This has been bothering me a lot and I don’t intend it for anyone to read, but simply to rant.
Why is it that everyone is on my case about what I say? When I talk about someone, critically, jokingly, whatever, I seem harsh. That I hate the person. Or whatever else bullshit
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Comments 7
& like you just because I look so innocent+child-like when I say a curse word they're like O_O OMG. calm down.
I hate that.
Which is pretty much what led to my senior year of high school... I didn't hang out with really anyone. I was all loner(think Daria without a Jane). And I really didn't care :)
finding that balance between being open and being private has got to be one of the most impossible things to do. how does one walk that fine line between open-ness/vulnerability and privacy (in some cases strength)/stand-offishness. okay, so i'm not the most articulate at the moment, but you get what i mean. and you know that i don't say this condescendingly, but empathetically, because you know what it's like with me.
not the most helpful of comments, but similar to your writing for the purpose of ranting, i'm commenting just to say that regarding your +++, i've been on the other end of a similar situation and just as many regrets have resulted as well. we try to walk this line together.
Just anyone who I'm not close with, really is who I'm speaking about. All my real friends, such as yourself, I have no problem in telling things to. But to others I'm just getting to know, or just now connecting with, it's harder.
Harder not because I don't trust them, but because I did trust them and with my vulnerability they assume certain things about me. It's so wretched, but I'm learning about myself now. And that's all good
hope you stop letting this person/these people and the situation get to you. if anything, it's a way to learn and be stronger against them.
But don't give up. They're out there.
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