Naruto fic: Lust, Love and Everything in Between

Aug 11, 2009 22:28

Title: Lust, Love and Everything in Between
Author: aviss
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, drama, humour, smut
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Kishimoto, not me.
Summary: And old tradition brings them together, it's up to them to stay that way. If they want to.
Word Count: ~3.500 this part
Author Notes: The idea of the Lottery comes from Garth Nix's book Shade's Children. It caused me great impact there (considering the rest of the book and the fact that it's a book for kids).

Lust, Love and Everything in Between

Iruka looked at the paper in his hands and checked the number for the third time, the feeling of unreality still making it impossible to believe. There it was, in black and white letters.

Hatake Kakashi - number 21

Just his luck, apparently, that the one time he participated in the Lottery he had to get the Big One. Exactly the one he didn't want to get.

The Lottery: Sandaime's worst fucking idea during the war.

Well, actually it hadn't been such a bad idea at the time. They were at war and didn't have time to get involved in affairs of the heart, or any other complication which could potentially distract the soldiers. Iruka could see the merit of something like that then. A draw pairing up people, a week to be together and chat or have sex or whatever the hell they wanted to do, no strings attached and no hassle. And completely voluntary.

It took the concept of sex friends one step further, you didn't even need to be friends.

And it gave both parts the chance to pass if the draw wasn't to their satisfaction, not that many people actually took it.

It had been a good thing during the war, how it had survived to this day was the question. And why hadn't Godaime abolished it.

And, of course, what in seven hells had possessed Iruka to put his name in the draw. He must have been feeling lonelier than he thought to have done a thing so against his character.

Cursing his bad luck, Iruka grabbed a pen to draw a cross next to his number, signalling a pass.

Sorry Hatake-san, he thought looking at the name in the paper again, but I don't want to do it. Not like this.

He sighed, quickly making a sign in the appropriate place, followed by a different one on the side.

There, it was done.

Kakashi looked at the paper in his hands and felt his brows trying to crawl up his forehead. He didn't know if he was more surprised to see the name written there or to know he had been the unfortunate sod to get paired up with him.

He was certain, considering their history, he was going to find a pass scrawled in the appropriate box.

Well, what was done was done. He hoped he'd have more luck next time, if he even bothered to participate. Not that he had anything against the Lottery; it had lots of things in its favour for someone like him.

For one, at least the people participating didn't expect romance or an attachment he couldn't and wouldn't feel.

He'd had enough of hurt feelings after the last time he had tried a relationship with someone.

He went to the bulleting board to make sure he had been rejected and stiffened in shock at what he saw. Next to his number was an affirmative mark and by its side the kanji for home.

Well, that was certainly unexpected but he wasn't going to complain. They might not have been in the best of terms, but apparently Umino Iruka had accepted to be his partner for the next week, and even offered his house.

It was going to be an interesting week.

Day 1 - Just This

Iruka stood in the middle of his living room, looking nervously at the clock and then surveying the entire room again. It was as clean as it had been ten minutes ago, when he'd checked the exact same thing for the fifth time.

It was ridiculous, he was nervous about this. More than nervous, he was freaking out.

For the umpteenth time he cursed the impulse which made him mark an acceptance instead of a pass, as he had intended in the first place. He was second guessing himself, again.

But it was done, and there was no way to change it now. Not after seeing Kakashi's affirmative mark next to his when he'd gone to change it a few hours after the draw.

He looked around once more and wondered what the etiquette in these encounters was. He knew most of the shinobi in Konoha had participated in the Lottery at least once; in fact he was the oddity there, not having done so before. He knew it wasn't something people talked about, but that it mainly consisted in sex between two consenting adults, sometimes even a couple of friendly dates. He knew in a few cases stable couples had started as Lottery partners.

He wasn't worried about the act itself: he wasn't a virgin or a prude. He wasn't big on the one-night-stand thing, though he'd had his share of them with partners of both sexes. He'd had a couple of serious relationships which had ended, more or less, on friendly terms ages ago. And a few not serious ones with friends.

No, it wasn't the sex what worried him. What had him freaking out was the person he was going to have it with.

Hatake Kakashi.

He felt the urge to bash his head against the hardest surface available. He had to be insane to consider having this no strings attached thing with him. It was impossible for it to work.

