Wow!!! This is drop dead gorgeous!!!! I love siren'!! I haven't seen it ever since I came here, which is almost 7 years. So how are you honey? Haven't talked to you in ages in seems! What's new with you except for the fact that you have to work at your garden? I have my last final exams on Tuesday. So hopefully I'll be able to talk to you on Wednesday! I know, I said I might come today and I didn't! I'm sorry. It's just the weather is so hot outside, that I don't want to get out from the pool! it's over 40 degrees Celsius outside already!!!! Anyways, I'm going to go to sleep and dream of siren'!!! (:
Читерабоб - честный человек, восторги передала. Рада встретить собрата по фотоманьячеству. Сирень я тоже в этом году фотографировала, но результатами недовольна - бликует сильно. Моя страничка на Дайрях открыта Всегда рада гостям. Северный Змий
Comments 44
*трепещет вся*
Единственная прелесть огорода в том, что там можно многа фотографировать...
У нас дома две вазы стоят с сиренью - аромат с порога чувствуется!
So how are you honey? Haven't talked to you in ages in seems! What's new with you except for the fact that you have to work at your garden? I have my last final exams on Tuesday. So hopefully I'll be able to talk to you on Wednesday! I know, I said I might come today and I didn't! I'm sorry. It's just the weather is so hot outside, that I don't want to get out from the pool! it's over 40 degrees Celsius outside already!!!! Anyways, I'm going to go to sleep and dream of siren'!!! (:
Всегда рада гостям.
Северный Змий
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