[ Video ] Princess in the Tower

Nov 03, 2011 15:37

[ With the blizzard hitting Somarium, well... there's no way Gwendolyn wants to be out in that weather. Besides... she couldn't find the appropriate ingredients to make a Warmer potion, anyway. So, unable to engage in her usual alchemy, the Dreamberry took opportunity of this and clicked on, only to show a frilly pile of gorgeous dark blue and ( Read more... )

blizzard, lol that was a pun, !dreamberry, chillin in cid's hanger

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[ video ] smokesinspace November 3 2011, 21:05:57 UTC
[he was actually on his way to the hangar and just happened to check his Dreamberry when he sees this.

and he recognizes that plane.]

-Hey! The hell you think you're doing!?


[ video ] avis_immortalis November 3 2011, 22:31:31 UTC
[ Oh! Its a voice; and it sounds pretty pissed. Gwendolyn looks to the Dreamberry sharply, wondering how it turned on. The Princess rolls a bit, picking it up in one hand and peering into the screen, her long silver hair pooling to the floor from her laying position. ]

...And who might you be?


[ video ] smokesinspace November 3 2011, 23:44:06 UTC
The owner of that goddamn plane and the goddamn hangar you're sleepin' in!

Who the hell gave you permission ta get up under there!?


[ video ] avis_immortalis November 3 2011, 23:47:01 UTC
No one, but...

...It was cold.


[ video ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 01:33:33 UTC
[and he's just gonna scowl and grumble but fine, fine. ain't like he could throw her out like that. they're on top of the goddamn floating mountain. temperatures were probably worse up there.]

Just don't touch anything. I'll be there in a few minutes.


[ Video --> Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 01:37:07 UTC
[ Gwendolyn nodded to him, before turning the Dreamberry off. It turned back into the Blue Bird, which instantly buried under the blanket with her, peeking out until Cid arrived. ]


[ Action ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 02:40:45 UTC
[and here comes the grumpy pilot, all huddled in his jacket.]

Goddamn world and it's stupid freak weather-HEY! The girl stowin' away in my hangar. Get out here. If you're gonna stay here, might as well do it in a proper room.

[also he is going to blast someone's ear off for this. pity the poor NPC crew.]


[ Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 02:53:35 UTC
[ Gwendolyn glanced to the Blue Bird, which flew out first, hovering around and waiting for the Princess to exit. The silver-haired maiden slid out, a ruffle of fabric, before finally standing in her gown, which he held up with one hand. Her feather ruffled wildly underneath them, the multi-colored feather fluttering across the floor before dissipating into mist. She drew out her blanket and Psypher Spear simultaneously afterwards, using the dull end of the weapon to keep her balance as she adjusted her dress. Gwendolyn peeked towards Cid curiously, the feathers on the sides of her head lifting up attentively. ]

...I apologize. [ She knew when she was putting someone out. ]


[ Action ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 03:13:03 UTC
[...what is this, prom? or so he would think if he knew what prom was. but what kind of person would wear that in this weather? then again it kind of just sprang up on them so.

either way, he's just gonna be crossing his arms and jerking his head to the door next to him.]

Save it. Guess I can't blame you if you're runnin' around in that get-up in this weather. Got a couch in the break room you can crash in for now.

[and with that he's just going through the door, expecting her to follow.]


[ Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 03:25:12 UTC
[ Gwendolyn followed him quietly. The Blue Bird flew past, flying towards Cid and circling him once, twice, before twittering close to his head and taking back off back to the Princess (Yeah, we sure showed him). The Princess looked around, but nodded. ]


I-I know where it is. I ah...

...I've been here for over a week. [ Like a ninja. Or rather, only at night. During the day she's in the forest, scavenging. ]


[ Action ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 03:28:59 UTC
[if that bird hadn't moved away, he would have swatted at it. but he's just going to whirl around and stare at her.]

You've been what-

[how the-who the-he's going to be swearing under his breath.]

Ever heard of askin' or do you always just enter someone else's property and do whatever the hell you want?


[ Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 18:51:20 UTC
If its necessary, yes.


[ Action ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 19:34:33 UTC
[and that earns her a big, fat, frown before he just shakes his head and pulls out a cigarette. damn did he need it.]

Don't you have some place to stay or did you just arrive into Somarium?


[ Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 20:06:12 UTC
I... arrived a month ago... but... [ But she still didn't have a place to stay. Well... the floating mountain was her home now. If it was warmer, she would be all right in the trees, but... ] I just cannot find it in myself to live so close to the ground... [ She needed the elevation. The air was heavy down below. ]


[ Action ] smokesinspace November 4 2011, 20:22:48 UTC
There ain't no houses around here s'far as I know. Only buildings around is this and that Coliseum.

[and staring.]

Don't tell me you've been livin' in the trees this whole time. What are you, some fairy girl?


[ Action ] avis_immortalis November 4 2011, 21:12:27 UTC
[ Her eyes narrowed the faintest. ] I am certainly not of the fairy folk. [ She couldn't stand fairies, evil little... ]

I am Princess Gwendolyn of Ragnanival, youngest of Lord Odin and Commander of the Valkyrie Forces.


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