TakiTsuba Fic: Pet Master (Part 3/3)

Apr 22, 2012 00:26

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Genre:  AU, angst and fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Takki knows that pets can be demanding, but he isn't prepared for disastrous.

Part 1/3  
Part 2/3

 Pics: Google search and Hidezo Club

Pet Master (Part 3/3)

Waking up with the mother of all hangovers was not a first for Takki, he'd had his share of fun in college. But waking next to a naked man most certainly was.

Tsubasa, who had lazily surfaced from under the covers, was leaning in for a morning peck on the cheek when he suddenly stopped.

‘Oops, forgot my new friend,’ he said, smiling cheekily and dived under the covers.

‘Good morning, mini-Master-sama!’

It was only then that Takki realized he was naked too, and it was a little sore and sticky.

Unlike himself, who had no doubt turned the same colour as his sheets, Tsubasa was looking all victorious, he practically glowed. Excusing himself, he promenaded off to the shower.

With his room all quiet again. Takki stopped and tried to think. Gradually, he could feel time slow and hear birds chirp. And then as if struck by an epiphany, he realized that this was all just a bad dream. All he needed to do was to go back to sleep and wake up again.

‘Oh, by the way, I like my eggs sunny-side up,’ Tsubasa shouted from inside the bathroom.

For a moment, Takki knew what it felt like to wake up one morning and suddenly everything made sense, and then it all faded away.

If Takki was ever worried about how to clean up this mess, he'd fretted in vain, for Tsubasa already had the perfect plan. And it certainly didn’t include a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.

‘Look here. It says the more you spend, the more you save,’ Tsubasa explained, stressing on the word ‘save’.

Takki, deprived of his wake-up shower and mandatory morning wank, was in no shape to consider the many attractive long-term offers on rent-a-petto.com. But he liked the word ‘save.’ And hearing Tsubasa rattle on about ‘limited-time promotion’, ‘special deal’ and ‘best-value-for-money’, the cheapskate in him sold out.

Only after clearing his head in the shower did the gravity of his situation finally sink in. What he'd initially hoped to be a breezy Saturday afternoon date had turned into a one-month, all-expense-paid, live-in affair. No amount of wanking was going to save this sinking ship.

In the couple of days that followed, Takki tried to maintain some semblance of normalcy; if only the people around him would stop giving him that knowing smile and raised brows. Apparently, his whole apartment block knew, and was very welcoming of their very first official gay ‘couple’. Knowing that Tsubasa was very much an undomesticated goddess, neighours started to drop by with their homemade soups and cakes. One kind obasan even gave them her husband’s favourite brand of lubricant. And the gift-giving didn’t stop there. At the supermarket, a pimply teenage cashier hurriedly stuffed a lacy white apron into their bags and winked at Tsubasa.

Despite the shower of blessings all round, Takki was far from feeling like a million-dollar, more like a 100-yen coin that had rolled into a gutter.

‘What are you doing?!’ Takki said, raising his voice one morning.

‘I’m… I’m sorry?’ Tsubasa mumbled, standing in what used to be a kitchen. There were egg shells and egg mixture all over on the stove and floor, and flour dusted much of the surface.

‘I thought I’d make you some pancakes for breakfast. I thought it’d cheer you up,’ Tsubasa answered meekly. He believes strongly in customer satisfaction.

‘Well, you thought wrong!’ Takki shouted, as he snatched the egg beater from Tsubasa and threw it into the sink.

Nobody expected an outburst from long-suffering Takki, least of all Takki himself.

After calming down, he found Tsubasa in their bedroom, on what used to be his bed, hugging Mickey and Minnie. He had insisted on buying them in case he felt lonely all alone at home. Besides, ‘All pets have toys,’ he argued.

Standing by the bed, Takki did his best impression of a sorry-assed pup.

‘I’m sorry. Work’s been hell lately,’ he lied.

‘Really?’ Tsubasa asked, still suspicious. ‘So it’s not me?’

He would’ve lied again, but those eyes looked so hopeful, he could only swallow his pride and kiss Tsubasa lightly on the cheek.

For once, Takki felt the power that was his kiss. After its magical application, Tsubasa was back on his feet, waving him goodbye like a blushing bride. It was either that or the magic of Disney. As a makeup, he promised dinner in Tokyo Disneyland that night.

‘Say “Bye bye, Papa”,’ Tsubasa prompted Mickey and Minnie, as he waved their furry gloved hands.

At 5pm sharp that evening, when Takki was about to rush off for the dinner date, his female colleagues couldn’t help but remark that he was leaving earlier these days.

