Or even hitting enter twice so that each line has a space between! How is that hard?
Or like, not capitalizing random words In sentences. CAN WE TRY THAT MAYBE?
(see that In right there? That is an example of what I Am talking about. They mainly did it on the word You but sometimes On random Words, and it Looked weird and Made no sense.)
I am supremely annoyed with what that writer did, I apologize. But I mean, can you imagine trying to read an entire fic of that? I didn't even make it a chapter.
God, this is why I only read Sherlock fics that people rec as good, because OOC is the devil. Unless it is an AU, then a certain level of OOC is acceptable.
Oh God, running sherlockbbc we don't penalise people for not having betas (even though we offer people the option of asking over 8000 members to help them out!) but we'd both like to strangle those people who add, "Unbetaed! Lol!" to their headers. Or worse, "Warnings: my grammer sucks! Don't hate!"
Comments 18
I have issues with grammar...spelling...punctuation....why can't be go back to classic latin where everything was caps no spaces and no punctuation.
Not that difficult a concept.
Or like, not capitalizing random words In sentences. CAN WE TRY THAT MAYBE?
(see that In right there? That is an example of what I Am talking about. They mainly did it on the word You but sometimes On random Words, and it Looked weird and Made no sense.)
I tried to read your comment but my brain just kept going "why is she making a point to me?"
Sob D:
(I love having a reason for this icon.
Bitch, I will cut you.
And ya, adding that last? Guarantees my hate.
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