grahhh, I'm beta-reading my sister's paper at the moment. It's the big one she needs for her final state examination. It's on ticks (the tiny blood-sucking spiders...). Which is totally creepy and not at all comforting for my inner hypochondriac. So far I'm convinced of suffering from at least two different forms of borreliosis. and it's looooong
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Comments 20
I miss Lilly. I miss the old creep. hell, I even miss the Donut!
Nods. Buffy went off to college and the show didn't break an axle. I'm still sticking around but RT had better sharpen up OR ELSE.
I love Hiro, so every scene with him makes me happy Don't you just want to pinch those chubby little cheeks? And yes, Mohinder and Peter - die already (especially Mohinder- so dull).
JM on SPN? AWESOME! he could totally play a dwarf! I mean he's half of Jared's height, isn't he? Bwah! It would be just like Tom Welling or MB standing next to him. Actually I want him to be Papa John's long lost BF ( ... )
yes! they completely lost track. I miss seeing dead bloody girls impersonifications of VM's subconcious! I could never imagine seeing something like this in the show they're currently airing.
They did a way better job with the transition to college in BtVS! *nods*
Don't you just want to pinch those chubby little cheeks?
heeee! abso-fucking-lutely! he's so damn adorable!
(and i'm glad I'm not the only one with my hate for Peter, he seems pretty popular... among the younger audience *g*)
(that could be boyfriend or best friend -take it any way you want)
*bwahahaha* actually I was wondering what you meant then I was reading this ;)
He could be all itchy scratchy in flannels and a beard and hang out in Ellen's bar.
heeeeee! yes, please! but Jo must not be there. she can be hunting elsewhere...
It seems like the show just totally lost it in the third season. I stuff through half of the rape sttory before I got bored and wandered away. And it's the character interactions which made the show and they are definitely missing from this season. As far as I'm concerned the show only ran two season...
hmm, nothing much on this episode. it wasn't bad, it wasn't good. hey, they have finally discovered that Kara has a destiny... too much of the religious mythology bores me. but I love that Caprica!Six is on the galactica now. and can we please get over the lee/dee/kara/anders rectangular anytime soon? it's so blah! even though Lee/Anders cockfights never fail to amuse me. ESPECIALLY when the make up department used too much oil on their bodies. heeeee!
This show too seems to be losing it's edge. I'm tired of the love rectangle and every scene with those four bored me. I woldn't mind if they changed it to Basestar: Cyclon ( ... )
BSG is too angsty for my taste at the moment. I get bored so easily when there's too much angst on TV. and all the mythology crap doesn't help either.
plus the soap operaish love drama is painfully dull to watch. I don't care who is fucking whom, they can have gang bangs for as much as I care. at least that would probably use less screen time...
I went to some random club I had never heard of with some uni people and they actually PLAYS THAT KIND OF MUSIC THERE! like, dj bobo, captain jack etc!!! weirdest club night ever :D
and how stupid is Veronica for thinking that they won't replace the monkey? isn't she supposed to be smarter than me?
That annoyed me so much! I have to say I actually liked the ep, mainly because there was so much Mac ♥ But that part made me so mad. Of course I felt bad for the cute little monkey but why on earth would she think they wouldn't replace it?
I used to say that it isn't about Highschool kids when I was reccing season 1 to everyone, it just happens to take place at a Highschool a lot of the time. Now, it's a show about college life. and nothing else. I miss the else.
I still enjoy the show but this is absolutely true. I kinda like the college life since its still somewhat my life but you're absolutely right about there being nothing else.
when he told the little Dinosaur in he museum to "Watch ( ... )
I'm OLD!!
heee, hiro is too damn adorable.
she teached me a lot! *smiles*
Simone I can tolerate, but Peter and Mohinder? Who get to do voice-overs? NONONO!!!
I have NO IDEA why they love the starbuck/apollo thing so much. they don't even have much chemistry together. I get more buddy vibes from them *shrugs*
gaius and six annoy the hell out of me! LOL
JM on SPN would be AWESOME! heee, I'd be all fangirly *sigh*
she teached me a lot! *smiles*that made me grin like an idiot. good for Hiro! *squishes ( ... )
but knowing JM's management, they certainly won't say no...
So, yeah, I pretty much agree with everything you've said. It's pretty sad when *I'm* critiquing V's sleuthing skills lol.
Also, SPN is damn crappy, but that doesn't stop me from tuning in week after week lol, explain that one to me. Am I this much of a hot guys angst!whore?
Logan is only VM's bf right now, a little bit like Leo was. Nice but dull. *sighs with you*
heee, I'm easily impressed by her skills as well, so if she seems to be much dumber than myself, there is something very wrong *g*
heee, I'm enjoying SPN muchly, too. and it's much less angsty as everyone seems to claim ;)
I find it highly entertaining and pretty and funny. even if there's a lot of cheesiness, too *g* and the angst level if quite bearable. heeee. so is the creepiness factor which is very low in my opinion ;)
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