Drabble the fourth

Nov 30, 2006 18:59

These drabbles were intended to spark my muses and they've certainly done that!
The 4th drabble- coming right up!

Flangst, this time, for philstar22.
Prompt: At the Beginning. (I hope this satisfies!!)

The Beginning

She found him where she expected to, down by Dumbledore’s tomb.

He had fallen on his knees on the grass and was staring at the tomb and the flat granite grave-stone next to it, which had been placed there only days ago, which had all the names of the Order members who had died in the War engraved on it. His face was streaked with tears, she saw as she came closer and silently joined him, crouching down beside him.

He didn’t say anything and neither did she, as both studied the familiar names on the stone and remembered, mourned, paid silent tribute to… Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Elphias Doge, Sturgis Podmore, Emmeline Vance, Severus Snape and others… And, the ones that meant the most to both of them, Charlie Weasley, Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore.

His breath hitched in his chest on a small, suppressed sob.

It was over now but they had paid the price, had lost so many friends, had lost so much of their youth, their innocence… There had been so much sacrifice, such as that of Snape, at the end, who had, after all, managed to redeem himself in Harry’s (and even Ron’s eyes) with his volunteering to be the one to distract Voldemort’s attention so they could destroy the last horcrux in safety. So many tears, so much pain and so much loss…

But it was over now.

He sighed again and finally turned to look at her. “Is it time to leave?” he asked simply.

They were going to be taking the Hogwarts Express back to King’s Cross, as they always had at the end of every year, because they had not been cleared to Apparate yet, after the week they had spent in the Hospital Wing recovering from the final battle. It was, Hermione thought, only fitting that now, at the end, they were going back to the beginning, in a sense, on the train where the friendships which had sustained them all these years had begun.

“Not quite yet, but soon. Ron’s waiting for us in the Great Hall.” She paused. “Are you ready to leave?” she asked quietly, and knew he would understand that she meant whether he was prepared to leave Hogwarts, the only home he had ever known, for good, whether he was prepared to leave this huge part of the past behind.

An odd quiver passed over his face and then he managed a small smile, slipping his hand into hers. “I am now,” he said softly and then he drew her close and kissed her, his lips lingering on hers.

She relaxed into him, savoring the familiar feel of his lips on hers, the familiar thrill she still felt every time he kissed her, no matter how many times he’d kissed her before.

The kiss ended slowly and then he stood up, gently tugging her up with him, his fingers still laced with hers.

“Come on, let’s go,” was all he said, softly, simply.

She smiled into his eyes, loving the clear green of his eyes, now that the shadows were banished. “Yes.”

And they turned to go back to the castle, towards the beginning of the rest of their lives-his hand holding hers, together, as they always would be…

flangst, ficlet, drabble requests

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