PW fic: The return of the prodigal (If only he had stayed lost)

Jul 12, 2007 12:26

Title: The return of the prodigal (If only he had stayed lost)
Author: aviss
Character: Miles Edgeworth
Genre: Gen, introspection
Rating: G
Summary: What was Miles thinking about after the first trial he faced Phoenix?
Notes: This occurred to me while playing the beginning of Turnabout Samurai, when Gumshoe tells Phoenix how upset he made Miles. No pairing; or just Phoenix/Miles if you squint and tilt your head to the right and the appropriate angle.

The return of the prodigal (If only he had stayed lost)

When it was finally over, Miles Edgeworth sat in his office with a cup of tea, staring out of the window in silence. Outside the noise and bustle of the city blurred, forming a background for his own confused thoughts.

Phoenix Wright, defence attorney.

He sighed, his hand still shaking slightly when he put the cup to his lips. Scowling, Miles forced his hand to stop moving.

Who would have thought that Wright would come back into his life in such a dramatic fashion? Not Miles, that was for sure. He had been tempted to turn back and forget about the case when he had seen who the defence attorney was.

It had been easy to recognize Wright, even if it had been close to 15 years since the last time he had seen him. There were traces of that earnest and naïve boy still lingering in the man standing next to the defendant. And that ridiculous hair, that had not changed either.

Miles had been immediately assaulted by an unwanted feeling of nostalgia and longing. Longing for his old friendships and the life he had then, that perfect childish life wishing to follow his father's footsteps and believing in people's innocence.

He knew now there were no innocents, only guilty people who had not been caught yet. Only--

Sighing he thought about the case. Prosecuting Maya Fey had been easy, the evidence and the witness pointed out to her, so she must be the murderer. Everything else was irrelevant.

But prosecuting Phoenix Wright? No. there was something essentially wrong with that scenario. Wright was a goody-two-shoes unable to harm a fly in school, and it didn't look like had changed too much.

There was no way he had killed anyone, and Mia Fey least of all.

But his hands were tied. His boss had asked for this case to be closed with a victory, no excuses. There were issues bigger than him and Wright on the stake here, and Miles' boss had made it clear the only acceptable verdict was a guilty one.

As if Miles had ever accepted less.

And then he had seen the name change in the defendant, and all his beliefs had crumbled around him like a house of cards.

Wright was innocent, and he had used every trick on his hands to convict him. What if he had won? Wright would be dead, or as good as. An innocent would have died and it would all be on his head.

He wasn't sure if it was the fact he had almost put an innocent in the death row, or that said innocent was Phoenix Wright what bothered him the most.

And that led to a different question. How many other unjustly accused innocents had he put in the death row?

Miles shook his head to dislodge that thought, taking a sip of his tea and focusing on his reflection on the window.

He couldn't admit he had felt almost relieved when White confessed. Prosecuting him was going to feel good, and this time he had no doubt he was going to get the proper penalty.

It was also a relief the certainty that Wright was not going to be the attorney in that case.

Taking a deep breath, Miles finished his drink and stood up grabbing his coat and turning off the lights of his office.

It didn't matter what relationship they had as kids, Wright was an attorney like any other and he was going to face him with the same calm and techniques that the rest of them.

Wright was no different.

He had time until the next trial to believe it.

phoenix wright, fic

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