The first thing you should know about me is that I’m a multi-shipper. What this should tell you is that I really don’t like to choose between awesome things. So I won’t. Instead, I give you a list of all the awesome women I might like to take with me into a fight.
Adelle DeWitt (Dollhouse) - Adelle is practical, intelligent, adapts well to any situation, knows how to manipulate/threaten/negotiate her way out of any problem, and always keeps the booze on-hand.
Aeryn Sun (Farscape) - Can pretty much shoot her way out of any fight, even when she can’t see two feet in front of her. Gave birth in the middle of a battle-field, then rejoined the fight moments later: Clearly, the woman is made of badassery.
Alice (Resident Evil) - Just the woman you’d want on your side during the zombie apocalypse.
Amy Pond (Doctor Who) - Has the ability to imagine us all back into existence should we lose the fight.
Athena (Battlestar Galactica)- She’s a mother who would do whatever is necessary to protect the world her child was born into and she keeps her word when no one else does. She’s also a cylon so she’s got more physical strength and stamina than most.
Bo (Lost Girl) - A succubus who could turn on the charm to get you out of most situations and who knows how to handle herself in a fight.
Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries) - Badass witch who can start fires with her mind and has the ability to render almost any supernatural being completely helpess without lifting a finger.
Buffy (BTVS) - If the fight involves vampires, there’s no one you’d rather have on your side than the slayer. Plus, she’s got super-human strength so even if we weren’t fighting vamps, she’d definitely come in handy.
Caprica Six (Battlestar Galactica) - Cylon. Survivor. Could possibly shield you during nuclear explosions.
Cara (Legend of the Seeker) - Do I even need to explain this one? Didn’t think so.
Elizabeth Weir (Stargate Atlantis) - Need someone to negotiate for you? Weir was born for it. She walks into traps and walks away with everything she wants, using only her words and her ability to read people.
Gwen Cooper (Torchwood) - Got an alien who needs killing/capturing? Gwen’s your girl. And if anyone gets in her way, she’ll take ‘em down in the most practical way possible. Example: Shooting out the tires on the vehicle of her pursuer (Children of Earth)
Illyria (Angel) - Former God who can dismantle her foes with a single blow.
Juliet Burke (Lost) - Learned her manipulating skills from Benjamin Linus. Will always have your back. Also happens to be a doctor so she could stitch you back together during the battle.
Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica) - A badass fighter pilot who can out-drink, out-smoke, out-snark, out-shoot, and out-punch just about anyone she comes up against. She’ll fight ‘em til she can’t.
Martha Jones (Doctor Who) - Saved the world with words.
Morgause (Merlin) - Sorceress who knows how to handle a sword and looks smokin’ hot in chain-mail (which, you know...not vital to the fight but is still an upside)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds) - Should you need some help fighting a battle in cyber-space, Garcia’s your girl. She’ll also help you dig up plenty of info on your enemies.
River Song (Doctor Who) - River is an out-and-out genius who has traveled in time. She’s knows a little something about everything and she’s the queen of thinking outside the box. Can also fly the TARDIS and has the Doctor at her beck-and-call.
River Tam (Firefly) - She’s a psychic who can take out a roomful of reavers without breaking a sweat.
Samantha Carter (Stargate SG1) - Saves the world/galaxy/universe on a regular basis. Even McKay is jealous of her intelligence.
Selene (Underworld) - Badass vampire warrior. Can survive just about anything and has super-healing abilities.
Sydney Bristow - Super-spy. She doesn’t even need a weapon to kick your ass because she IS the weapon.
Toshiko Sato (Torchwood) - Genius with a computer (or anything technical, really) who can identify any alien species you might come into contact with and tell you just what you’d need to beat them.
Zoe Washburne (Firefly) - A loyal, smart, stealthy former soldier who can kill you with her pinky. Or a shot-gun.
(And that’s just the first 25 I could think of :D)