Ouendan fic: A lesson in discipline

Nov 21, 2007 23:43

I can't believe I'm posting this. Actually I can't believe I wrote it to begin with...

Title: A lesson in discipline
Author: aviss
Fandom: Ossu Tatakae Ouendan!
Pairing: Kai/Kaoru
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A meeting between the rival town danchous takes an unexpected turn.
Word count: 2.391
Notes: It seems I am the willing slave of kamapon and studiokawaii because in my moments of worst stress I find myself writing Ouendan smut for them, just because they challenged me…

A lesson in discipline

Kai waited in the middle of the bridge that divided Morning Village from Evening Village, his eyes following the slow descent of the sun as night covered both towns almost at the same time. It was almost time.

In the distance he heard the sound of the boat approaching, a sound he thought he would never have to hear again and that he had longed to hear for a long time. Kai took a last look at the sun, almost gone under the line of houses, and then closed his eyes.

The boat stopped under the bridge and a few seconds later he could hear the sound of heavy footfalls approaching. For a minute there was nothing but silence, and then Kai turned to see him leaning against the railing on the other side, his posture relaxed and his eyes studying Kai intently.

"You're late," he said gruffly, leaning back and mimicking his posture. Kaoru nodded slightly in acknowledgement but said nothing.

Kai took a minute to observe him; since the day he had seen the yacht again in the river he had wanted to have that chance, just being able to look at him as he usually did in the past. Kaoru had grown, he had grown to be as big as Kai was and carried himself with a confidence that belied his shyness. Hi hair still was the most outrageous thing Kai had ever seen, though, and he wondered whatever had possessed him to style it into white ringlets.

Kaoru just kept looking at him in silence.

"Ain't you gonna ask me why I called ya here?" he said irritated at Kaoru's calm.

Kaoru blinked slowly, "I can guess the reason for you calling me here, Kai," he said, his deep and cultured voice filling the space between them. Kai narrowed his eyes; he had forgotten how much it annoyed him that habit of him of speaking so slowly.

"And it don’t bother ya?"

Kaoru tilted his head to one side, considering. "No."

Kai straightened up glaring daggers at him, "No, it won’t bother ya, nothing bothers ya," he spat disgusted, "but it bothers me. That pansy sniffing around Ippongi all the time and distracting him, it ain't right!"

That got a reaction out of Kaoru, who stared at him with cold eyes and then shook his head, white ringlets flying around his face, "Leave the boys alone, Kai," he said firmly.

Kai scowled, "No."

"Leave the boys alone, Kai," Kaoru repeated slower, pronouncing every word as if he was talking to a kid. Kai saw red.

"No, damn it, I ain't leaving the boys alone," he grated advancing on Kaoru, "I ain't leaving them alone 'cos they have no business being together. You'nancy boys can do what they want, but my boys have discipline!"

If he thought Kaoru was going to back down, he was mistaken; he stood his ground, his brows furrowing slightly, "Saionji and Ippongi are adults, and they have the right to choose to be together if they want. Don't interfere," he said warningly.

Why was Kaoru so calm? Kai couldn't understand it, it was as if he couldn't care less about what the boys did, about the unspoken rules they were breaking and the mess they were going to leave for their danchous to clear up when everything fell apart. And it would fall apart, Kai was sure of that. It always did.

"I interfere 'cos someone has to," he replied angrily, "What's gonna happen when your boy's tired of Ippongi? He's a good kid; I ain't letting that happen to him!" something flashed in Kaoru's cold eyes but he said nothing, he just kept staring at Kai with that determined expression.

It was pissing him off big time.

"Make sure to keep your boys away from mine," he said turning to leave when he couldn't stand the silence anymore, it was either going away or saying something they would both regret later. "I know your kind; I know what they'll do."

Too late. Kaoru moved fast blocking his way, his eyes burning in the almost darkness.

