Suite 232

Aug 01, 2007 14:00

Last night, Lilly got stabbed. It gets a little hazy after that, but she's fairly sure that she's going to live... as much as she generally does ( Read more... )

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awesome_lilly August 7 2007, 04:37:46 UTC
"Well, I need you to do me a favor."

Lilly smiles hopefully at Merriman.

"It's not actually for me though, and it's a really fun favor, and so... will you go on a practice date with Sallie Reynolds?"


merrimanlyon August 8 2007, 01:45:06 UTC
Lilly and Meg once attempted to convince him to strip for charity. He might be forgiven for his rather nonplussed expression at the moment.

'...a practice date,' he repeats, slowly. 'I am not aware of what that entails, I fear. How precisely does it differ from the generally accepted definition of a date?'

(Always, always get the definition before you consider agreeing to the terms.)


awesome_lilly August 8 2007, 16:16:50 UTC
Merriman is a wise man.

"Well, it's like this," Lilly says, sitting up a little more as she gets into the explanation.

"Mal's mom, Sallie Reynolds, came to visit me because she's awesome like that and we were talking and it turns out Boromir got love-in-idleness'd at her, and he got better and all but you could totally tell that Sallie had kinda enjoyed having like, the company because you know Mal's off on his spaceship or other worlds all the time, which happens, but still she shouldn't have to be lonely, so I'm finding guys in the bar she could go out with who are like, of appropriate age and okay, you're kinda ageless but you look about right and okay, there's no future in dating you with the immortality and also what if the kids had your eyebrows, but you're totally a gentleman type and you'd make an awesome low-key, no-pressure reintroduction to the world of dating for her and that's why I think you'd be a really great practice date."

She takes a desperately needed breath.


merrimanlyon August 8 2007, 20:00:49 UTC
If the silence stretches for a long moment, it's because he's attempting to parse that sentence into something he can work with.

It's a well-meant gesture, and Lilly is asking it as a favour. Though more than anything else, it's the but still she shouldn't have to be lonely aspect that registers with him. It's a sentiment he certainly understands.

The corners of his mouth quirk in a small smile as he says, 'I suppose the only questions to ask are where and when?'


awesome_lilly August 10 2007, 04:29:03 UTC
"You'll do it? Awesome!"

Lilly beams at him.

"Oh, Merriman, you are so totally my favorite. Well, as for when I'll have to ask her and find out when she can get away from ranch and when you have time to at all, and if you want neutral ground for the date I can promise you an excellent table at Delicate Flowers Nightclub."


merrimanlyon August 12 2007, 21:43:08 UTC
He doesn't exactly beam back, but the smile stays where it is. 'With sufficient advance notice, I should be able to arrange a time to be here. There are one or two pieces of business that I am keeping an eye on, but a few hours for a quiet dinner should pose no difficulties.'

A thought comes to mind -- a rather important one, at that. 'The lady does have the right of refusal, I trust?'


awesome_lilly August 13 2007, 02:21:10 UTC
Lilly gives him a Look.

"Merriman? I give my whores right of refusal. Why the hell wouldn't I give the same right to Mal's mom?"


merrimanlyon August 13 2007, 02:30:33 UTC
He holds up a hand, half in apology and half to forestall any further outburst.

'A poor question, poorly phrased. Merely to assure you that I will not be at all offended if Mrs Reynolds should decide not to accept.' A brief pause. 'Disappointed, I expect, but not offended.'


awesome_lilly August 13 2007, 17:29:36 UTC
"Well, then."

Lilly looks mollified.

"That's kinda sweet, in a way. Wow. I did not know your secret powers included charm before this, Merriman. Awesome, that'll make the date even better."


merrimanlyon August 14 2007, 03:06:09 UTC
'The practice date,' he says, gently correcting her choice of words. 'Which I leave up to you to arrange, and to inform me of the details. Is there anything that you think I ought to know in advance?'


awesome_lilly August 18 2007, 02:33:09 UTC
Lilly thinks about that for a minute.

"She knits. But only occasionally, so don't hold that against her."


merrimanlyon August 18 2007, 04:09:12 UTC
Merriman resists the urge to facepalm despite the icon choice.

'I have never said that knitting is inherently evil. It merely happens to be a useful means of...oh, never mind,' he finishes with a slight sigh, forestalling an explanation. 'That should pose no problem, though the advance warning is of course appreciated. Was there anything else?'


awesome_lilly August 18 2007, 04:16:01 UTC
"Be excellent to each other," Lilly says solemnly.

What? It's perfect advice for... most occasions.

"Also, flowers probably wouldn't hurt."


merrimanlyon August 18 2007, 04:39:36 UTC
'That, I can certainly arrange.'

A smile this time, more than just a hint of one.

'And as the saying goes, I shall be there with bells on.'


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