He was going to end up incredibly hurt, and he knew it.

It wasn't that he was in love with Kakashi; he didn't even like the bastard. But that was only because he had done everything in his power not to. For what he new from Naruto and some other friends Kakashi was actually quite likeable, emotional cripple he was and all. And Iruka tended to like impossible cases like him, maybe a little too much for it to be healthy.

So he had spared his sanity and poor heart by keeping their relationship to mere acquaintances.

If people wanted to believe they weren't in good terms because of an old argument Iruka couldn't even remember anymore, that was their problem.

A knock on the door took him out of his thoughts, and panicking he surveyed the room one last time before going to answer it.

Kakashi was standing at his door in his usual slouched posture, a bottle of sake in one gloved hand and the other supporting his weight against the door frame. He looked as comfortable being there as if he was knocking on an old friend's door.

"Yo, Iruka-sensei," he said with a smile, presenting the sake and entering the moment Iruka stepped aside.

"Hatake-san," Iruka greeted him, completely at a loss of what else to say. "I--"

Kakashi looked at him, his expression curious and assessing. It was funny how Iruka was able to read his expressions even with that mask on, considering they had not spent that much time in each other's presence.

"First time?" Kakashi asked after a few seconds of awkward silence. Iruka nodded, willing his face not to flush in embarrassment. "Right. We don't need to go straight to the bedroom, Iruka-sensei, if that's what you're wondering. Actually I'd love to drink this sake before." He drew Iruka's attention back to the bottle, swinging it lightly like a pendulum.

"Good, sake," Iruka mumbled and rushed to the kitchen to get the cups. "Make yourself comfortable Hatake-san; I'll be there in a minute."

Once the kitchen door was closed he did bash his head against the counter. Could he get any more awkward? Kakashi was going to think he was having second thoughts about this, which he was, or that he was completely inexperienced, which he wasn't.

With a deep breath to calm himself, Iruka got the cups and moved to the living room. Kakashi had indeed made himself at home; he was lounging on the couch, his bare feet dangling from one of the armrests, his head on the other one. He had removed his flak vest and the gloves, though his mask remained firmly in place and so did his hitai-ate.

"Here you go Hatake-san," Iruka said putting the cups on the table and serving the sake, which he noted approvingly, was nicely chilled.

"Kakashi," he said, taking his cup and bringing it up to his masked face. Iruka averted his eyes respectfully and busied himself with his own cup. It was none of his business if Kakashi wanted to keep his face hidden.

"What?" he said when the words registered in his mind.

"I said, Kakashi. It's my name."

"I know that," Iruka said with a frown. Everybody knew Kakashi's name, what he didn't know was the reason he was repeating it.

"We're about to get pleasantly sweaty," Kakashi said without a trace of embarrassment and Iruka couldn't help but blush. "I think you should use my first name, Iruka. At least for this week."

Iruka felt his face heating to burning point at the same time his eyebrows tried to disappear behind his hair line. "Just for this week, Kakashi?" he blurted, surprising himself.

Kakashi's eye narrowed. "You know the rules."

"I do," Iruka took a sip of his sake and shivered a little at the pleasant burn of the alcohol. It was good stuff. He downed the rest and refilled their cups. "But I might have a problem calling someone by their surname after I've seen their arse up close and personal." There, he could also be blunt.

That earned him a shocked look and a chuckle. "You have a point there, Iruka," Kakashi said, and the way he said his name made Iruka shiver.

They finished their drinks in a companionable silence, the quality of the sake dispelling the last doubts from Iruka's mind. He was going to do this and he was going to enjoy it.

"Do you want to come to the bedroom?" Iruka said standing up when the last drop of alcohol was gone.

Kakashi nodded and stood up as well, following him to the bedroom. Now they were there he was feeling slightly uncomfortable again. He turned to look at his partner, who was looking around the room and probably cataloguing everything, if what he'd heard about Kakashi was true.

"Iruka," Kakashi said, his eye finally resting on him, "do you mind doing this in the dark?" He signalled at his face, his posture a bit awkward.

He had expected that, so he wasn't bothered in the least. "You can either blindfold me, or close the blinds and turn off the lights, which ever you prefer," Iruka said with a shrug.