"What do you mean you know our kind, Kai?" Kaoru said his voice deceptively calm. Kai knew he was angry, he had gotten quite good at reading his moods with the years and now Kaoru was furious. But he wasn't going to back down either.

"Ya know what I mean," he said looking at him defiantly.

"No, I can assure you I don't."

Kai glared at him, "Ya rich guys always get tired of playing with us, it's just a question of time. It happened before, it'll happen again."

He knew he had gone too far before the words left his mouth, and the next thing he knew he was being held against the railing by a fuming Kaoru. It was very difficult to make him snap, but it seemed to be an ability Kai had in spades.

"That's it, Kai, I've had enough of you," Kaoru said through gritted teeth, his face mere inches from Kai's, "I never said anything when you decided, you not me, to end our relationship because 'it would be a bad example for the boys and we have to teach them discipline'. It was your decision and I accepted it because I won't force you to be with me. But enough is enough. You won't interfere in the boy's lives, and you will stop blaming me for your own decisions." His glare would have made a smaller man cower, Kai just glared back.

"Or what?"

"This." Kaoru just leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kai's.

It was the shock that made Kai freeze. In all the time they had been together Kaoru had never done anything like that, it was always Kai who initiated things, and it had been Kai who ended them. Kaoru usually stared expressionless at him and accepted whatever it was thrown his way. That was what had angered Kai to the point of trying to make him react in the worst way imaginable.

Kaoru took a step back before Kai had the chance to move, looking at him calmly. "See Kai, your decision." And he turned to leave.

He didn't move until he saw Kaoru turning with an uncharacteristically sad expression, ready to leave. Kai moved faster than he had even done, grabbing him by the shoulder and making him turn around forcibly.

"You ain't going nowhere," he growled, and then he kissed him.

It was as if all the years had not passed, not for them. Kaoru was as soft and warm as he remembered those lush lips pliant under Kai's. Not in the mood for subtlety, Kai just pried them open with his tongue and explored the inside of Kaoru's mouth, getting reacquainted with it. A pair of big and strong hands grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away gently but firmly; and Kai let go.

"No Kai, not like this," he said seriously.

Kai looked at him uncomprehendingly and leaned forward to resume the kiss. Kaoru stopped him.



Kaoru shook his head, "Because you don’t know what you want. And it would set the wrong example for the boys," he said.

Kai stared at him, "What wrong example? You wanna let them be together but not us?"

Kaoru glared at him, "It was you who broke up with me, not the other way round."

"You never complained, never said nothing--you didn't care," Kai retorted.

Kaoru took another step back, "You're not putting the blame on me, Kai. You left, I didn't follow but it was you who left. I'm not going back so you can leave again. It would tell your boys they can play with mine as they like, and I'm not having that."

Kai stared at him dumbstruck; he had not considered things from Kaoru's point of view. It was true that at the time Kai had been furious at his lack of reaction, and after that day his anger had been growing thinking about how the other man didn't care enough to even protest. He had not considered Kaoru's pride or his character at all.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled irritated, mostly with himself.

Kaoru studied him, tilting his head to the side, "What?"

"I'm sorry," he said out loud. And he kissed him again.

This time Kaoru didn't protest or try to put up a fight, he kissed back eagerly, holding on to Kai as if fearful of letting him go. How hadn't he realized sooner? Kaoru was shy and gentle, and would always respect his decision even if he didn’t agree with it. It was just the way he was.

"I'm sorry," he said again, moving his lips down to kiss his neck while Kaoru moaned and tilted his head back to give him better access.

It had been long, too long since the last time he had heard those low moans, or had held that big body in his arms. "Kaoru, we can't stay here," he said softly, whishing they weren't in such a public place so he could keep on kissing him all night.

They pulled apart, and Kaoru looked at him unfocused for a second. "The boat," he rasped and Kai smiled. They half-walked, half-stumbled the short distance to the yacht, not really caring if anyone happened to pass by and saw them.

