Title: Sacrifices
avissCharacters: Jim Gordon, Batman, Barbara Gordon
Rating: PG
Summary: They all made sacrifices for the city and Gordon's was the smallest one
Word Count: 752
Notes: I can't believe TDK has eaten my brain so, but it has. Probably the first on a Bruce/Gordon series, but right now a gen stand alone fic.
They all made sacrifices for the city and Gordon's was the smallest one )
Comments 20
"Commissioner Gordon," a gruff voice at his back startled him, and Gordon turned to face the Batman, shrouded in shadows close to the dead floodlight.
He closed his eyes for a second and sighed. Barbara was right, as always.
He wasn't alone.
Love it. Hope to read more from you soon!
Oh dear, we are so weak when it comes to new fandoms and new ships ;_; You are writing a Batman/Gordon fic, and I am devouring all the Bruce/Clark I can find.
Anyway, good ficlet^^ Is it part of the same "story" that the one you wrote for the poetas last sunday?
Buuuhh... I am at work... And I am so sleepy that I can't feel anything at all.
(mentira, siento nervios e histeria... cosa que queda probada cuando me empiezo a plantear romperme un pierna para no tener que presentar ;_;)
And no, The one for poetas will be a completely different one and in spanish (which is the point)
Me ha encantado...
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