Title:The Guilty Never Leave [2/?]
Author: Its a me~ <3
Characters: England-centric, Canada, America, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland,Prussia
Rating: PG-13/15 some violence...I'm not exactly best at writing it. So...
Warnings: Slightly insane!England, Wonky thought processes.
Summary: Beyond a shattered looking glass,fairytale becomes nightmare, imagination becomes madness, toys become weapons, friend becomes foe, and time is running out... Based off of American McGee's ALICE.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2-Villiage of the Doomed
Arthur fell, and kept falling. He was falling head first, he closed his eyes and smiled.
“So...This is what it feels like...to die.” He whispered. After falling for a while Arthur’s body slowly shifted on its own to where he was facing right side up. He landed on the hard ground. Arthur’s body laid sprawled out on the ground, when he opened his eyes he saw a starry sky. Arthur sat up and looked around, nothing but tall rocks around him, and off into the distance was a small village.
“Please don’t lay around, Arthur! We’re very late!” Arthur looked up to see Matthew. Matthew looked sickly, his white rabbit ears drooping, his legs and arms scrawny. Matthew took off running towards the village. Arthur stood up and brushed himself off and realized he wasn’t in the clothes that he was wearing when he was lock away in that room. His clothes were now the ones he wore every time he visited Wonderland in his dreams. The only difference is, they had some bloodstains on them.
Arthur began walking to follow the rabbit boy when a familiar figure appeared. Alfred stood up and walked towards Arthur to meet him half way. His boney tail flicked itself back and forth, his grin wide as ever but seemed forced, his ears twitching with every sound.
“You’ve become quite sickly Alfred, but your grin is a nice sight.” Arthur said smirking slightly.
“And your attitude hasn’t change at all I see. Still curious and willing to learn I hope.”
“So this is Wonderland? It’s become so different. How am I supposed to find my way?”
“Even though knowing where you’re going is the preferred way to travel, ask Matthew. He knows a thing or two, I, myself, don’t need directions.” Alfred said smugly, Arthur rolled his eyes, “Let your need guide your behavior. Don’t be a hero, follow Matt.” As Alfred vanished, Arthur could swear he hear the cat-boy say ‘It’s my job to be the hero.’
Arthur followed the rocky path until he reached the village outskirt. He walked up to a small person. He couldn’t be any more than a boy. The boy must have been terrified because he was shaking.
“Our land is destroyed, our spirits crushed...” The boy mumbled.
“Reminds me of where I was. Is there no more joy here?”
“Slavery and happiness do not dwell in the same house.” The boy ran off. Arthur, confused, kept going on his search for Matthew. Arthur could swear that boy was quicker than the White Rabbit himself. Arthur came across another person from the village. The villager spoke quickly, and caught Arthur off guard.
“Don’t cause any trouble, stranger. The Red King’s agents are ruthless.” Arthur scoffed.
“I’m not afraid of him or his creatures. Never was, honestly. You should stand up to them.”
“Defiance is useless against the Red King. Death is the only way we can escape.”
“Or his death, I suppose.” Arthur mumbled, walking past the young man. He walked around for what felt like hours. He finally saw the dirty white ears of Matthew as Matthew shrank and took off into a small hole in the wall. But, before Arthur could get to Matt he ran into another young man.
“I’m sorry.”
“N-no it’s my fault.”The boy’s hair was messy, his face seemed the dirtiest of the three people he had met today.
“Everyone seems completely dejected. Are things really that bad here?”Arthur asked him.
“T-the truth would cause you to break down...Are you the savior that Matthew has been talking about?”
“I don’t think so...Could you tell me how to get small? I don’t see any bottle’s labeled ‘drink me’ nor cake labeled ‘eat me’. And there are certainly no mushrooms around here.”
“The fortress of doors holds such secrets. But, you’ll need more than just wishing to get inside.”
“Door have locks, and locks need keys.” Arthur jumped and spun around to find Alfred sitting on the ground, “Which you don’t have, do you?” Arthur shook his head, “Let’s hope lucks on your side and the doors are open.” Alfred began licking the back of his hand, much like a cat would do his paw.
“And if not, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. If you’ll pardon the expression.” Alfred frowned deeply. His ears flattened and he hissed.
“Don’t ever say that again.” Alfred vanished again.
“Stupid bloody Cat...Boy...whatever he is.” Arthur ran up a small ramp and looked around. He noticed a person standing around looking as if they were doing nothing in particular, “Excuse me, uhh...”
“Like, what do you want?” The boy snapped. Arthur looked a bit shocked, “Oh um...wait are you, like, the champion that Mattie was totally talking about?”
“I don’t think so...Do you know how to get into the Fortress of Doors?”
“Are you, like, totally out of your freaking mind?! Why would you, like even want to go there?!”
“I need to become small. Somebody told me that the Fortress of Doors could help me.”The blonde boy mumbled something under his breath before looking up at Arthur.
“Look, I’m not going with you.”Arthur frowned, he didn’t ask for the boy to come with him, only for help to get inside, “Buuuuutttttt...If you, like, really want my help, I’ll tell you a little secret to get inside.”
