Fanfiction: Aishiteru Ze (Behind-the-scenes)

Nov 22, 2010 11:44

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Pairing: TakiTsuba
Genre:  Fluff and romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Sweet nothings you didn't hear the two boys declare on stage.
Note: For the kinky sweet nothings they actually declared on stage, see:

In 6 mini portions:
It's Nothing / Salty Balls and Silly Man
You and Me and Who? / The Princess and the Mouse
Of Stars and Moon
Love Over Beer
Be With You
Exclusively Yours

It's Nothing / Salty Balls and Silly Man

'It's nothing.'

Takki's tired of hearing those words from Tsubasa.

He said those words when asked about the kisses he shared onstage with their kouhais, They Budou during his Dance and Rock shows.

He said those words when asked about the kisses he shared onstage with their kouhai, Rikiya during their recent comeback concerts.

He said those words when asked about his other infidelities.

'It's nothing? Then why is it so hard to swallow?' Takki questions himself.

'It's already dead. You don't need to drown it.'

Snapping out of his reverie, Takki looks at his chicken skewer swimming in soy sauce. Shaken but unstirred, he coolly dips it a little longer in the dark condiment.

'I like them salty.'

'Oh yeah? I like them silly.'

'Silly chicken?' Takki asks, raising a brow.

'No, man.'

'Silly man?' Takki asks again, getting more confused.

Smilingly, Tsubasa leans into Takki's ear and explains, 'It's nothing because it's not you.'


You and Me and Who? / The Princess and the Mouse

'No, not like that.'

'No, not like that either.'

Tsubasa narrows his eyes into slits of fury.

'It's not nice to hold her by her nose or ear,' Takki explains, while adjusting Tsubasa's hand positions around the delicate creature. 'You should hold her like this and be sure to support her head too.'

'Got it,' Tsubasa grunts then flings the previous occupant of the passenger seat to the back of the car.

'Minnieeeeeeeee!' Takki whimpers as the large soft toy hits the rear window and lands with a thump.

Ignoring Takki's heartbreak, Tsubasa thinks aloud, 'Hmm, I wonder if Minnie-chan put on the seatbelt all by herself.'

Grudgingly and almost tearfully, Takki secures the seatbelt around Tsubasa.

'Make no mistake about it. It's either me or Minnie. There can only be one princess in your life.'

Note: Takki recently revealed that when he first bought a car, he bought a large Minnie Mouse to accompany it. He placed her on the passenger seat and even buckled it up.


Of Stars and Moon

'Wow! The stars are out in force tonight!'

Romantic Tsubasa smiles brightly at the twinkling entities.

'Some people say that stars are the souls of the living. I wonder which one I am.'

Looking around, he finally selects the brightest one and points Takki to it.

'You think I'm that shiniest one over there?'


'No?' Tsubasa asks, with accusatory Bambi eyes.

'I suppose you think you're that one then,’ the unhappy man grumbles under his breath.

'No. You're not a star.'

'Not a star?!' Tsubasa verifies not-so-calmly now, injured pride boiling over. He's almost ready to turn around, put some clothes on and strut indignantly out of Takki's house.

'You're the moon. The moon that outshines all the stars. The moon that rules the night.'


Love Over Beer

‘Don’t go! Don’t leave me all alone,’ Tsubasa whines as he bear-hugs Takki from behind.

‘I’m only going to the kitchen to get you a beer,’ Takki assures gently. ‘You like them after your bath, don’t you? The way you kept looking at mine just now…’

‘Forget beer, I want you,’ Tsubasa coos. ‘I’m suddenly so afraid that I’ll lose you if I let you go.’

Tsubasa can be such a baby at times, and though Takki sighs and struggles a little, he’s secretly fond of vulnerable and needy Tsubiebaby.

‘Thank you for putting me before beer,’ the blushing man whispers and stands quietly to let Tsubasa hug him till he changes colour.

The moments that follow feel like time has stopped to witness their affection, and so has Takki’s breathing.

When he’s finally released from the death grip, the still-blue-in-the-face man flops around a bit, and finally collapses onto the futon on the floor.

Oblivious to the torment inflicted, a very satisfied Tsubasa saunters about the room looking for something else to occupy himself with.

‘You would put me before beer too, won’t you?’ he idly asks.

‘Of course!’ The answer was immediate but croaked.

Afraid that Tsubasa may not have heard him, Takki looks up bashfully, less blue more red.

Apparently Tsubasa has heard him loud and clear, and is presently happily emptying the remainder of Takki’s unfinished beer.


Be With You

'Everyone should have a human heater,' Takki nods to himself, very pleased with the one he's snuggled up to.

Dreamily, he gazes at the back that makes him feel so warm and safe and writes something on it with his forefinger.

'Arigatou?' Tsubasa asks, as he turns to face Takki.

'I thought you're asleep. You were so quiet.'

'Not sleeping but listening to your breathing.'

Takki quickly steadies his breathing. It has a tendency to go erratic whenever Tsubasa says something mushy.

'What are you thankful for?'

'For so many things. But mostly... you.'


'You've been such a large part of my life. And it's so much richer because of you.'

'Yeah, I'm sure fans are ordering extra copies of Cover A of our latest single. It's scandalous?' Tsubasa smiles to himself and continues, 'Maybe we should kiss for our next covers. Or even do it An An style.'

Takki's overly animated response would have easily thrown him off the bed. Thankfully, they're huddled in a single futon on the floor.

'No, no, I mean my life's a lot fuller with you in it,' Takki hurriedly steers the conversation back to more innocent territory.

'Oh that? Yeah, I sure did feed you well on our yakitori date just now, ne.'

Exasperated at not getting his point across, Takki sits up and pointedly says, 'What I mean is... will you continue to be a large part of my life?'

Tsubasa sits up too, wraps his arms around the waist with the envious 6-packs and whispers, 'Until I become that Tsubaskeleton in your butais. And even then, I'll be with you.'


Exclusively Yours

'Ta da!' Takki enthuses as he pulls the blindfold off Tsubasa's face. 'Your early Christmas present.'

'A bed?' Tsubasa asks, a little surprised.

'Last night when you slept over, you would rather sleep on the futon than my bed.'

Tsubasa nods slightly. He's still a little upset. The bed that was bought for his sake had been slept in by so many other people that it's no longer their bed.

'So I got you a new one in the guest room,' Takki announces brightly as he lovingly pats the thousand-dollar, orthopedic, pocketed-spring luxury mattress, with black silk sheets. 'I promise that this is for your use only. No one else will sleep in it.'

Expecting a smile, Takki is alarmed by the pout fast turning into a frown.

'I'm sorry. I mean it's for you and I only,' he nervously and shyly corrects. 'It's a double bed after all.'


 It's way early, but I want to be the first to wish you 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!'

And if you've missed the earlier picspam: The Most Precious Thing, check it out for the million-watt smiles and cherry sweet love! Or next picspam: Moving Forward.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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