OOC: Profile Meme

Dec 04, 2009 20:13

I can leave this Wheel behind me.'>[Character Name] Argilla
[Canon] Digital Devil Saga
[Point Taken from Canon] End of the first game.

[Age] In her mid twenties, thereabouts
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Completely ignorant on what that even means. But probably has some bisexual leanings.

[Eye Color] Pink
[Hair Color] Also pink!
[Height] 5 feet 5 inches
[Other] One crudely sewn up scar running over her left eye. One freaky fanged tattoo placed square over her left breast.
[Clothing] Have a picture! And her demon form too!

[Background] Once, there was a sharp shooter in the Embryon. Before that, there was a self-aware AI and a beach retreat created by a child named Sera, who could talk to God. And before THAT, there was a nurse that cared for said child.

The pink-haired version of Argilla began as a digital companion, inspired off of the nurse that took care of Sera. (Or more accurately, Sera's impression of real world Nurse Argilla.) Unlike her real world counterpart, Argilla spent most of her time acting as a friend and big sister (of sorts) for Sera, while Nurse Argilla was more busy with being manipulated by head scientist Serph Sheffield into shooting other scientist Heat O'Brian in front of Sera, and then getting devoured when Sheffield got his karmic comeuppance by getting turned into a berserk demon.

After that, Sera was forced to shut down her happy-fun beach land, creating the Junkyard in its place in order to refine AIs for combat. Instead of deleting Argilla, Sera moved her to the Junkyard to become a soldier, even if Argilla lost all of her emotions and most of her memories along the way.

So Argilla the AI soldier became a sniper in her Tribe, the Embryon. She acted as the Tribe's markswoman, extending their reach in the battlefield, and carrying out her duties with a practiced detachment.

This all changed when a strange pod appeared in the middle of a fight, exploded into beams of light, and infected all of the Junkyard with a the half-gift half-curse of Atma. Thanks to that, Argilla gained the ability to change into a very powerful and extremely hungry demon.

That discovery wasn't something Argilla took very well, and she spent a lot of time while destroying a rival Tribe fighting her demonic side and refusing to devour. She came dangerously close to losing control of herself before Sera made an appearance, calming several of the demons. On the plus side, Argilla didn't die and even started to feel emotions again.

Many battles and acts of (reluctant!) cannibalism later, the Embryon conquered the rest of the Junkyard. Along the way, all of the Tribe went from being emotionless fighters to being able to feel to some degree. Argilla was one of those most affected, even becoming a close comrade to Jinana, the leader of a separate Tribe called the Maribel. (Who shortly died afterwards, leaving Argilla with a lot of heartache, but also the resolve to survive and reach Nirvana, leaving the fighting and hunger of the demons behind.)

She was also forced to confront several ugly truths about herself along the way. The biggest being that she was no different from the Maribel's resident backstabber second in command, Bat, who had caused Jinana's death, and was determined to prove that they were both ruthless man-eating monsters. The second was a revelation from a different Tribe leader, Varin, that her entire Tribe had originally lived in Nirvana, (ie, the real world) died, and were now trapped in the Junkyard. Argilla hasn't been able to find satisfactory answers for either of those things yet, and they continue to haunt her.

But finally at the end of the war, Argilla had managed to survive, gained a large amount of empathy, and even a sense of kindness as well. Which didn't make things any easier for her when the Junkyard was deleted right in front of her, and she along with the surviving Embryon were forced to flee through a gate of white light.

[Personality] Passionate is the best term for describing Argilla. Her emotions are extreme, and her ways of expressing herself can be very intense. When tied to a mile wide assertive streak and a habit of being strong-minded, Argilla can put on blinders without realizing it. As a balance, she's managed to keep the perception and keen eye for details that she had as a sharp shooter, and has also managed to gain a slightly wry sense of humor.

Argilla occupies some curious extremes. While she can be calm and collected, Argilla also rarely (if ever) feels things by increments. She's at once able to make good observations on a situation, but also someone who acts on what she feels, sometimes without thinking it all the way through.

Argilla is a very action-oriented person, in that she prefers taking an active role in a situation. She speaks easily and frankly, and isn't very practiced with concealing her emotions or her thoughts. Acting on an feeling she doesn't quite understand is easier for her then doing nothing about it at all. Related to that, one of the most frustrating things for her is being unable to do something about a problem. Helplessness is one of the worst things for Argilla, either being forced to be passive, or actually being bound or held back; neither does much for keeping her calm, and if it escalates enough, she can quickly become reckless if it means she can at least do SOMETHING.

In terms of flaws, the thing that can most easily trigger panic, rage, or despair in Argilla is her Atma. There's plenty about it which she still doesn't understand and fears, and being forced to really examine that she's a man-eating monster can either push Argilla close to an emotional break down, or cause her to violently lash out.

She's also deeply conflicted about killing and eating her enemies, despite knowing fully well how to do both. Devouring is something that disgusts her, but is also vital for her survival, and it leaves Argilla torn between what she's convinced isn't right, and what her instincts tell her to do. The fact that she has to stay strong through devouring in order to protect what's important to her is usually what pushes Argilla to keep her stomach steady, close her eyes, and get on with things.

