my first femmeslash

Jan 12, 2005 18:36

And know I'm trying femmeslash.... and about time, I'd said.

My first (or almost) fic this kind.

Title: Second Hand
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimers: the usual, no, not mine.
Pairing: Ginny/Hermione (sort of) and Hermione/Harry.
Warnings: none, I think it's pretty innocent.

Second hand

Ginny looked from her hiding place as Hermione left the Room of Requirement and headed for the library. She knew they were going to be there, Hermione confided her all her secrets, and this particular one had been haunting her in a way it shouldn't. She also knew she had little time, he wasn't going to stay in the room for much longer, and anyway, the potion was about to wear off.

So Ginny gathered all her courage and hurried to the Room, knowing what she was going to find inside, trying to convince herself that this was not betrayal of her friend's trust, that this wasn't bad. She only needed to know.

"Back so soon?" Harry's voice was softer than she had ever heard it, and the way he was looking at her now would have melted Ginny back in first year.

But she wasn't eleven anymore, and the Hero worship had faded with time. Now only a faint jealousy and fondness were present.

"I just wanted one more for the road." She said, marveling at how her own voice made her shudder; only it wasn't her voice at all.

Harry just smiled and beckoned her closer. Ginny took one hesitant step, almost about to turn and flee, and never think again about what she was about to do. The next step was easier, and before she even knew it she was standing only inches apart from him.

It was now or never.

Ginny leaned closer and pressed her lips softly against Harry's. They were soft, and warm, still slightly swollen and wet. They melded together, too well for her comfort. And again she reminded herself she wasn't betraying her friend, she would never know.

The lips parted and she darted her tongue inside the warm cave of his mouth, mapping it with her breath and covering every inch, every little place where Hermione might have been. She wanted to know; she wanted to know if the taste she could feel was Harry's or Hermione's, she wanted to know it there was still a trace of her in his mouth, if she could get her taste just by tasting him. Was that faint almond scent reaching Ginny hers? Was that lovely taste she could only define as moonlight Hermione's? Had she felt that way kissing him?

Ginny left all those thoughts swirl inside her mind while she lost herself in the kiss, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling slightly. And finally she broke the kiss and smiled sweetly at him, the same way she had seen Hermione do when no one else was looking.

"I have to go know, I have a lot of homework to do." She whispered, not trusting her voice.

"I know," Harry smiled "go, I'll see you later." And she was almost tempted to recoil when he pressed his lips to her softly, but she couldn't.

Ginny turned and ran to the door; knowing her time was even shorter now she hurried to Myrtle's bathroom, and arrived just in time to look herself in the mirror while she changed. The bushy hair straightened and reddened, and her features sharpened, her eyes turning back to her natural blue.

She had more questions now than before, but looking at her hand and seeing the black hair still held between her fingers, she knew that she would get her answers soon.

Next time she was going to try the real thing, she had the means now. A second hand kiss wasn't going to be enough for her anymore.

femme, hp

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