Iron Man/Captain America: Like Father, Like Son (2/2)

May 05, 2015 12:10

Title: Like Father, Like Son (2/2)
Characters: Tony Stark, Howard Stark, brief Edwin Jarvis
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Triggers: swearing, blood, sutures, impaled objects
Spoilers: None
Pairings: References to Howard/Maria and Jarvis/Anna
Word Count 3,021
Summary: Tony makes a stupid mistake on a project that results in an ER trip and proves that ( Read more... )

fandom: mcu, fandom: iron man, fandom: agent carter, fandom: captain america, length: twoshot, rating: pg-13

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Comments 7

joonscribble May 5 2015, 19:06:17 UTC
Aw, poor Tony. And poor Howard! I love seeing the traces of adult Tony in teen Tony, particularly when he's trying to be more like his dad, much to Howard's amusement/horror.

“No, we're not celebrating,” Howard said. “It's not an accomplishment.”
Tony held out his hand more insistently.
“Don't tell your mother,” Howard said, and gave Tony's hand a gentle slap.

While I loved so many parts of this fic, this was totally my favorite moment. I love the dynamic between these two where you can tell Howard loves Tony and Tony probably can tell but sometimes it's not enough.


awanderingbard May 5 2015, 19:18:22 UTC
I love the dynamic between these two where you can tell Howard loves Tony and Tony probably can tell but sometimes it's not enough.

I think that Howard shows his love in doing things and providing things, in a very traditional Alpha Male, Breadwinner fashion that would have been common in the era he grew up in (and even more important to him because he grew up with so little and can give Tony so much), but that Tony is too young to realize that, and needs to be told that he loves him and is proud of him and that he's doing all right. I kind of wonder if Howard had lived longer, until Tony was grown-up enough to understand him better, if they would have eventually worked things out. But I can also see Jarvis providing a little of that verbal praise with a quiet 'that was very well done, Master Tony' that makes Tony feel good about himself.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


joonscribble May 5 2015, 19:23:09 UTC
(and even more important to him because he grew up with so little and can give Tony so much)

Yup, that's essentially the story of my grandfather and his sons. Well, not to the same degree in terms of Stark wealth but my grandfather never told his sons he was proud of them but gave them a lot of things he didn't have growing up but that didn't necessarily equate to love in my uncles' minds.

Howard being more alpha male about his parenting reminds me a bit of that thing in the comics where he tells Tony that he has to have iron in his backbone. It's "good" parenting in that he's trying to get Tony to be the best he can be but it comes across as "suck it up and push through."


awanderingbard May 5 2015, 22:16:09 UTC
My Dad and I have a touch of that sort of miscommunication, too, though certainly not to the same extent. It took me a long time to realize that 'I saw this brownie at the store and I checked really carefully and there's nothing of the myriad things you're allergic to in it' is very much a statement of 'I love you, and I've thought about you and know you and brought it for you as a treat because I'm your dad and it makes me feel happy to bring you nice things'. I think when you're little, your brain can't make that leap, you just take it for granted. I was never under the impression that he didn't love me, but I think I realize it more now that I can make those connections.

It's "good" parenting in that he's trying to get Tony to be the best he can be but it comes across as "suck it up and push through."The age at which he had Tony might play a factor, too, in that he was probably a good twenty-some years older than Tony's peers' parents, and grew up in literally a different generation. He'd seen the Great Depression and ( ... )


aelfgyfu_mead May 6 2015, 22:31:44 UTC
“What did I tell you about distracting people with tools in their hands?” Howard said.
“Only if she's pretty,” Tony replied.
That might actually have been what he'd said.
Yes, it might!

At least they do a little bonding here. There appears to have been precious little of that in their relationship! Too many Steve stories, not enough father-son stuff. Now I'm thinking Tony may have begun unconsciously to associate love from his father with pain. I'm making head canon out of your stories.


awanderingbard May 6 2015, 23:15:54 UTC
Too many Steve stories, not enough father-son stuff.

I've borrowed a bit of joonscribble's headcanon, which is that, due to Howard's lack of confidence as a father, he tended to use Steve as an example of how Tony should behave, making Tony feel like he could never be as good as him. I think RDJ has said something to the effect of Steve being the big brother Tony could never live up to, and that's why they rub each other the wrong way when they first meet in modern times.

I'm making head canon out of your stories.

That is, like, the nicest compliment anyone could ever say to me. Thank you so much! :-D

Thanks for reading and commenting!


i_canz_dragon July 23 2016, 14:05:08 UTC
This story is SO PERFECTLY SPOT ON with howard and tony's relationship. Like, you can see that it has its problems, but you can also see that they love each other. Too many fics (and even some canon) tend to go way overboard in the problems, when its so obvious that as much as Tony was hurt by Howard he also clearly idolised him, and thats not nothing. Thanks for this A+ depiction :)


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