As soon as they were inside Kai resumed his attack pulling Kaoru against him and kissing him fiercely, trying to devour him, his hands already working on their clothes. "Bed," he said taking a breath to continue kissing him without waiting for the answer.

Kaoru guided them to his cabin, there was a big teddy bear taking up most of the space on the bed, Kai noticed amused before grabbing it and tossing it aside.

"Be careful with Doumenchi," Kaoru said, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Doumenchi?" Kai laughed.

"Don't you make fun--" he trailed off on a moan when Kai bit his neck lightly, both of them falling on top of the bed.

It was easy from there to just remember Kaoru's sensitive points, how he would moan and cling tightly to him when Kai kissed and licked his neck, the way he would tremble as Kai ran his hands down his chest and sides holding back ticklish giggles, the arch of his back and the way he would clench his fist on the bed sheets when Kai moved down his chest, kissing all the way.

"Kai," he exhaled, his breath coming in short and loud pants, "please,"

Kai ignored his plea, moving with the same excruciating slowness, taking his time to taste and touch every part of the body under his. Kaoru was a responsive as ever, shaking with need by the time Kai was ready to take him.

He would have loved to draw it for longer, torture him slowly while he listened to his moans and soft curses, but Kai was also close to losing it and he knew that if he didn't have him soon he was going to embarrass himself.

"Kaoru, where is--?" he asked lifting himself from his body.

Kaoru stared at him unfocused for an instant, his mind obviously trying to process the words, "Top drawer," he pointed at the nightstand next to the bed and Kai opened it and took what he needed, returning immediately to the waiting Kaoru.

He took his time preparing him, it had been a long time since they were like this, and even if Kaoru was big and strong enough to stand it, Kai still didn't want to hurt him. Carefully he stretched him, opening the passage with slicked fingers while he took him in his mouth. Kaoru tensed and buckled, coming with a shocked shout.

Surprised, Kai chocked and withdrew coughing. "I'm sorry," Kaoru mumbled his voice tinted with embarrassment.

Kai looked at him arching an eyebrow and Kaoru bushed beet red, averting his eyes. So shy, melting inside Kai crawled up his body and kissed him deeply.

"Nothing to be sorry about, we've just started," he whispered in his ear, going down again to resume his task.

By the time Kai couldn't wait anymore, Kaoru was aroused again and writhing on the bed, "Enough," he said, flushed. Kai was more than happy to oblige.

He positioned himself, pushing just inside and giving him the time to adjust. It was so warm and to tight Kai though he was going to come on the spot.


He did, slow and deliberate thrusts inside Kaoru's body, trying to find the perfect angle. He knew he had found it when the hands on his back clenched painfully, scratching and pulling him down for a heated kiss. He picked up the pace, completely lost in the pleasure that was having Kaoru again, tasting him and feeling that welcoming warmth that he had so missed.

"Kai, oh god, Kai!"

It was too much, that voice calling his name, the taste and feel and pressure and everything, it was just too much for Kai to hold on to his control for long. He began thrusting in earnest, just pounding the other body with no control or restrain. Kaoru didn't complain matching him thrust for thrust, holding on to him life a lifeline.

When he came it was with an intensity that scared him for a second, his breath stuck on his throat while his body stiffened. Under him Kaoru went rigid and came as well, his own hand stroking his neglected cock.

Still inside his body, Kai leaned forward and captured Kaoru's lips, kissing him gently, "Will ya forgive me for being a bastard?" he said, meaning every word.

Kaoru looked at him with his usually blank expression, though he could see in his eyes and the flush of his face he was actually very satisfied, "I'll just say this once, Kai," he said softly, "is your last chance, don't waste it."

Kai withdrew and flopped next to him on the bed, "I won't."

Contented, he curled up next to Kaoru's warm body and closed his eyes. He would need to speak to the boys in the morning, and he had no idea of what he was going to tell. But for now he had this, and he intended to do it right this time.

ouendan, fic

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