Avengers (2012): "Heavy in Your Arms (8/15)" (Clint/Natasha)

Nov 30, 2012 01:50

Title: Heavy in Your Arms (8/15)
Author/Artist: Koren M. (cybermathwitch)
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were, there'd already be a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie.
Pairing: Clint/Natasha, Coulson/The Cellist, Nick Fury/OFC, Bobbi/Maria
Rating: Adult 17+
Warnings: language, violence, SEXUAL CONTENT, dub-con if you feel that mystical/destiny sorts of compulsions ( Read more... )

fandoms: avengers, pairings:clint/natasha, length:novel, series: heavy in your arms, ratings:adult 17+, authors:koren m.

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Comments 16

sugar_fey November 30 2012, 10:25:15 UTC


Okay, I'm going to need a moment here.


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:25:21 UTC
:D Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!!!

and many apologies that it took me so long to respond - my netbook had slowed to a literal crawl and I've only just now gotten my real laptop back from the shop.


hufflepuffsneak November 30 2012, 12:44:06 UTC
You updated! And I love how sex didn't make everything better, even soul-bound-it-was-meant-to-be sex. Seeing Fury through Maria's eyes was fascinating. He really has gone off the rails here.


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:27:15 UTC
I will never not love your icon. :D

No, sex definitely didn't make it all better, though I'm hoping it's helped them at least some. They're more connected now, but whether that will make things easier or harder remains to be seen. And oh, yes. Fury's gone way off the deep end - just quietly so. Now Maria's just got to figure out what she's going to do about it.

Thank you for the lovely comment!


angela_n_hunt November 30 2012, 18:10:52 UTC
This was *fantastic*. Can't wait for the next chapter!


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:27:36 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! I'm sorry I've been so late in replying!


angela_n_hunt December 6 2012, 00:34:37 UTC
Don't even apologize. I'm so underwater with everything, it's not even funny. Was just lovely to see the chapter.


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:39:27 UTC
It's certainly the time of year for being swamped! I nearly cried with gratitude this morning when I realized that I'd apparently put together )and promptly forgotten about) a spreadsheet of holiday card addresses and to-do lists last year and saved it... I'd been completely overwhelmed at the thought of having to put all that stuff together for this year. And with Yuletide and the Secret Santa coming up - just ack! :)

Hopefully now that I'm not having to fight against the incredibly slow (and tiny) netbook, I can get more writing done and not take quite so long between chapters. ;;crosses fingers::


crazy4orcas December 1 2012, 06:29:05 UTC
An update -- \o/ -- a FANTASTIC update -- \o/ \o/ !!

I loved how he let her have control, loved the maintaining eye contact, and totally adored how you described the connection when it happened. And I'll second hufflepuffsneak and say that I'm glad the sex didn't make everything better.

All of the rough edges they had that caught on others and torn at them, making them not right, suddenly clicked into place, fitting perfectly. -- *SIGHS*

“The hell you aren't," he said viciously. "You are precious to me." -- *SWOONS*

Can't wait to see where you go with this!

And I'm feeling really bad for Fury -- to have had that connection with someone and then to lose it, no matter the circumstances.


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:29:06 UTC
Eeee! Thank you!

Nodnod. It really sucks for Fury... and I'm honestly not sure there's really a way to make it better for him, which makes me a bit sad. :(

:D I'm so glad you like it!


sunny_serenity December 1 2012, 20:59:33 UTC
omg, FEEEEEEEEEEELS!!!! natasha and her torrent of warring feelings. the worthiness issues!!! gah. oh, this natasha is so vulnerable and uncertain and YOUNG in contrast to so many ways where her innocence is not. oh, baby girl! her struggle against what is being taken and given in place of that is paaaaaainful. yes she can trust him, yes she is safe but is it what she really wants? no. SO MANY COMPLICATED FEELS! and clint! oh, he's in for a world of hurt and rejection and lookit how he KNOWS it. oh you knight-errant-cowboy... **sigh** this man. and holy crap all this caregiver!clint and i don't know what to do with myself. how is he going to take care of her if she doesn't let him? how's she going to take care of him? yet ANOTHER THING she has no knowledge of. like, she could REALLY fuck it up. not that she wouldn't maliciously hurt him cos that would be counterintuitive against the bond (not that this has stopped anyone before **coughFURYJINMEIcough**) but like, that responsibility in her hands? it's the same as clint being put back ( ... )


cybermathwitch December 6 2012, 00:44:05 UTC

re: CaregiverClint -- I don't think I could write a Clint that wasn't (or didn't become) completely devoted to her. That is just somehow so deeply written into his character for me it's inescapable. (Though I keep trying to experiment with the opposite dynamic, where she's the one completely devoted and he's in love with her but could walk away if he had to - it's certainly not this story though, and is far trickier than I'd originally thought it would be.)

I am going to have to really ponder this whole line of thinking about Nat and protection and so forth... because that's certainly stuff that's going to loom large in the coming events. (I seriously <3 your comments, you have no idea - you give me all kinds of things to think about and look at that I hadn't necessarily put together before ( ... )


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