OP Fic: Chance Meetings

Jul 15, 2009 21:32

Title: Chance Meetings
Author: aviss
Pairing: Zoro/Ace
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP-ish
Warning: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, Oda's. Just so you know.
Word Count: ~3.700
Notes: Set after Firsts, for allalabeth_san who gave me the idea in the first place.

Zoro's eyes move from his face to his hand and his smile turns, if possible, more predatory. Fire Fist Ace? Today must be my lucky day. )

zoro/ace, fic, one piece

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Comments 10

grammartrap July 15 2009, 20:02:56 UTC
"No," Ace replies through clenched teeth, his voice sounding breathless and a bit desperate. "Just wondering if you got lost again."

Had a nice laugh at that particular line. Nice job writing this story, it was a great read!

There were a few grammatical errors that made me cringe ever so slightly, however. Have you considered enlisting the aid of a beta?


grammartrap July 15 2009, 20:04:00 UTC
I forgot to include this in my initial comment, I absolutely loved the pairing. Very spot on characterization.


aviss July 15 2009, 21:18:12 UTC
Thank you! I know I need a beta, I'm just the lazy sort who forgets to find one, but I really should consider it seriously (funnily enough when it's for a fic exchange and the sort I always do)


allalabeth_san July 15 2009, 20:16:33 UTC
Voy comentando según releo lo que ya he visto.

He wouldn't mind dodging kicks if that meant he could taste Sanji's food again. Or Sanji's body, he's not picky. No es normal que esa frase me haya hecho sonreír y dar palmaditas de amor fangirlistico las DOS veces que la he leído.

Is elements like those what gives the rest of them a bad reputation. Esta frase me hace pensar en lo que hemos descubierto de Ace en esta saga y me gusta un montón xDDD ( ... )


aviss July 15 2009, 20:20:11 UTC
Hombre, y tanto que el trio esta en camino... puede que me pierda y de un par de vueltas por otros fandoms mientras tanto, pero que viene, viene XD

Me alegro que te haya gustado, la verdad es que mientras lo escribia estaba pansandomelo pipa, viendo a esos dos del palo "ummm, pelea... sexo... pelea...ummm" y las conversaciones entre los dos me las imagino de lo mas divertidas XD


allalabeth_san July 15 2009, 20:49:11 UTC
Es que son dos personajillos xDDDD Me imagino al pobre Sanji dándose de cabezazos contra la pared cada vez que tiene que escucharlos, o obligándolos a usar sus bocas para algo más productivo que hablar xDDDD

Piérdete todo lo que quieras mientras te haga feliz. A mí ya me has alegrado el día (y puede que hasta la semana xDDD)


amy_dino July 15 2009, 21:14:12 UTC

(btw, wondering if you were still writing "make a wish" ?)


aviss July 15 2009, 21:17:06 UTC
I am, actually... just hit a bit of a snag with it and I'm trying to write myself out of it (and getting horribly sidetracked in the process)


melisandre013 July 24 2009, 18:30:18 UTC
This was wonderful. Like, I think this is actually how Zoro and Ace would act in such a situation. Perfect characterization.

I would love to read one involving Ace, Sanji and Zoro in the future.


kittychan1986 September 1 2009, 17:53:07 UTC
Nygh. Umph. I'd never read this paring before...but I'm convinced Ace is a slut so I went with it. Am I ever glad I DID because WOW. That was...fantastic and sexy and nom.....And the little bits of humor just made me giggle.

I do wonder if you would mind me using your Icon? With credit of course.


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