T&T Fanfiction: The Dancing Tree (one-shot)

Jun 22, 2011 09:37

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Genre:  AU, angst, fluff, friendship and romance?
Rating: PG
Summary: Takki wants to forget. But occasionally he would remember the tree from his distant past, and the friend waiting under it.
Note: A picture says a thousand words. In this case, the pic below inspired this fic.

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stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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Comments 14

fancyann1974 June 23 2011, 00:55:44 UTC
so sweet and touching
thank you so much for sharing


avery_averette June 24 2011, 00:14:45 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I was hoping that readers get the idea that Tsubasa is a tree spirit. Do you think it was a difficult guess? I'm afraid I'm not making myself clear these days.


fancyann1974 June 26 2011, 14:23:40 UTC
I think they should be able to understand that, not difficult at all :)


avery_averette June 28 2011, 04:38:21 UTC
Thank you! You've been very reassuring!!


hikary22 June 27 2011, 05:15:50 UTC
Oh my my my I heart this story! :D

'One more thing,' Tsubasa said, before he gently planted his lips onto Tackey's. 'Feel better?' he asked, with a sad smile. <--- This line literally made me go Awwwwwwww~~~ *melt*

Seriously dear, I really adore your way of writing. It managed to capture a lot of meanings beneath very little words... Wonder how'd you do that??

This makes me miss T&T after a long time! <3 Keep writing more! :D


avery_averette June 28 2011, 04:53:30 UTC
Thank you for pointing out what worked for you! But huh? You sure you've got the right writer? I'm a joke at best. But thank you for being so kind. I'm afraid I don't have any trick, tip or formula. It is what it is.
So for future development, the current story ideas that have been running through my mind have all been rather lewd and since my writing skills can't match up, they've all been eliminated.


hikary22 June 29 2011, 08:05:17 UTC
Ya'a~~~ I'm sure I got the right writer! <3 I meant what I said. Well, if I don't feel that way I would rather not say it in the first place~ ^^

Awwww really? No formula?? huhu~ TT___TT Then it must be ur natural talent... okay I envy such people! >.


snow_meow June 28 2011, 18:16:50 UTC
Took me a while to get it that Tsubasa was the tree spirit.

I like the fic


avery_averette June 30 2011, 05:29:05 UTC
Thank you for liking it!
Since the last fic, I became kiasu and kiasi and added a spoiler (just in case). If you can think of anything I could watch in my writing to help get my point across, do let me know.
Thanks again for reading and commenting!


granity20 July 2 2011, 13:30:20 UTC
averette, i really love this fic!!!!
is there a sequel to this????
takki didn't plan on really forgetting tsubasa didn't he???
wow,. i really do like this so much!!!!


gabriel_oneil July 8 2011, 19:51:00 UTC
Such a gentle romantic story ^___^ Also it's written very well :) I like it very much ^__^ And I want to read more ^__^


avery_averette July 11 2011, 12:45:29 UTC
Thank you very much for the encouragement. It's nice to know that a simple story can reach out to others too.
There are more at http://avery-averette.livejournal.com/66315.html. But my stories are mainly silly fangirling. So you've been warned.


gabriel_oneil July 11 2011, 13:58:52 UTC
Don't worry strongly about that your stories "mainly silly fangirling" - sometimes it is very desirable to read something romantic. And it is always interesting to read it, if the person writes sincerely and not bad :)
If to be honest I don't know those people about whom you write fanfiction. So for me it is simply a story. :)


avery_averette July 11 2011, 14:25:42 UTC
Ah, you must be a very gentle person. Your words have a very comforting tone about them.
Thank you. I'm glad non-fangirls can appreciate the stories too.


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