He knew offering to be blindfolded was a giving a bit too much trust to the other person, but he didn't care. He did trust Kakashi, regardless of their relationship. Iruka knew he wasn't going to take advantage of him. It was in the rules, after all.

"Lights off then," Kakashi said and his eye was regarding him with something like grudging respect, the meaning of the offer obviously not lost to him. "It's unfair if you are the only one in the darkness."

They took off their clothes in silence, Iruka drinking in the sight of pale skin and corded muscles being exposed with swift efficiency. He went to the bathroom and grabbed a small vial of lubricant and a pack of condoms, feeling strange for doing so but knowing they were going to use them. It just made the whole thing seem weird, he didn't know why.

Kakashi was already in the bed, wearing only his masked vest and Iruka couldn't help the laugh that fell from his lips at the sight.

"Sorry, I just--" he didn't finish was he was going to say, his eyes drawn to the bottom of the vest where Kakashi's crotch was exposed. Kakashi looked like something out of those god-awful books he was so fond of, and Iruka was off in a gale of laughter.

"Turn off the lights so I can take this fucking thing off," Kakashi growled, obviously annoyed at Iruka's amusement.

With another chuckle he did exactly as requested, the room immediately covered in the most absolute blackness. He heard the telltale rustle of clothes rubbing against skin and then hitting the floor, and the thunk of metal when the hitai-ate was discarded in the same fashion.

Blind, he made his way to the bed, putting the objects in his hand on top of the bedside drawer. He laid there staring unseeing at the ceiling, feeling the warm air caressing his skin and wondering if he should make the first move. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, moving lightly from there to his chest and the body next to his shifted and climbed awkwardly on top of his.

"Do you want to kiss, Iruka?" Kakashi's voice said next to his ear, sending small puffs of breath against his skin. "I know people don't--"

As a response, Iruka grabbed the head he now knew where was and pulled it towards his, moving his lips from the exposed jaw line to the lips and kissing the still talking mouth deeply. He was doing this, and he wanted everything, strings or not fucking strings attached. He wasn't about to have sex skipping his favourite part.

Kakashi seemed to agree very much with him, if the way his lips melded to Iruka's and his tongue delved inside his mouth to taste and explore were any indication. The kiss was slow and sensual, both of them learning the feel and taste of the other's mouth, exchanging short moans of appreciation when their tongues entangled, pressing their bodies together and letting their hands roam freely.

Iruka decided to explore Kakashi's back with his fingertips while he devoured his mouth, his hands tracing old faded scars which probably told stories of war and missions, pressing on defined muscles which were way too stiff with tension. He couldn't see his partner to study his reactions, so he decided to play it by ear, paying attention to what scars elicited a deeper groan and the way Kakashi shivered on top of him when he raked his blunt nails down his spine.

Normally, with a one night stand, he wouldn't bother. But this was the first of seven nights; he wanted to make it as good as possible for both of them. He wanted to make Kakashi writhe and beg by the end of the week.

Kakashi's hands weren't idle either, he was touching every bit of skin within his reach, pinching a nipple until Iruka cursed and arched off the bed, gripping his hips and ghosting strange patters on them. He finally broke the kiss, both of them panting heavily and crushing their aroused cocks together.

"Iruka," Kakashi rasped against his neck, his tongue tracing heated patterns on his skin, "you're one hell of a kisser."

He could hear the amused surprise in the tone, and unable to help himself grabbed the spiky hair and crushed their mouths together again, biting Kakashi's lower lip none-too-gently. "You too," he said smugly at the groan he got.

In retaliation, Kakashi moved his head down again, finding the juncture between his shoulder and neck and biting down on it. Iruka cursed and buckled up, points of light exploding behind his closed lids.

"Fuck, Kakashi!"

"Language, Sensei," Kakashi said chuckling, biting again for good measure. It seemed Iruka wasn't the only one taking notes.

Then the hand on his hip moved to his arse, touching it lightly. "Iruka, is this--?" Kakashi didn't finish the question, he didn't need to.

"Yes," Iruka breathed out, spreading his legs and tilting his hips up to give better access. "For tonight."


"On top of the drawer."

The hand left him for an instant, only to return after a few seconds coated in the slippery substance. Kakashi's mouth was on his again, trying to suck out all his breath while one finger pressed against his entrance, breaching him slowly. Iruka shifted uncomfortably, it had been a long time for him, and breathed through his nose to ease the discomfort, sucking on the tongue in his mouth to distract himself.

