Takki picspam: The Hands You Once Held 双手的温柔

Apr 20, 2011 22:17

So exciting! My very first Chinese picspam. Unfortunately/fortunately, the words aren't mine. They are lyrics from the very beautiful song 双手的温柔 by 江美琪. The tune is borrowed from the Japanese song, Kawa No Nagare No You Ni (川の流れのように) , which is the theme song for a movie by the same name. Coincidentally, Takki was a young photographer (it was only a bit part though) in that movie choke full of old folks. I didn't know him then. But I liked the quiet and moving film about forgiveness.

If you understand Chinese, great. If you dont, you can try the Google-translated text here.

 先别说 先别说 离开我的理由 反正都将是相同的结果

 拥抱着 拥抱着 没开口泪先流 因为我学习着放手



 啊 眼泪 安安静静的流过
 相爱的时候 你说过的话还清晰在耳朵

 啊 时光 安安静静的走过


Source: Potato and Duet, July 2010 / Scans from: http://takki.us/visuals/

Next up, another Takki picspam: First Degree Love.

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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