“If you, like, go down to the mines, in the deepest pit, somebody there should be like totally able to help you out! His name is Gilbert, talk to him.” Arthur nodded and began to walk off, “And when you like get back, totally come and visit me! ‘Cause your hair is so totally not cool.” Arthur sighed and began walking again.
After getting lost several times, Arthur finally made it down to the lower levels of the mines.
“Okay, that boy said I’m looking for somebody...But there’s nobody here.” Arthur mumbled. He crept forward, the last thing he needed was a spy or guards to come down on him. Arthur stumbled over something and fell on his face, “Damn it...” He didn’t finish his sentence.
“What the hell do you want?” An angry voice asked.
“I’m looking for somebody named Gilbert.”
“What about him?”A man with red eyes and white hair came stepping out from behind some rocks.
“I’ve been told that he can help me.”
“Even blurred vision is valued by the blind. I don’t know how much help I could be to you. But, I can try. What is it exactly, do you want?”
“I wish to become very small. No bigger than a mouse. Do you know how I can do that? Nothing on the upper levels are anything I can use to become small.” Arthur repeated for the third time.
“That’s it? Oh I can do that, no problem!” Arthur rolled his eyes, this guy was full of himself wasn’t he? “Of course I can help you...For a price.” Great now Arthur had to pay for it.
“I have nothing of value.”
“You’re willing to go be brave and become small. That’s value enough for now.”
“What must I do?” Arthur folded his arms across his chest.
“In the Card Guard’s room, one of the bigger Diamonds has the key I want. Get it, and I may consider helping you.”
“You may consider helping me? So that means if I go and get it and you decide that you don’t want to help me, I would have risked my life for nothing?”
“Yeah, basically.”Gilbert smiled. Arthur sighed. He didn’t really have a choice in this. It was either run the risk of losing his life to get help, or not do it at all, and get stuck here in the village of depressing people.
“Fine, I’ll go get your bloody key.”
“Hope to it, boy!” Gilbert called out as Arthur began on his quest for some key. Arthur really had no patients for people like Gilbert. So much for this being his Wonderland.
Arthur progressed further into the mines. He came across a dead end.
“Honestly, he could have told me which way I ought to have gone.” Arthur walked towards the rock wall, he looked at it for a moment. He turned his head to take a look around the room, when he noticed a small entrance way to a wooden platform. The wooden platform is the farthest he could go, providing he didn’t get on the mine train that was there.
“I suppose there’s no other way.” He said walking towards it, and climbing inside. The rusty wheels of the mine car screeched as it started rolling. “Oh shi--” Arthur started. Despite the fact that the car wheels were rusty, the car moved quickly along the tracks. Arthur clung to the sides of the car, he felt sick, the car was moving too fast and was going around too many sharp corners. Arthur watched the track in front of him. He nearly had a heart attack, up ahead the track completely ended. Arthur grabbed on and carefully climbed on top of the car wall and waited until he could find the right moment to jump.
Luck was on his side; Arthur jumped and landed on another platform. He rolled a bit with his landing, but other than that he was okay. He watched the mine train fall towards oblivion. He sighed and sat up.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I just need to talk to Matthew.” Arthur stood up and brushed himself off. He kept his guard up while walking around the mines. Card Guards were everywhere from what the people had made it sound like. Arthur approached a large door and reached his hand out to open it.
“Unless you have a weapon to protect yourself, I advise not going in that direction.”
“God dammit, Alfred! Must you keep doing that?”
“It’s not my fault that you’re jumpy.” Alfred smiled wide, “so how about that weapon which you don’t own.”
“What about it?”
“How do you expect to face a Card Guard if you have no weapon? Fighting by hands and feet I suppose?”
“If it comes to that, I shall fight like that. I’m hoping not to fight at all.”
“What are you? Matthew?” Alfred walked towards Arthur, grabbed his hand and placed a knife in it, “I recommend you use this to protect yourself. And...” Alfred reached into his pocket and pulled out a deck of cards, “take these.”
“A deck of cards? What on Earth am I supposed to do with these!?”
“52 pick-up is a staple of juvenile humor. But when the deck slices and dices. It’s no laughing matter.” Alfred vanished again.
“One of these days Alfred, I’m going to nail your bloody feet to the floor.” Arthur stared at the cards and knife and sighed. He placed the cards in his pocket, and walked through the door. Behind the door he opened was another door. And behind that door was a Card Guard.
The Card Guard swung its weapon down at Arthur, and it just barely missed him.
“Bloody hell!” Arthur’s grip on the knife tightened, Arthur didn’t know how to fight, “I don’t know what to do! Please let this work.” He whispered as he swung his knife at the Card Guard, who was rearing up for another attack. The Card Guard sputtered and coughed up blood as Arthur cut his body in two. Even though they were cards, the guards were still living creatures of Wonderland, and thus had a pulse. Arthur didn’t have time to recover from what he had just done, for another Guard came to help the one he just killed. In Arthur’s horror he dropped his knife and jumped back to get away from the guard.
