, 06:22:30 UTC
[headtilt. he seems honestly...disappointed. but hey - one shot is better than none]


[and then the disappointment fades, that dark humor returning]

My turn, then.

[and with that - he takes advantage of how close he's gotten to Soundwave. one hopes you can either move quickly, sir, or handle the entirety of his mass and form tackling you]


Critical hit! sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:28:59 UTC
[He doesn't budge from his current spot, the weapon still aimed in case Optimus were to try something - But he finds himself attempting to calculate what it was he was planning, when he should have reacted.

The Prime's reactions didn't make sense to him, making him hard to predict - not to mention how distracting the continued white noise that his scanners were picking up thanks to the other Soundwave's tampering.

He pulls the trigger too late, the blast flying harmlessly over the larger mech's shoulder as his full weight hits him hard, knocking him backwards.]


I can't think of another Pokemon move, sorry. allaregone March 3 2010, 06:32:05 UTC
[and this? this - these - are Optimus's fists slamming at his helm, one-two, all but ignoring the gun as he seeks to first stun his newfound prey]



... How about... 'beatdown'? That was a move. :| sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:34:48 UTC
[Static escapes Soundwave's vocals as he takes the blows hard to the faceplates - but not before unleashing a round of missiles at Optimus' optics from his shoulder-mounted cannon.]


well that works OPTIMUS PRIME used BEATDOWN allaregone March 3 2010, 06:42:33 UTC
[he raises his arm to block them - but this close? the only thing that saves him from blindness is a sudden jerk, whereupon he gets struck at the side of his helm]

[luckily, he has a hard head]

[he laughs, though, even with an audial gone, and promptly makes to grab Soundwave by the mouthplate and pull]


It seemed appropriate. XD sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:47:26 UTC
[Not so lucky for Soundwave.

The mouthplate doesn't budge, instead pulling Soundwave's entire head forward. Letting his gun fall by the wayside, he reaches to grab for Optimus' wrist with both hands as his shoulder cannon reloads.]


allaregone March 3 2010, 06:49:43 UTC
Oh no. We can't have that!

[he grabs for the shoulder cannon with his free hand, fully intending on twisting it to point at Soundwave! nevermind the fact the metal probably can't handle that sort of thing, and the size of the cannon makes that impossible. it'll just have to deal with him wanting to do it anyway]

[he's still tugging on that facemask, digging his fingers in as best he can, not caring for the feeble strength of Soundwave's hands on it] What are you hiding under here, anyway?


sound_loyal March 3 2010, 06:55:40 UTC
[The only saving grace of the situation is that the missles were guided - But even then, the cannon wasn't built for that sort of motion, the metal screeching in protest.

He shutters his optics, attempting to shut down the sensory feedback in his shoulder and loosen the grip on his face. The mask was attached firmly, but not permanent, and he could feel it starting to pull away.

In a last ditch effort, he throws a hand up to grasp Optimus' damaged antenna, and yank downward.]


allaregone March 3 2010, 06:58:36 UTC
[HEY CANNON. TURN MORE. YOU-oh, well, that's an odd grab...well, actually, no it's not. but he's still going to bring it up, despite the pain shooting from there. it's the sort of pain that only makes him more ferocious]

[he shoves his face against Soundwave's - hand still upon the faceplate - and laughs in it] What, you want a different sort of fragging? Maybe if you ask nicely I'll consider it.


sound_loyal March 3 2010, 07:06:11 UTC
[The cannon twists free of his shoulder holding, the connection snapping, breaking any control he had over the missiles. Had he less control, he might have cursed - and he was more distracted with keeping the other from breaking his faceplates.

He attempted to twisted the antenna in his grip, break it, trying to get leverage in anyway he could - but clearly, that reaction was not what he'd intended.

Pulling back, he tried to put space between their faces to little avail.]


Soundwave: wants desig-kzzt-ion: Optimus Prime offline.


allaregone March 3 2010, 16:13:14 UTC
Better mechs than you have tried.

[Soundwave seems to want some space. Optimus is not in the mood to give it to him, just yet. HEADBUTT!]


sound_loyal March 3 2010, 18:00:14 UTC
[The blow left Soundwave reeling for a moment, his hand slipping away from the other's wrist. Pained static escaped his vocals, and he was fairly sure his visor cracked from the impact.

Thanks for that, Optimus. B|]


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