Fanfiction: When a cat loves a dog (one-shot)

Jun 06, 2009 22:03

Pairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Genre: Angst, romance, fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: My very first fanfic. I got tired of waiting for more TxT fanfics so I decided to write one instead. More TxT love, please.
Summary: The story behind why Takki has tear mounds and Tsubasa hates cats.

Humans are complicated - they don't always say what they mean or mean what they say. Not so for cats - they're simple, straightforward. That's why you don't see a cat secretly in love with another cat. It just gives chase after its love.

But this cat, Takki, is not just any cat. Fiercely competitive and domineering, it is your typical alpha male. Takki has decided that not just any cat will do for him. That would be too ordinary, unbefitting and beneath him. He wanted something different, something really special. Something that would make him feel alive, and awake him from this dream-like state of his so-called life, one eventless day blending into another.

It was a typical day. Takki was lazing in the sun in the open. Although he was painfully aware that it made him a vulnerable 'prey' to his hordes of female 'predators', at least he could see them coming, and not be surprised with a pounce from the back or some cat pawing him from behind the bushes.

Despite his annoyance with them, Takki couldn't help but admit that the adoration and admiration of his fans never hurt his ego. So, after half a day of lying in the open, he was surprised that he had yet to receive any solicitation.


Out of curiosity, he surveyed his surroundings. And lo and behold, there was the culprit - a dog. A greyhound, with long sleek limbs that stretches forever, large Bambi eyes, dark shiny coat - the epitome of everything handsome.

For a moment, Takki was spellbound. His heart stopped and time stood still.

'What's this feeling?'

'Why's it so hard to breath?'

'Why did my heart stop then makes up for it by pounding like crazy?'

Despite the internal turmoil, Takki sat rooted to the spot, still worshipping the poetry in motion from afar. The dark graceful figure was pouncing around butterflies, only to be occasionally interrupted by the chasing of his tail. What would look ridiculously silly to any other cat, only looked like an elegant Flamenco dancer in action to Takki.

Completely mesmerised, it was not until one of the butterflies landed on his long snowy whiskers did Takki snap back into reality. Since the greyhound only looked on from afar, Takki decided to approach it.

Sashaying with as much grace as he could muster, and not forgetting to swish his long straight tail invitingly every now and then, Takki painfully made his way to the love of his life.

'Hi, you're beautiful,' Takki purred in his most seductive voice, accompanied with a cheesy wink.

He learnt it from his many female suitors and though it only turned him off, he simply couldn't think of anything else. His mind at this point had turned into chopped liver. It also didn't help that he had never made the first move in his little lonely life.

'And you're drooling,' Tsubasa coldly replied, unimpressed.

Being the stoic and reserved dog that he was, Tsubasa then left promptly.

Stunned by the lack of interest, Takki looked on as his the-meaning-of-his-life skipped away. His tiny heart sank, followed by his tail, then shortly his whiskers. Never had he felt this down before. So hurt was he that he could feel his vision blurred by tears unconsciously welling up in this eyes. Just as he was about to give way to the sharp pain...

'NOoooo! I don't cry!' Takki meowed out aloud.

His heart may be bruised and bloodied but his spirit remains unbowed. Swiftly, Takki gave chase.

Catching up the beautiful greyhound, Takki stopped in front of it, and looked unflinchingly at it with piercing and determined eyes.

'I'm Takki.'

'What's your name?' Takki asked, softening a little, desperately trying to sound more sincere this time.

Tsubasa wasn't used to this kind of attention from anyone - not his owners, not any other dog, much less a cat! His owners got bored of him before long. And although the butler took good care of him, there was no love, only duty.

Tsubasa wondered if he'd ever find anyone to want him.... to love him. Lonely but painfully shy, Tsubasa longed for friends and company. Nevertheless, lonesome as he was, he had his pride.

'No cat's gonna be my friend, no matter how handsome it is.'

'Wait! Did it I just say "handsome"?!' Tsubasa questioned himself.

And handsome Takki was - thick luscious orange coat, an angelic face, with a strong and confident presence.

Uneasily, Tsubasa eyed the cat half his height and size. Before he knew it, he was unintentionally lowering his head to sniff the other.

Takki also took his time, not wanting to scare the other off again. With longing eyes this time, he slowly lifted his little pinkish nose to receive the other.

Like any spell, it had to end. Before they could touch, Tsubasa snapped out of his trance and retreated hesitantly, eyeing the other with caution.

'Cats.... devilish creatures they are, nearly got me spellbound there. What was I thinking?!' Tsubasa reproached himself sternly.

With a look of indignation, Tsubasa scooted off.

Twice rejected by love, Takki was devastated. But before he could sink further into depression....

'Aruuuuu!' came a blood curling howl.

Next, the sound of guilty tyres screeching away. So acutely painful was the cry that it sent Takki into a daze. Still it managed to turn the corner to investigate.

Awakening from the trance, Takki could see a lifeless body on the ground a couple of feet away. Blood was soaking its silver coat and its breathing formed difficult and faint whimpers.

'I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry....' Shakily, Takki tried to voice. 'I never meant to hurt you. All I ever wanted… was to be your friend. To love you... I'm so sorry, so... sorry, so...'

Struggling, Tsubasa faced Takki. Looking at the devastated little face drenched in tears, Tsubasa's still beating heart felt a tinge of pain even more pronounced than his physical one.

'You're leaking again,' Tsubasa whispered, forcing a smile.

'I'm Tsubasa.'

With its final breath, Tsubasa gave his last smile to his first friend - Takki.

Present day, TxT.....

Takki, head on Tsubasa's shoulder, left hand lightly clasped in Tsubasa's right, was blissfully dozing off, when he was rudely awakened with a scorn.

'Argh, why would anyone waste a documentary on cats?' Tsubasa declared as he channelled surfed hastily onto another station.

'Why not, they're cute,' Takki sleepily reasoned.

'The way you defend them, me think you were a cat in your previous life,' Tsubasa retorted, not amused.

'And you a dog,' Takki smilingly said, before leaning in to give Tsubasa a sloppy kiss on the corner of his lips.

After a couple more minutes of aimless channel surfing, Tsubasa switched off the TV and turned towards the sleeping figure, now lying on the bed with an arm gently hooked onto his waist. Looking down at Takki, long eyelashes curtaining his eyes, Tsubasa gently caressed his cheeks. And with a light peck on Takki's tear mounds, Tsubasa joined him in slumber, sleeping so close that their noses almost touched.

We may carry with us past memories and scars, but so do we the love.

My very first fanfic, so comments are so very appreciated. Also, I got so tired of waiting for more TxT fanfics that I decided to write one instead. More TxT love, please. TxT fanfic writers, let's get cracking!

Also, comments please. *Rewarding with

1. Takki actually said 'I don't cry'. when he was in Disney with Arashi. Watch to reminisce.

2. Tsubasa mentioned in an interview that Toma found out firsthand that Takki likes to fall asleep head on shoulder and hand in hand. Sweet!

Next up, Pasta + Chaahan (Chinese-style fried rice) = Venus Ramen?

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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