‘I’ve recently got a… pet,’ he explained.

‘Awww… you must really love it,’ the Office Ladies gushed collectively.

‘I only hope to survive it,’ he added bitterly, before dashing off.

Reflecting on what he had said, Takki realized that he might’ve been a tad harsh. In all honesty, there was something about Tsubasa’s companionship that at times made him feel a little less alone in this world.

The dinner that followed was understandably awkward. Takki couldn’t decide which looked more out-of-place: two men in a sea of families and dating couples, or two 30 year-olds wearing Mickey and Minnie hair-bands.

Strolling around the theme park afterwards was thankfully a more relaxing ordeal. Most gawkers, keen on securing ideal fireworks-viewing locations, had congregated together, leaving the two to loiter around at ease. Nonetheless, Takki still felt a little squeamish about holding hands in public.

‘Oh look! A shooting star!’ Tsubasa pointed out.

Takki smiled to himself. The last time he spoke to a girl about shooting stars, all she could think about was shoes and cars.

‘You know, you’d be perfect if you were a girl,’ Takki couldn’t help revealing.

‘Nope. I’m perfect! Girl or not,’ Tsubasa replied, matter-of-factly.

Takki chuckled at the self-confidence, something he suspected he lacked himself, and proceeded to tickle Tsubasa’s chin, saying, ‘That’s my pooch!’

The fireworks were spectacular. But strangely something else left a deeper impression - the way Tsubasa’s face lit up. Unlike his ex-shoes-and-cars, who’d be too busy steadying their cameras with their pretty manicured hands, Tsubasa held onto his. And every time, the fireworks climbed higher or got bigger, he’d lean in closer or squeeze him tighter.

‘Takki? Takki, is that you?’ A familiar voice enquired from behind, as the crowd began to disperse.

‘Yukiko?’ Takki replied without prompting.

‘Yes! And I’m getting married!!’ She eagerly announced, flashing her six-caret diamond.

‘Oh yes, and here’s my fiancée,’ she said, showing him off as if he was made of gold, like the Oscars.

Not wanting to look anymore silly in front of an old flame and her new squeeze, who no doubt was made of money, Takki excused himself promptly.

The homeward-bound journey was spent in silence. There were too many mixed emotions and insults to swallow. Her parting words, ‘Oops, I hope it’s not because of me,’ still echoed in his ears. He’d rather dig his own grave than to appear in front of any of them in nothing but a $10-haircut, a straight-to-outlet suit, and in the arms of another man. And in spite of it all, what stung the most, was perhaps that he really did love them, and still do.

Tsubasa let Takki shower first that night, while he busied himself in the kitchen.

At long last, Takki stepped out of the shower, eyes red and lips bruised. In the kitchen, he sat down with a pack of beer and slowly nursed them.

After a few cans, he broke the uncomfortable silence.

‘I’m so happy for her,’ he said, trying to sound cheerful. ‘She has finally found someone rich enough.’

Perhaps, not knowing what to do, Tsubasa continued to meddle with something on the stove.

‘I knew right away I wasn’t good enough for her,’ Takki continued, downing another can. I’m really just a loser. I’m 30 and I’ve got nothing to show for it: no car, no apartment of my own, no goals, no guts, no-‘

‘You've this,’ Tsubasa cut him short and placed a plate in front of him.

‘Rutan?’ Takki asked, momentarily distracted.

‘Yup, and runny in the centre just the way you like,’ Tsubasa informed.

He then wrapped Takki into his arms and said, ‘You may be a loser. But to me you’re pretty darn special.’

That night, Takki broke one of his rules - never to cry in front of others. He sobbed like a baby as Tsubasa quietly cradled him. And when he couldn’t stop, Tsubasa comforted him the best way he knew how.

It was one of those balmy mornings that Takki made a few new realization of himself: he is a crybaby; he is a bottom; and he was conned.

‘Tsubasa, what do you mean that last night was our first?!’ Takki yelled, unlike a man who had spent a large portion of last night weeping.

‘Well… I thought you won’t cast me aside if we had slept together. So I gave you a couple of handjobs. But you’ve got to admit, you didn’t ask and I didn’t lie.’

Tsubasa, satisfied that the explanation would suffice, leaned in for a morning peck on the lips.

‘Say, darling, since we finally did it for real last night, I can’t wait to meet the parents. This Saturday, right? I’m thinking of matching couple outfit, whatcha think?’


Next up, another TT fic, Sleeping Beast.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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