Avengers AU: Baby Steps

Jul 15, 2014 08:33

Title: Baby Steps
Characters: Tony, Bruce, daemons
Rating: PG
Warnings/Triggers: swearing and coarse language, a touch of angst on Bruce's side
Spoilers: generalized for The Avengers
Pairings: very light reference to Tony/Pepper
Word Count 2,750
Summary: Bruce and Nemi come to play at Stark Tower, and Tony and Mim make sure they feel welcome.
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fandom: mcu, elements: daemons, fandom: the avengers, rating: pg, length: oneshot

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Comments 30

joonscribble July 15 2014, 18:33:27 UTC
Oh god. The cuteness of this had me grinning like a crazy person during my commute today. I adore Demira so much. From her hyperactivity to her Vanna White impression. She's so perfectly Tony's daemon.

“That's what Tony called me before he could say my name,” Demira explained. “De-mim-ra. His mother thought it was cute, so it sort of stuck.”
Nemi nodded.
“You can call me that, too,” Demira added.
Nemi nodded.
“Can I call you Nemesis?” Demira said.
“No,” Nemi said.

Hahaha! They nearly had a moment. But at least later Nemi gave her a high five. Sort of.

I thought I was starting to recover from my daemon-obsession but I've fallen right back in with this story. I hope you have more soon!


awanderingbard July 15 2014, 20:02:58 UTC
I adore Demira so much. From her hyperactivity to her Vanna White impression. She's so perfectly Tony's daemon.

She kind of wrote herself a bit. I was actually expecting her to be the reasonable one of the two of them. Turns out she's actually worse, but less due to a lack of reason and more due to an overabundance of enthusiasm. She knows she should be stopping things, but she's just too excited!

I thought I was starting to recover from my daemon-obsession but I've fallen right back in with this story. I hope you have more soon!

Oops, I'm sorry! I've finally gotten around to writing things now, so my daemon obsession has yet to play out. Soon, hopefully. After I finish the sixteen fics from various fandoms in my head.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for all the inspiration boosts from our late night chats!


joonscribble July 16 2014, 04:06:43 UTC
She knows she should be stopping things, but she's just too excited!

Yup, that's Tony at his core.

Oops, I'm sorry! I've finally gotten around to writing things now, so my daemon obsession has yet to play out. Soon, hopefully. After I finish the sixteen fics from various fandoms in my head.

Well here's hoping there's more daemon fic to come from you!

I think animals are just my Achilles Heel. Especially anthropormorphic ones. Guess I'm diving back into ficcing about daemons. I've been staring at videos of raccoons to try and get their mannerisms down for Dejeni.


awanderingbard July 16 2014, 04:23:00 UTC
Especially anthropormorphic ones.

I"ve discovered you can almost literally sell me anything by having an animal or inanimate object speak. I am a sucker for giving personality to things that normally do not have one.

I've been staring at videos of raccoons to try and get their mannerisms down for Dejeni.

I fully support this.

I've suddenly had Stark Family feels, so I've been looking around for a good face for Maria for my mental headcast. No idea what I plan to do with any of my feels, but it's always good to be prepared. I mean, I probably don't need to write baby!Tony but...I probably will.


aelfgyfu_mead July 15 2014, 18:51:05 UTC
“You're obsessed with breaking things!” she said. “Breaking things is the best part!
I love how the daemons say more openly what the characters are really doing and thinking (often not consciously) in your fics. Tony might actually say that one, though.

Love the guys here too.


awanderingbard July 15 2014, 20:16:44 UTC
I love how the daemons say more openly what the characters are really doing and thinking (often not consciously) in your fics.

One of my favourite parts of daemons is that all those conversations you have with yourself in your head are actually playing out in real life dialogue, which makes for some rather soul-bearing moments. And the fun part is what they sound like and how they communicate (with enthusiasm, with annoyance, with sarcasm, etc), and how that shows the human's personality. I really love playing around with all that.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!


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