Sherlock/Skyfall: The Thought that Counts

Aug 24, 2014 20:33

Title: The Thought that Counts
Characters: Q, Efimia, Sherlock, Tzophiya, misc background people and daemons
Rating: PG
Warnings/Triggers: references to drug use and addiction
Pairings: none
Word Count 3,767
Summary: Trevelyan gets a break from preparing for his thesis defense by the rather unusual phenomenon of his brother wanting ( Read more... )

elements: daemons, fandom: sherlock (bbc), fandom: skyfall, rating: pg, length: oneshot

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Comments 8

aelfgyfu_mead August 25 2014, 01:37:07 UTC
It never occurred to me that Sherlock might have the wrong day! Nice laugh at the end!

I quite like Allison with her hyperthymesia and that Sherlock gives her a chance to feel less of a freak. It's only fair.

I also like that Sherlock stuck around for Trevelyan and pronounced his dissertation "good," and perhaps he will remember Trevelyan's advice on friendship a little ways down the road!


awanderingbard August 25 2014, 02:26:57 UTC
It never occurred to me that Sherlock might have the wrong day! Nice laugh at the end!

I figured Trevelyan is so used to Sherlock being off that he realizes there's no point in correcting him. The length of time Sherlock was off varied through different drafts--at one point it was a whole month--but I thought a few days was the right balance of 'thoughtful, but not quite on the mark'.

I quite like Allison with her hyperthymesia and that Sherlock gives her a chance to feel less of a freak. It's only fair.

Thanks! She popped in out of nowhere, so I'm glad she worked for you.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


shadowfireflame August 25 2014, 05:38:51 UTC
Yay, Trio verse with daemons! Awesome!

“Yes, well I saw the date on the newspaper, and I knew something awful had happened on that date, but it took me all morning to figure out it was the day you were born and my life was ruined,” Sherlock said.

!!! And the fact that Trevelyan feels the need to pinch Efi and ask Sherlock if he’s high, omg. Oh, I love their relationship. :)

Also, I love your description of university life. Completely, scarily accurate.

Sherlock didn't look like a crime genius. Mycroft didn't look like an evil genius. Trevelyan felt that he himself looked like a computer genius, however.

Ha! To be fair, though, in dimly-lit warehouses, Mycroft does somewhat resemble an evil genius. :)

She'd been suffering from these sort of things since they were born and Sherlock and Tzophiya had taken ownership of them, as though they were only there to serve.Poor Efi and Trevelyan!! But in Sherlock’s mind, isn’t that what little brothers (and their daemons) are for? :) I giggled when Trevelyan pulled out a chair at the ( ... )


awanderingbard August 25 2014, 13:17:40 UTC
Yay, Trio verse with daemons! Awesome!

At this point my brain is like 'everything with daemons! Daemons for everyone!'. I'm glad people are patient with me. :-D

Ha! To be fair, though, in dimly-lit warehouses, Mycroft does somewhat resemble an evil genius. :)

Trufax. To be fair, though, Trevelyan hasn't become Q yet and doesn't quite know the depths of Mycroft's badassery.

Lovely story. I really like to see the relationship between all the brothers, and this was a special treat!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Brotherly dynamics are my fave to write, so adding their souls in there was fun.


ext_2635289 August 25 2014, 12:50:44 UTC
Yesssss, new fic!! :D

“That's a steakhouse,” Trevelyan said.
“Yes,” Sherlock said. “So?”
“I'm a vegetarian,” Trevelyan said.
“That's not my problem,” Sherlock said. “Show up if you want to eat. Goodbye.”

Haha, typical Sherlock. I was so sure he was using Trevelyan for a case the minute he mentioned going out to lunch.
The case was very cleverly constructed, and I laughed out loud at the twist at the end.


awanderingbard August 25 2014, 13:18:25 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. :D


joonscribble August 27 2014, 02:44:57 UTC
I loved the twist of it actually not being Trevelyan's birthday!

As always your Sherlock is such a great blend of never quite nice but nice enough. I know his choosing of the restaurant had to do with the case but I liked the idea of Sherlock being nice enough to buy his brother lunch but only at a place that primarily serves things he doesn't eat. So Sherlock. So classic Sherlock.


awanderingbard August 27 2014, 02:56:01 UTC
I know his choosing of the restaurant had to do with the case but I liked the idea of Sherlock being nice enough to buy his brother lunch but only at a place that primarily serves things he doesn't eat.

Sherlock: Well, it's not like I remembered he was a vegetarian. The only thing Tzophiya said is that 'he probably eats food.'

Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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