Fanfiction: Fighting! (Part 6/6: A Place to Belong)

Jun 08, 2010 11:14

Characters: Takki, Pi, Jin, Ryo, Kame, Tsubasa, Matchy and Tsuyoshi
Pairing: TakkiPi, TakiTsuba, Akame, Ryopi, TsuyoTsuba
Genre: AU, angst, comedy, fluff, romance, smut
Rating: PG13
Summary: We all want a place to belong, so does Tsubasa. But after so many detours, will he ever find his paradise?
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine. They're in paradise ( Read more... )

ryopi fanfics, akame fics, tsuyotsuba, stories, takipi fanfics, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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Comments 11

erikaoi June 8 2010, 06:32:05 UTC
so takki is letting Pi go?without asking him first??Pi must be confused...hope there will be an epilogue..
btw I love the love


avery_averette June 8 2010, 09:06:55 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I can see how Pi would be confused. He has been nothing but a perfect boyfriend so far.
Sorry but I'm afraid an epilogue is not likely.
Thank you for enjoying the picspam. I love it too. I think pictures speak for themselves.


kumiko_yamapi June 8 2010, 17:18:37 UTC
RyoPi<3 Finally!! And finally Tsubasa has understood he belongs to Takki! :) Now the three couples can live happily ever after!

"Either Tsubsa gets bitch-slapped to death or he hugs the latter to death. No matter what happens, Tsubasa dies."
"'I think I'm already home.'" Loved this sentences! ^^
And I loved the story you created with the pictures, especially the RyoTakki part! xD
I liked this fanfic a lot! And I'm looking forward to your next one :D


avery_averette June 9 2010, 03:46:22 UTC
Thank you for liking the pics too. I think that they're funny and it'll be a waste not to include them/
As for the next one, I'm afraid this could be my last one. It's sad even to type these words but after a year of fanfic writing, I thought I'll try and do something else. It has been enormous fun! And you have been a very significant part of it. I'm glad that you, being a regular, is here at the end too. I don't know what else to say to you but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! God bless you!!
But, of course, I'll still be around and checking out your entries too. Happy LJing!


kumiko_yamapi June 9 2010, 05:43:34 UTC
You're welcome!! :)
It's sad to know you might not write anymore because I like the way you write a lot. But I'll continue to check out your journal anyway! ^-^


dorayaki_chan June 8 2010, 20:40:00 UTC
Uwaaaaa,thank you deaer :33 wow takki knows about ryo??takki is so sharp then.butWell maybe if you,ve been involve deeply with some one, for such a long time,you,ll just KNEW it when "something"happened to that some one even if he or she did not tell you anything,some how your heart or your feeling become sharper.and look at the pic spam ha ha ha it seems like you are one hella good detective (in finding and digging T&T picspams)it always been nice reading your fic :)


avery_averette June 9 2010, 03:52:22 UTC
Thank you! It's always very nice to have you around too.
So it's with a heavy heart that I'm telling you this could be my last fanfic.
Because my job requires little creativity, it has been immensely fun writing these stories. And with your constant support, it's been very rewarding too.
I haven't thought about what to do with the time that I have. But, of course, I'll still be around. Maybe one day I'll get to read your entries too. Happy LJing!
I don't know what else to say to you but THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! God bless you!!


kawaii_asa June 14 2010, 07:04:22 UTC
Happy ending is indeed the best for both of them. ^ v ^
But I wonder what happen to Tsuyoshi and what he does when he finds out Tsubasa is not coming back. Maybe Takki ranger will come and fight Tsuyoshi for his precious. ^ ^


avery_averette June 14 2010, 10:24:05 UTC
Thank you for finising it!
As for Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa, good question...
How about you answer it in your next fic?


kawaii_asa June 16 2010, 00:34:22 UTC
I miss writing.......
These days work really eat up lots of space in my head. *sigh*
I have lots of ideas in my head, but everytime I want to start a new fic, it always stuck and my head suddenly blank. *LOL*

Sad, but ganbarimasu!! ^ ^


avery_averette June 16 2010, 01:40:15 UTC
Thanks for sharing. I think that's what writer's block it. Now I kinda know what it feels like.
I've been thankfully spared but I intend to start working on get a new job so that means less LJing.
Ganbatte for your work too! And pray for me too if you can find the time.
I hope to read your fics again when you're less busy. It's a waste not to see ideas already in your mind.


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