Fanfiction: Puppy Love (Chapter 1/5: Like at First Sight)

Jul 04, 2009 23:24

Pairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Genre: Fluff, romance, comedy
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own TxT, until someone stops me, that is.
Summary: Love comes in unexpected packaging.

Takki, 27 - a big fat loser.

Despite his jaw-dropping, devastating good looks, he had never been successful in matters of the heart. And we are talking about the hotties, even with the unfortunate-looking ones.

Tonight, he was again tending to a bruised heart and broken ego, after yet another failed blind date. This time with a single-browed drag queen lookalike. He didn’t even had time to freak out about the moustache she was nursing before she disappeared into the ladies and never returned. At first he thought she might be preoccupied with ridding herself of the moustache. But after 15 minutes, he thought maybe this time it was the nose hair that concerned her. But after 30 minutes of waiting for her to ‘powder her nose’, he thought maybe she’d taken the next flight to Korea to get her swollen nose fixed.


‘What’s wrong with me?’ Takki lamented, clearly bewildered at how someone as breathtaking as him could once again be rejected.

‘Let’s not go there. Too scary,’ Pi, his business partner sagely advised.

‘You should maybe try the guys. Who knows you might just be a hit.’ Pi once again tried to keep a straight face.

‘Eeww! I’d rather be a 40-year-old virgin!’ Takki shuttered, not sure which was scarier.

‘Virgin or not. You lost the bet and you know what to do.’

Takki sighed at the gigantic dog suit that was almost monopolizing the whole of the counter. Pi had triumphantly placed it there right after Takki set off on his blind date not even waiting for the latter to return defeated. He was that confident of winning the bet. Girls just seemed to instinctively despise Takki.

Takki eyed the dog suit suspiciously. Even it seemed to be mocking him.

‘I’m doing you a favour. Think about it. The only way you’re ever going to get close to any female specie is in this dog suit.’

Takki gave Pi the evil eye. But he hated to admit that his younger friend could be right.

‘Damn it. Just my curse for looking so downright gorgeous. Maybe the girls feel threatened. Yes, you can't quite blame them really. it’s almost a crime for a guy to be this beautiful.’ Takki reasoned trying to comfort himself.


And so as agreed in the bet, Takki donned on the dog suit and transformed into Puppy Love Ranger.

On close examination, the chubby beagle’s plate-sized eyes were rather endearing and its floppy ears danced as he bounced around. And the crowning glory - a shiny little crown sitting on its head, was an absolute winner.

‘Quite charming, really,’ Takki finally concluded. Once again, he failed to find any fault with his appearance.


His business, Puppy Love, a pet-friendly cake café being the new-kid-on-the-block, needed all the publicity it could get. So Puppy Love Ranger set off bright and early to spread Puppy Love’s motto - to love and to serve, far and wide.

Where Takki had failed, Puppy Love scored. Big time. It was a babe magnet. Hordes of young girls literally threw themselves at it. Some whispered naughty-nothings, some groped it in inappropriate places. It happened often enough that even the inanimate walking furball seemed to have developed a permanent blush on its furry cheeks.

But Takki’s not complaining. Half the time he was giggling like a dizzy fangirl inside the costume, enjoying the attention a little too much.


With cult status that Puppy Love Ranger had built, Takki had to relinquish some of his more worldly duties. And Pi had no choice but to hire more help, in the unearthly form of Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya.

If the cake café, Puppy Love, didn’t feel hot enough with Pi around, it was certainly sweat inducing and heart palpitating now with the two new yummy walking eye-candies.

Inspite of that, Takki thought it was such a pity. While Jin and Kame, as they are affectionately called, and Pi were all very appetizing; ironically, the fairest of them all was stuck in a dog suit.

Still, he had no major complaint. The café was doing brisk business, packing to the brim at all times. In no time, Puppy Love, this young punk had established itself as the hottest property in the neighbourhood.


Although the clientele was mostly adoring females, there was a regular male customer. Tall dark and handsome, he would stand out amongst the swooning females.

Tsubasa, 27 - star teacher of a flamenco dance studio nearby.

Despite alluring eyes that are all innocent yet smolderingly sexy and hips that spin faster than an automatic washing machine, he was left alone.

Thanks to the moustache that he was sporting, the girls stayed away, preferring the less hairy variety. And Tsubasa was more than happy with the lack of attention. He preferred peace and quiet.

Sitting at a lonely corner in the café, he liked to leisurely savour his coffee as he casually flip through his Spanish course book. Stopping occasionally to appreciate the view outside, this part-time Spanish student would intermittently utter, ‘Esto es bueno’ or ‘Es tan adorable.’

As he enjoyed the view, he would always inevidently lay his eyes on Puppy Love Ranger. It had become a habit of his to observe the mascot’s silly but very entertaining antics. Whether it was moon-walking up and down the pavement, doing a Michael Jackson impersonation (in a dog suit) or recklessly wrestling with an intimidating male passer-by, it never failed to amuse Tsubasa. It even prompted him to play with the idea of getting a pet dog.

‘If I had a pet, it'd definitely be a beagle just like Puppy Love Ranger,’ Tsubasa thought smilingly.


Unlike how he started liking Puppy Love, fate had other plans. And Tsubasa had a change of heart.

Note: This fic was inspired by this clip (from his earlier days), (real live dog-suited Takki in action!): Must see!! It’s so funny, you’ll love it!!! It's subbed in Chinese, but even if you don't understand it, you can still watch the action.

When you have finished roflol or kudoing to the power that is Takki (even in disguise he could still command such hordes of audience), please comment too.

Also, looks like it'll be slightly longer than the three chapters I had earlier intended. But you'll stay with me, ne. Rabu, rabu.

Chapter 2/5: From Like to Hate?

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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