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Comments 29

benniot_91 October 31 2012, 14:13:51 UTC


vin11lover October 31 2012, 18:02:10 UTC
what?? that's so cute helmet!!
and yes kyuhyun is weird here.. =_______=a and very nerd
but i think sungmin is too.. not as bad as kyuhyun though xDD
but nerd is cute!!!
i hope your next is about pedo.. *somehow love pedo fic atm* ;D


benniot_91 November 5 2012, 16:46:47 UTC
i dont really like pedo fic, but i do have some ideas on how it should be like. lemme try it if i have the time ;)


benniot_91 October 31 2012, 14:15:06 UTC
Suuuuugo. soooorrry.


sugoifapple November 6 2012, 11:47:10 UTC
awwwwwwwww sorry it took me so long to finally read dkfjdakfjak

1. this is fluffy i was smiling to myself and my heart felt doki doki hahahahahahafs wtf
2. kyuhyun is really awkward, like super weirdly awkward but it's cute to see him like that
3. i feel like watching a mixed between sitcom and shoujo manga. early part made me laugh already, it's refreshing lol
4. that government project or whatever shit kyuhyun is doing makes me remember our research about brain to computer interface and i was like hey, so this thingy uses heartbeat detected from blood vessels in wrist to know what we're thinking because heartbeat and brain waves are somehow connected and then converts it to sound wave?? sorry OOT. but maybe i can use this topic as my final research hahaha jk

p.s : peppermint flavoured bubble tea isn't that bad. it's just that it tastes like tooth paste.


sugoifapple November 6 2012, 12:18:08 UTC
oh i forgot to comment about that falling thingy. so that's why you asked me?? hahahahhahahahahaha


i'm a genius.


benniot_91 November 6 2012, 13:31:38 UTC
is it just me or your comment feels a bit girly...?

well our pulses are different when our feelings change. and the mind reading part, well, this is a fiction, deal with it! hahaha.

i was pretty bored with sungmin being the cheesy type and kyuhyun always get to be the smart one, so i guess why not? he's awkward already, i just put some spice in his character ^^

yes. and i thought you'd give me some sort of creative words...i guess i shouldn't put many hopes on you later on. lalalla.

p.s.: that's why i hate peppermint bubble tea. i don't drink toothpaste. haha


rei_ming October 31 2012, 21:00:43 UTC
oh god that was so cute
random title: the guy who feel in love with a hard book to the head



benniot_91 November 5 2012, 16:49:34 UTC
hahaha that was a tad similar to the title i had in mind earlier.


wow! dankkie November 1 2012, 06:21:59 UTC
Hey, this is perfect. You know, it's like 3 am here and I don't care because my heart feels so warm. It was beautiful and now I can't stop smiling.
I'm speechless really. But this I can say: thank you, you made my day. I bet I'll go to work with the smile plastered in my face.

But it is worth it, this made me so happy :D.

Just wanted to say that C:


Re: wow! benniot_91 November 5 2012, 17:24:11 UTC
it's really heartwarming to know people smiled for the small effort i make. it is really an honor, thank you. :))


miss_black_ant November 1 2012, 06:36:57 UTC
Battle of wits between the two. How refreshing! Love the gray-out text here....adds a new dimension to the whole fic.

[The blue one said; I told you to tell Sungmin I was waiting, and you made him worried. You made my Sungmin worried.] This is just too sweet!

Love the Sungmin character here. Nicely portrayed. fiesty!


benniot_91 November 5 2012, 17:26:15 UTC
thank you! i tried my best to not turning him into the typical dependent, cheesy-mushy type of Sungmin. i think i made it :D


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