In terms of being protective, Argilla also has a very strong big sister streak. If she gets the impression that someone is young, inexperienced in fighting, or can't defend themselves well (or any combination of those!) then chances are she'll feel compelled to look after them. The same thing goes for those she considers comrades, or part of her Tribe.

Aside from that protective side, Argilla's other major motivations are to survive, and find a way to return to normal. (Roughly in that order.) She was certain that getting to Nirvana would cure the demon virus she's suffering from, and finding out that neither has happened has left her confused.

Also, Argilla's knowledge of life outside the Junkyard is VERY patchwork, with large gaps in it. Most of her experience with modern day things was either through looking at ruins, or some faint memory of her time with Sera.

She isn't much better off when it comes to figuring out emotions, either. Even after getting the basics of what sorrow, joy, and camaraderie are, she's still new to a lot of feelings, and anything that falls outside of knowing how to load and fire a gun.

[Specialties/Abilities] Thanks to her long stint in the Junkyard, Argilla is a competent soldier. She has basic survival skills, as well as some experience in urban warfare. (Well, ruined cityscape warfare, at least.) As a sharp shooter, she is also skilled with long range rifles, and is shown in one of the game cutscenes to be capable of using automatic weapons as well.

And since she has an Atma mark, Argilla also has the ability to turn into a vicious flesh eating demon named Prithivi. Compared to physical powerhouses like Agni or Varna, she comes up short. On the other hand, she's still a great deal stronger then a baseline human; Prithivi is around seven feet tall, and all of it is muscle, complete with arms that can uncurl into whips, knives that can fold out of her hands, and lots of pointy bits along her arms and legs. And boob mouths.

Where her demon form truly excels, however, is in magic. Prithivi has access to both healing spells and a specialty in earth based elements. She can also tap into lower-tier Almighty spells such as Lost Word, but this is extremely draining on her. It's notable that she seems restricted to casting magic only as Prithivi; if she tried to do so in human form, the effects would either be limited, or just not work.

Finally, there's her berserk form, which Argilla cannot willingly invoke, and really wouldn't want to. As the name suggests, Argilla loses her ability to think rationally, as well as access to spells, but makes up for it in increased physical strength, and an intense drive to kill and devour whatever is close by. It isn't a full transformation, either; instead her arm changes into one of Prithivi's whips, her skin goes dark, and her eyes go all iris and turn yellow while her Atma mark burns bright pink. All in all, it's pretty obvious that there's something Not Right with her. Argilla only has a chance of slipping into this form while solar noise is at a maximum level.

[Affection] Well. Er. She's a Junkyard soldier, and as such doesn't fully understand what affection really IS. Putting a hand on the shoulder and the like is okay (more so if she knows the person, or feels some sense of companionship) but anything more then that will probably be met with confusion, and a bit of caution as well.

Also, keep in mind that in pre-Atma Junkyard, putting your hand on someone meant that you were either going to patch them up, or manhandle them into a better position for killing. (And the first is reserved only for people from your own Tribe!) Either way, physical touch is associated mostly with pain (either physical or emotional) of some sort, and it'll take some work to get that gut reaction out of the way for Argilla.

[Fighting] Again, Argilla is a soldier, and can hold her own in a fight. She's decent at hand to hand, but her strength is with guns; both long range rifles, and to a degree automatics. There's also the fact that she can turn into a flesh eating demon that excels at both magical combat and fighting with fang and claw. (Okay, technically it's fighting with knives folded into the hand, armor spines, and boob mouths. Details!)

Injuring, if a hit can be landed, is okay, and people with wind based magic WILL have an edge over her. Killing, not so much; we'd definitely have to talk that one over.

Argilla isn't one for instigating fights. (Not liking needless killing and all that) BUT, she does have a selectively short fuse, and acts on her emotions very easily.

[Other Permissions] No canon-puncturing, please! (i.e. "HEY UR FRUM A VIDEOGAME!") Other then that, I'd appreciate it if you could avoid revealing any of the DDS2 information (such as that she's a digital companion, what Nurse Argilla did, etc) without plotting it out with me; it's something I want her to uncover, but through her own actions and When The Time Is Right.

Other then that, a bit of mind reading is okay. Mind the cannibal demon lurking in the back of her head, though.

[Other Facts]
Since she has a demon form, Argilla is required to feed it, preferably with freshly killed flesh. Starving her demon half, not changing into it to hunt, or going hungry for long periods of time tends to be A Very Bad Thing. She'll likely be grabbing a city pass to get into the desert ASAP.

Since her knowledge of the world that doesn't deal with warfare is very sparse, and only comes from half-remembered memories, she'll also be confused with anything that falls outside of her experiences in the Junkyard.

And coming from a place where amazing Technicolor hair is the norm, she might also be a bit surprised at seeing such strange and unnatural hair colors like brown, blond, and black.

info, ooc

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