Avis up for backstory-mania!

Jun 07, 2006 15:06

Who wants to BACKSTORY?!!!!

Come on. Avis doesn't bite.
Though she is intimidating and. . .well, heck! BACKSTORY!!

Comment and we'll check it out.

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Comments 68

arisu_ryusaki June 7 2006, 22:25:20 UTC
m'kay, character break down!

The one she would know the best is Ari. She's is my 6th year lion. She's insane. *nods* She's ditzy, talkative, outgoing, and annoying as hell. Avis probably wouldn't like her too much.

She may have met adrienbennet, a 6th year snake, at some point or other. If she hates Slytherins, she'll probably hate him, right? Granted, there are plenty of reasons to hate him. He's cocky, loud, sarcastic, flirty, and a bit of an ass.

Lastly, there's gabe_lucas. He's a 7th year Puff so they probably wouldn't know each other unless they have a mutual friend or something.

Full profiles for all three are up on their userinfos so any ideas for any of 'em?


avis_abernathy June 7 2006, 22:39:59 UTC
Oh man, Avis would probably drool all over Adrien. hates snakes, though, but she'd probably secretly fawn over him.

The bad boy thing, ya know?

She'd probably be attracted to him, but despise his guts.
If Adrien's up for pestering her, it may make for some nice brawls. . . hmmm. .. innnnterrresting!!

And Gabe Lucas is a DOLL. I just have to say, how CUTE is he. but she probably wouldnt know him unless he spoke to her first.


arisu_ryusaki June 7 2006, 22:48:17 UTC
haha. Yes, well, despite being a bastard he's quite pretty ^^

Pfft, he's always up for pestering people. They would definitely have some wonderfully sarcastic fights. It would be very interesting.

heh. <3 Gabe. Well, he's friends with some of the gryffindors: Jackie, a girl in her year, and Avery, a 4th year. If she ends up being friends with either of them, they might have met or he might introduce himself. If they were ever together- like both sitting in the library/on the grounds/something of the sort- he would definitely say something to her.


avis_abernathy June 7 2006, 22:52:03 UTC
Oh totally. (How exciting!) Yeah, he is gorgey!

Oh yeah, they could full-on brawl. Avis would just be fueled by his smart-aleck-ness and then probably feel all confused from attraction.

they could so run into eachother somewhere. avis is a slacker and has a ton of free time!

just lemme know! :)


tyra_jaregski June 7 2006, 22:32:49 UTC
Yay for 5th years!

Ok, I have two 5th year Puffs, and she'll more than likely know both of them:

Tyra Jaregski is pretty much her type. A little weird around boys, calm, very modest, big ego, and smart. Seem like they'd get along pretty well?

Matthieu Drozd is a little like her. He's a guy so obviously he's a tad interested in love but he fails horribly and he's a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions if you get what I mean.

Seems like there can be atleast some backstorying in there!?


avis_abernathy June 7 2006, 22:42:56 UTC
Tyra sounds pretty awesome! She'd probably be a confidante. Avis isnt the type for lots of shallow aquaintances, not big on small talk, so yeah! Totally!! We can totally backstory them.

Matthieu. . .hmm. Sounds like Avis. A LOT.
They could prob get together at some point. Past or in the future. . .
Yeah, Avis doesnt understand boys at all, at least romantically. they all see her as a friend, just "one of the guys."

I dont think Avis and Tyra would have any classes together, but study halls and stuff would be awesome!!


tyra_jaregski June 8 2006, 00:16:42 UTC
Ok, how about they met at the sorting ceremony and talked the whole time together?

Oh my goodness!! That would be so much fun to play out! How about they were always close friends, and now it's turning to something more, and that's where we start playing?

Nope, Gryffs and Puffies don't have any classes! I'll post a study hall thread sometime tonight, mkay? Cause I'm dying to thread this week!


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 00:20:13 UTC
well they wouldnt see eachother at the sorting ceremony, because avis is a gryff.

what if they met on the train and sat together??

i mean, they wouldnt see eachother a whole lot, but in the halls and stuff.

so maybe weekly study hall aquaintances, like make it a ritual or something.

other than that, i dunno if they'd see eachother frequently.

i have an idea for matt. . .

he's into her, but avis always has her eye on those older taller boys.
that could be cute.


p_davenport June 8 2006, 02:45:38 UTC
Okay, so. I have four characters that may or may not have BS with Avis.

First up, Phil here. Fellow 5th year Gryff and Quidditch star. He's a halfblood and a right prat. He's also a flirt and a bit intent on charming the girls. Well until recently as he went and got himself a girlfriend.

Then there is Kilpatrick (agkilpatrick) who is Head of Gryffindor and the CoMC prof. She's very biased towards her Gryff students and is also a Scottish muggleborn.

Next is Emmy (emogen_ackart) who's an outgoing and slightly batty 6th year Claw. Obsessed with musical theatre, fashion and is generally girly. She's friendly and bubbly and pureblood but very favorable towards muggles/muggleborns.

Lastly is my ickle firstie, Niamh (niamh_gannon), a muggleborn Claw.