The burn ebbed away in a few seconds, leaving only the pleasant sensations the kiss were creating and the odd feeling of being stretched. After a while another digit joined the first, causing a minute stab of pain before both of them bumped against his prostate, causing the white light to explode in his mind again.

"Do that again, Kakashi," he said breaking the kiss, moving his mouth to Kakashi's neck and nipping the soft skin there.

"Demanding, are we?"

But he did it again, and again, shocks of pleasure coursing through Iruka's body, his breathing irregular and laborious. He didn't even feel when a third finger was added, but he did when they were removed, feeling the loss of them keenly. He was about to protest when he felt Kakashi positioning himself and pressing slowly in again. The burning sensation was back, but Iruka knew it would fade soon.

Kakashi stopped when he was fully sheathed inside, leaning down and pressing his forehead to Iruka's and panting with the effort to stay still. He hadn't been lying before, they were both covered in a thin film of sweat, and it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

"Move," Iruka urged him, moving his hands down Kakashi's back to rest on his arse and pressing him firmly inside, as deep as he would go. Kakashi groaned and captured his lips in another searing kiss, pulling back a bit and then back in, his thrusts slow and controlled. Iruka tried to make him move faster, pressing his hands against his arse trying to establish a rhythm, Kakashi was having none of it. He was so aroused it was almost painful.

He felt Kakashi shift inside and the next thrust hit home, making Iruka groan and push back roughly.

The pace increased then, each thrust making Iruka feel like he was about to come, the kiss getting sloppier and needier with each passing second. Then there was a hand curling around Iruka's cock and he was gone, coming so hard his entire body shuddered.

Kakashi kept pounding into him, kiss forgotten in the rush to completion, panting inside Iruka's open mouth until he also stiffened and came with a low groan, sliding on top of Iruka's boneless body.

They stayed like that for a while, catching their breaths and sharing their warm.

"That," Kakashi panted, breaking the silence and disentangling himself from Iruka, "was absolutely fantastic."

"I know," he said and both of them laughed breathlessly.

It had been fantastic, more than Iruka ever dared to imagine. And now he was screwed, because it seemed they were not only very compatible in bed, but also that Kakashi was as interesting a person as he suspected already.

And knowing himself, there was no way to avoid getting attached to the prick.

But he couldn't get himself to regret it, not after the best fuck he'd had in a long, long time.

"You know, I though you'd mark a pass when you saw it was going to be me," Kakashi said in the darkness after a while. They were lying side by side on the bed, not touching but close enough they could feel each other's warmth.

"Yes, you and me both," Iruka admitted, not seeing the point to deny it. "I almost did."

"I don't know why you said yes," Kakashi said moving in the darkness. Iruka couldn't see it but he could tell Kakashi was leaning closer to him, the feeling of his lips on his shoulder and moving toward his neck enough to provoke a shiver in his tired body. "But I'm damn glad you did."

Then Kakashi was climbing over Iruka and getting off the bed, the rustle of clothes telling him the night's entertainment was over.

He blinked when the lights were turned on again, his eyes taking a second to get used to the brightness. Kakashi was staring at him, his mask held loosely over his face covering enough to keep it hidden. "Good thing your students can't see you like this, Sensei," Kakashi said with a smirk and Iruka was feeling too pleasantly relaxed to mind. He shrugged. "Do you mind if I use your shower before I leave. We did get sweaty."

"Help yourself."

He stayed in the bed while the sounds of the water running filled the bedroom, his mind going back to the mind blowing sex he just had. He had classes in the morning, and he was glad Kakashi was leaving early so he could prepare them and get some rest, but he wouldn't mind another round.

When Kakashi appeared he was fully dressed again, his wet hair flopping down over his hitai-ate. He crossed the distance to the bed in two swift strides. "You are tempting sprawled like that, Iruka," he said sitting down on the side of the bed. "Close your eyes."

Iruka did and was rewarded with a slow, deep kiss.

"I have to leave for an early mission tomorrow morning, but I'll definitely come back tomorrow," he said, mask back in place when Iruka opened his eyes. "I have the feeling this is going to be a great week."

Day 2 - Unexpected

naruto, lust love and everything in between, fic, kakashi/iruka

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