Title: Sight (2/?) Author: awkwardllama Rating: G Length: 1,077 Spoilers: None for now. Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but the story. Summary: AU. Rachel learns to see from someone who can't.
i love this. Had to read it even if im suppose to be studying for a final... awww Rachel likes Quinn <3 and Sue's treats are awesome, also Kurt with his "Really? So she’s like a white girl Ray Charles? Interesting. Why did we have to give Rachel a makeover? Quinn won’t be able to see it". can't wait for the next chap ;)
Comments 10
awww Rachel likes Quinn <3
and Sue's treats are awesome, also Kurt with his "Really? So she’s like a white girl Ray Charles? Interesting. Why did we have to give Rachel a makeover? Quinn won’t be able to see it".
can't wait for the next chap ;)
“Not as hot as you though B. Never as hot.”
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