These are all the hard rules for SPvDR, as well as clarifications for each one.
1 - Don't be a dick.
Let me repeat that.
Don't be a dick.
This place is meant to be fun and relaxing, so if something comes up between you and another player, try to work it out through LiveJournal private messaging or IM. If you can't, you can talk to one of the mods to try and find a peaceful solution. But don't take it in-character, and don't go running off to anon-meme or RP!S or some other wanktopia to start the dramas.
2 - No godmoding. Kind of a subset of "don't be a dick." Basically, you can't just randomly decide that your character is the baddest of bad dudes and that they can take out anyone they want with a single hadouken. On the smaller scale, this also means that you shouldn't be saying stuff like "Scott totally punches Gideon in the mouth and it is awesome!" without asking Gideon's player first (much as Gideon maybe deserves to get punched in the mouth). RP is collaborative, yes? If you start writing everyone else's cues and reactions for them, you might as well be writing fanfic, and then really, what's the point?
3 - As this is specifically a Scott Pilgrim dressing room, and SP original characters (OCs) would essentially just be normal people, no OCs are going to be allowed at this time. The closest we'll allow would be named characters from SP that don't have enough real background to build upon (e.g.: Cole, Winifred Hailey, the girls in Gideon's sexy ice cube collection). But please, if you want to build on one of these characters, keep your speculation within reason. Don't make them a superhero-superspy-superstar-supermodel who is secretly Ramona's long-lost best friend or Knives's older sister or something.
4 - Alternate universe (AU) characters are allowed, but only within the confines of the Scott Pilgrim universe. So, child versions and older versions are fine. 'Alternate decision' versions are also fine (e.g.: a Ramona that never left Gideon, a Todd that failed out of Vegan Academy, a Natalie who never turned into Envy, etc.). Genderswaps are also also fine (it's like an alternate decision in the womb!).
AUs that wouldn't make any sense (even in SP Land), however, are not allowed. Space Police Officer Ramona Flowers, come down to earth to hunt a supercriminal? Not so much. Scott Pilgrim, Dinosaur Hunter? Nope! Knives Chau, the legendary Seventh Child who will pilot an Evangelion in the past to prevent the Second Impact? Sorry, save the crossovers.
Basically, just use common sense, please. If you are in doubt about whether or not your AU would be acceptable, feel free to message a mod and ask before introducing them.
5 - Please move all NC-17 material off of the main community. This includes sex logs, explicit images, and similar things. Play those things out on your character journals or something, and if you need to reference them for something in-game, put a link AND A WARNING somewhere behind some cut-text.
The game is rated 14+, so basically, swearing is fine but sexing is not. Or sexting, Stacey.
6 - There are going to be multiple copies of characters. This is just the curse and the blessing of dressing rooms, so please don't get upset if there are four Wallaces all trying to claim Scott as their bitch, or four Knives (Kniveses?) creepily following after everyone. Heck, those both sound like fun. Just roll with it, and don't be a possessive douchebag.
7 - Since there will be multiple copies of characters, please read the
Location Guide for explanations on how every Wallace can have Wallace's apartment, without them all having to share the same futon. Also read the
Infinite Lives Guide so that you know how death/resurrection works before you attempt dropping a piano on your character's head.
8 - The tags have already been established and are listed on the side of the community. This is to prevent vandalism and unmergeable multiples of the same tag from appearing (e.g.: "character: kniveschau" and "character: knives chau"). Anyway, please make sure to tag all posts you make with your character's name, and whether they are from the movie or comic verse. At this time, we would prefer it if characters not limit themselves to only tagging characters from their specific 'canon', so the verse tags are mostly there to keep track of who is from where. Less confusion is always fun.
If there is a tag missing for your character, please let the mods know.
9 - Any commonly used LJ RP format is okay for posts. That includes any of the following:
- Third-person prose logs
"That's a lot of fish," remarked Matthew Broderick, looking at his dumbfounded co-star with a stupid look on his face.
- Action-style logs
That's a lot of fish. [facepalm-worthy look on face]
- Commentspam through mobile devices
notbueller: That's a lot of fish.
confusedonlooker: ...
notbueller: What?
confusedonlooker: My condolences on your career, Matthew
For commentspam, you can assume that this version of Toronto automatically loads up a local Facebook clone (let's call it, oh, Awesomebook) when phones start up the internet; this site is what's most commonly used to post messages that are meant to be seen by people in the community. Or you can have characters just texting each other, too. Just remember to specify in your post's subject line what's being used, texting or Awesomebook, since characters won't be able to see texts that aren't meant for them.
If there are any other formats we missed that you would like to use, let us know. They're probably okay to use too.
10 - Dude. Don't be a dick. We're all here to have fun and chew bubblegum.