“Shit! Now what do I do?!”He cursed. Arthur tripped over the dead guard’s leg and fell. When he felt a particular pressure against his leg, that’s when he remembered his deck of cards and what Alfred told him. Arthur scrambled to get out of the way and pull out the cards. Again, he didn’t know how to use cards as a weapon. Hell he didn’t even know that cards could BE weapons. “Argh! To hell with this!” He shouted throwing the cards at the guard.
The cards sliced through the air, and cut the guard down. Arthur panted as he inched closer to the dead bodies of the Card Guards. He tried to avoid stepping in the blood of the one that was in two pieces. He gulped as he looked at the faces of the two guards. This is what he had done. This was all his fault. He had killed two living creatures. He looked down towards his feet and saw the knife he used to kill the first one. He jumped back and fell, that’s when he noticed his clothes. Patches of blood matted on them.
Inanimate, lifeless, stagnant, non-living, deceased, bereft of life ,breathless, cut off, departed, erased, expired, gone, Death, Dying,...Dead... I did this...My brain, my body, my arms, my hand, me, myself...I...
Arthur screamed out as he grabbed his head, clenching his hair. He shut his eyes and the tears began to fall.
“I DID THIS! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT! WHY!? HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?! I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE! I WANT TO GO HOME! I-I-I!” Something forced Arthur flat on his back, pulling his hands out of his hair and above his head. And then...SLAP! Arthur stopped screaming out and forced open his eyes. And he peered up into the blue eyes of his least favorite ally.
Alfred let go of Arthur and moved from off of him and stood up. Arthur held his cheek as he sniffled.
“If you go home now, nothing will get accomplished! You’ll just return home and back to that catatonic state! Do you think Mattie, the others and I can fix Wonderland?! This is yournightmare! Your Wonderland! Shouldn’t you fix that?!” Alfred snapped. Arthur just sat there looking wide-eyed at Alfred, “If you want to go home, fine, get out of here, but it’ll be completely useless.”
“Y-you don’t understand!”
“No! I do understand! You’re nothing but a coward!” Arthur shook his head, “I tried to help you! I figured you could handle this!”
“...Shut up...”
“I figured you could help us! Matt has so much faith in you! You can’t just let everything go like this!”
“I said shut up.”
“Wonderland is falling apart, because of you-!”
“I said shut up! You fucking git! Have it your way!” Arthur stood up, “Yelling at me isn’t going to accomplish anything either. You have no idea what I’ve been through!” Alfred kept his mouth shut. Too much information now might be a bad thing for Arthur to handle. He picked up the knife.
“You’ll be needing this again.” He said as he cleaned the handle and handed it back to Arthur.
“I don’t want it.” Arthur said trying to let go of the knife. Alfred kept his grip on Arthur’s hand
“You’re going to want it. Things are going to get harder. You are going to have to get over this. They are just a deck of cards. The Red King gets more of them every day. None of them truly have their own personality.” Arthur sighed, as Alfred let go of his hand, “I believe the key Gilbert sent you on the search for, is in the room just beyond here.” Arthur mumbled a thank you as he walked past Alfred, “And Arthur?”
“What?” Arthur turned his head on enough to see Alfred out of the corner of his eye.
“I knew we could count on you. “ Alfred smiled and vanished, leaving behind nothing but his smile. Arthur continued on into the next room, where he saw a rather large key sitting on a table. He grabbed it and looked around for another exit. After a few minutes of looking about the room, he found an exit , and left.
Arthur crawled out of the exit and back into town. Arthur was back in the town, and he could have had an easier way of getting the key? He sighed, honestly this place. He saw Gilbert waving at him from a distance and ran to go catch up with him. He ran through the entrance way and found Gilbert sitting in a hot air balloon.
“You have the key! Very resourceful, Matt’s confidence is not misplaced. He’s no fool.” Arthur frowned.
“I certainly hope he’s not.”
“Alright let’s get going.” Alfred got in the basket of the balloon. Gilbert got the balloon going, “So, I’m hoping you can help my fellow people out as well. Seeing as they’ve been horribly miserable. Any fight against the King is a good fight.”
“I feel sorry for them, really I do. But what about me getting small?” Arthur and Gilbert floated past some mountain like rocks. Arthur peered over the edge just enough to see how far up they were, when he looked over at the rock face he saw a small child. Male or female, he couldn’t tell, but they seem to be happy and dancing. That is until they floated past them. The child leapt from the rock towards the balloon, Arthur gasped as the child completely missed and fell to its death.
Okay...so that thought process where England is thinking about how he killed them...they are all synonyms for the words death, dying, or dead. and it took me several hours to find words that I didn't have and would fit that sort of thought process.
You'll be seeing more of Prussia for a while. Trust me...the guy he's in the role of...really isn't much help in the game. He kinda just tells to to go get stuff. and he vanishes and reappears when ever he wants. Much like the Cheshire Cat.
And Im not sure if I want to or not. But I may come up with character designs for some viewing purposes to be a bit more in detail. Since I don't plan on taking time to desicribe their outfits in the story. :3 plus I'm in a drawing mood...