Apply to a team!

Apr 24, 2013 12:06

Hello and welcome to avland! Sign-ups for Mission Nine are open, the mission will begin on February 2nd and last until May 8th, but feel free to apply at any point during the mission.

To apply for a team, check you've read the faq/rules so you know what to expect from the comm and then fill in the form below by copy and pasting it into a comment. I should be able to let you know within 24 hours of your application which team you have a place on. I always try to give people their first choice but due to numbers it isn’t always possible. I'll try my best, though!

For Mission Nine, avland has two teams: Team Magic and Team Science.

Please be sure to read the rules before applying.

Please don't join a team community before applying - apply here and then we’ll send an invite to the team you get put on. If you have any questions before applying feel free to ask here, at the faq post or via a PM. Thanks!

Team Magic is currently closed to new members.

Preference of teams, in order:
Were you referred by an existing member?

admin, applications

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