Avis is probably unlikely to know her, but the other three she's very likely to have had some contact with. Any ideas? And sorry! That is a lot of info. XD


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 03:00:07 UTC
She certainly would know Phil. She loves prats. She's a bit of a trouble herself.

Knowing Avis, she'd probably have some inkling of an attraction to him. She does however resent the whole boyfriend/girlfriend situation as principle, so she would instantly lose respect for him there.
(More of a jealousy thing, perhaps, just not well-hidden.)
She would probably lose her temper at him frequently.

And she also is taking CoMC class, but is very allergic to animals. Frequently, she would have to leave class with an allergy attack. She would regret it immensely, because she loves the teacher, being the Head of Gryff and all.

And lastly, Avis would probably scowl at Emmy in the halls, since she tends to very much dislike girls like that, (especially musical theatre!)

What do you think??


p_davenport June 9 2006, 04:46:46 UTC
Phil's a cheeky, egotistical lion, but he's mostly harmless. At least to his housemates. Snakes, on the other hand... XD ( ... )


avis_abernathy June 9 2006, 05:06:08 UTC
Ah cool, totally. Scratch that whole girlfriend anger deal. I'm getting out of character. (Avis only gets jealous over older guys.)

She could be friends with him. She likes talking and hanging with boys more anyway.
They could meet at the sorting ceremony at the Gryff table. (I'm bad at backstory as well.)

Avis speaks her mind, so when he gets too out of control with his drama, she would speak up but not be mean about it. She's just brutally honest.

Ah, Kilpatrick's Scottish too?! Great!!

I don't know if Avis would know Emmy at all. She tends to steer clear of that sort of thing. But if you can come up with anything, that's better. Avis would mostly just roll her eyes at her and get headaches.

And no prob on the wait, it's better to have it all spread out.


averykellaway June 8 2006, 03:12:47 UTC
Ooooh friend of Jena's! XD Hello and welcome!

I've three characters, but I think only two might know Avis.

averykellaway - 4th year half blood Gryffindor, also Scottish (her paternal grandparents still live in Scotland), close to Jackie (another 5th year Gryff), and great friends with the two Gryff boys, Phil and Erik. She can be quiet, with quite a low self-esteem, but also stubborn and willing to fight for what she believes is right. She's a nice, goody-two-shoes who gets her work done on time. Depending on how you BS with the other 5th years, they might be close, or just acquaintances.

tzeming - 1st year muggle born Claw, noisy, inquisitive and rather annoying at times. Loves to play the guitar and show off his breakdancing moves whenever he feels like it. Dunno how they'd know each other, but Avis might've seen him somewhere around school.

kendraclayworth - 7th year pureblood Hufflepuff, her father's a DE (this is not a widely known fact), but she's an absolute bloodtraitor. Loves to knit and dance in the rain, and is always happy, regardless of the situation. ( ... )


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 03:22:56 UTC
Awesome, Scottish pride! They would probably bond on that alone, but not be the best of friends. Avis doesn't exactly fit in with goody-two-shoes. But the bonds of Scots stay strong!
How about. . .good aquaintances?

Avis would probably just adore a little one who has mad breakdancing skills!! How cute! And kids do tend to follow Avis a lot.

I dunno about Kendra. . .Avis might not care for her very much.


tzeming June 8 2006, 07:43:28 UTC
It's cool that they're not best friends (And I meant to reply earlier but fell asleep 8D). Avery can be a loner sometimes, so her circle of friends are mostly those whom she only speaks to from time to time. How do you wanna have them meet then?

And for Ming, YES! If Avis is the tomboy-ish type, he definitely wouldn't squirm around her, and depending on how cool he thinks of her, would probably look up to her, too.


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 22:56:54 UTC
That's how Avis is too. So they can just chat about. . .well, being Scottish!

How about Avery's first year, Avis leaned over the table and screamed happily when she heard another Scottish accent?
And they talk time to time?

Totally. Avis would so run into Ming and see him breakdancing and freak out. She's very much the urban girl herself.

Sounds cool!


jackie_zhang June 8 2006, 03:23:01 UTC
Roommate! ;)

Well... at least, they are now.

Jackie - 5th year Gryff - muggleborn, outgoing, a bit of a tomboy, but pretty friendly and happy. her timeline is here and her profile is here
. Take a look and let me know how well you'd think they'd get along. :)

I have 2 other characters, but they're younger and in different houses, so I doubt they'd know each other.

They are: Veronica veronica_myers -3rd year claw, and Ana anastacia_f -2nd year snake. If you have any ideas for them, feel free ;)


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 03:26:59 UTC
Aww, I can't look at the profile, I'm not added in.

But roomates are always good. And Avis is a big tomboy, so they could bond in that way. Avis isn't exactly happy, but they might get along well.

We just have to see your profile!


jackie_zhang June 8 2006, 03:28:23 UTC
oops.. sorry about that. you're added now! :D now you can see ;)


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 03:34:03 UTC
Okay, they'll probably get along well. Not fight or be mean or anything.

But not best friends. Avis bonds better with boys than girls.

But sure, sounds good. Just a pleasant roomate relationship? Gossiping, chatting?
(Usually Avis isn't much for small talk, but since they're roomates, she can this time.)


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