Feb 12, 2010 13:37
[The image flickers a couple of times as it comes on, blanking in and out, the colors fuzzy and out of focus. The flickering stops, the image sharpens, moves--the point of view of the 'camera' lifting rapidly, swinging from side to side. Weird behavior for a stationary or handheld camera, but not weird at all for, say, something mounted on a long boom.
Or a long neck.
(The smudge of black snout in the middle of the viewfield is another indication that this isn't a camera or a communicator being used to produce this footage.)
A big black forepaw enters the image, Temeraire rubbing at the dragon equivalent of the bridge of his nose. He's muttering, his deep voice low and rumbling, sounding distracted.] ...not where I went to sleep, do not recall how I came to be here...
[Temeraire turns himself in a tight circle, revealing--if it can be discerned from the rather blurry, swinging image--the what is almost certainly one of the lower Zones. The lower levels of 5, perhaps, or upper levels of 6--and certainly not his usual haunts of Zone 1 and 2, for those who know him well enough to know where he can usually be found.]
And now I cannot find my communicator! [Even those who don't know him can probably tell that he's rather upset agitated.
And posting remarkably well to the network for someone who's missing his communicator.]
† novels of temeraire | temeraire