Fun with Filters III

Oct 13, 2005 13:11

I'm still uncharacteristically quiet, I know... it's the season I guess. Fall and I don't match ( Read more... )

tutorial: effect, border effects, layer masks, tutorial: icon, fun with filters, tutorial: filters

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Comments 26

melusina October 13 2005, 21:28:08 UTC
Love the Wash icon!


awmp October 13 2005, 21:45:46 UTC
thank you :)


psychme October 13 2005, 21:47:28 UTC
Very helpful and informative, as always. DLing the actions to play around with. Thank you!


awmp October 13 2005, 21:54:55 UTC
I hope the actions work for you. I haven't double-checked if they make sense for anyone but me this time... if you have any problems using them, please let me know :)


(The comment has been removed)

awmp October 13 2005, 22:08:47 UTC
glad you like it :)


plumcheeks October 13 2005, 22:55:05 UTC
Thank you so much for always teaching us how to do different effects. I'm going to try the step-by-step...saving to mems for later.

Mmmmm, muffins! What kind?


awmp October 13 2005, 23:01:50 UTC
chocolate/almond :)

just put the extra chocolate coating on...


danaid_luv October 13 2005, 22:59:01 UTC
I'm so excited about learning to do this I could nearly wet myself. *s* I probably won't have a chance to play til' after the week-end, but I'm definitely going to give it a go!

Thank you!

(If you could create some of the tuts w/ photos of your own i.e. no copyright issues, I don't see why you couldn't sell DVDs of your complete 'how-to' demonstrations. He*ll, I'd buy em' to give as gifts. Just a thought). ;)


awmp October 13 2005, 23:04:47 UTC
aww, you're so sweet. also hot judging from your latest photos ;) sorry that i haven't commented yet...

(heee, I don't think many people would pay for it *g* but thanks a lot for the support. *hugs and squeezes you*)


danaid_luv October 13 2005, 23:17:59 UTC
You used a 'hot' Spike icon! From the invisible issue that had yummy dailies! (I feel a 'squeeeeee' coming on) *G*

Thank you! I was 6 weeks pregnant and using the outing as a bit of a last hurrah. No drinking, etc. but a chance to vamp out a bit.'d be surprised. Ok, maybe not the folks that make icons regularly--they have their own tricks. But for general photo manipulators that only know 'crop' and 'contrast', these tools/tips are fantastic.

Pay for it... *laughing* I feel dirty--like a pimp! *G*


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