Picspam: Waiting for My Wings (one-shot)

Mar 17, 2010 15:56

 Takki: I shouldn't have said that we don't call each other on Tonneruzu no Minasan. No wonder he's not picking up. Wonder if he's still coming over?

 T: My princess sure is sensitive, ne?

 T: I'll wait outside. Maybe I'll see him coming.

 T: Too cold... I'll just wait by the window.

 T: Darn, don't tell me I've cleaned up the house for nothing.

 T: Finally! Ok, look pissed. Maybe he'll feel so sorry that he allows s** before dinner.
  • Pics are gratefully taken from scans in
  • Next up soon, another TxT picfanfic, Say Yes. Enjoy!
  • In the meantime, If you like it, here're earlier Takkiryo picfanficlets (Of an Angel and a Demon, and Demon and Angel Heat Things Up), while you wait.

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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