Fanfiction: Lunchtime Workout (One-shot)

Aug 22, 2009 21:54

Author: Avery Averette

Pairings: Takki x Tsubasa
Genre: Fluff with sex
Summary: Personal assistant, boyfriend, sex slave and lunchtime fitness instructor
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Wish I owned the boys…

Note: This can treated as a single entity or serve as the sequel to my previous fic, ‘ When Contempt and Disdain Collide’.

Life was good. He had everything everyone envied - dazzling good looks, more money than he knew how to spend, prestigious education and a family name that opened many doors.

Being an Imai and heir to the Capel Hotels International, Tsubasa could afford the finest things in life and money was never an object. But all these privileges paled in comparison to what he considered his real blessing - having someone to share it with.

His recent hire, a very capable Personal Assistant (PA), had been a constant pride and joy. He had only just earlier helped to close a multi-million dollar deal over impassioned discussion of pro-wrestling matches. And the trusty PA could also be credited for always instinctively knowing when he needed a massage to ease away the tension in his shoulders.

However, it was also this very same PA who was now vexing the living daylights out of him. So pleased was he with the younger man’s service that he wanted to reward him. But for the love of God, Tsubasa couldn’t figure out how he could justify giving this relatively new hire a third pay raise after merely six months into his employment. He prayed for other options. But he had already given him everything else he could: company credit cards from all major banks, a red hot Ferrari as a company car, an exclusive country club membership, and even the keys to his very posh address.

Sometimes Tsubasa wondered if he was spoiling this new recruit too much. After all he was the one who was always home in their love nest by 7pm, cooking and cleaning for the both of them. But he had to admit, when the love of his life joined him for dinner, decked out in the latest addition from a very kinky closet, it was all more than worth it. Recalling a recent night’s frilly French maid costume, complete with a wavy blond wig, Tsubasa’s feathers were once again very ruffled.

Distracting him from his very delicious reverie was a knock on the door. Fortunately for Tsubasa, the intruder was none other than the object of his fantasy.

‘Lock the door behind you please.’ Tsubasa requested, almost too politely.

Despite the evenness of his tone, Takki knew only too well what that entailed. In anticipation, he could feel his heart beat quicken, his stomach stir and a most certain tightness down south.

‘You didn’t have to come straight to work after you landed,’ Takki said, worried.

‘But you’re here. And I missed you,’ Tsubasa replied smilingly.

‘Aren’t you the least bit tired?’

‘Not when you’re around.’

Sitting on Tsubasa’s lap, Takki ran his fingers along the arch of his bosses’ carefully manicured brow then let them gradually travel down to his slightly parted lips. Arriving at those luscious lips, Takki lovingly planted feather light pecks along its sexy contours.

‘Just kiss me already,’ Tsubasa instructed as he looked intently at Takki.

Smilingly, Takki took those objects of desire fully, in a passionate and hungry kiss.

It was only when Tsubasa reluctantly parted for air did he notice the package on his desk.

‘What’s that?’

‘It’s a bento I made. I figured you’d be missing Japanese food since you were away so long.’

‘I was only away for the weekend.’ Tsubasa chided as he surveyed its content. Everything was heart-shaped and pink.

‘Well, it felt like forever,’ Takki defended, pouting.

‘To make everything into a heart shape and dye them into varying degrees of pink, it must have taken a lot of time,’ Tsubasa remarked, not once cringing at the mushy girliness of his lunch.

‘No biggie. I only woke up at 3am to make it,’ Takki cheerfully informed.

‘3am?! I’m not a slave driver, you know? And I most certainly didn’t hire you to be my slave!’ Tsubasa was flabbergasted.

‘Yah? Then why is it that I sometimes feel like one?’ Blushing a little, Takki protested as he fed his fretting lover a piece of pink, heart-shaped sushi.

‘A slave?’ Tsubasa inquired, genuinely concerned.

‘A sex slave,’ Takki clarified softly.

‘A sex slave?’

‘How else do you define doing it all night long, only to sleep for a few hours then doing it all over again in the morning?’

‘Sometimes, I even go to sleep and wake up with you in me,’ Takki mumbled, embarrassed at having way too much sex.

‘I’m sorry, baby. I got carried away. Couldn’t help it. Please… you could always just say “no”.’

Tsubasa was gravely apologetic and hurriedly hugged his sleep-deprived boyfriend.


‘No?’ Tsubasa nervously verified, carefully masking his alarm.

‘No! I mean, no…. I’m happy to be your sex slave,’ Takki muttered shyly.

‘Really?’ Tsubasa was enormously relieved.

By now, a coy nod was all that Takki could muster.

‘Then prove it,’ Tsubasa smirked, determined to punish Takki for making him worry just now.

Without further ado, the now sleep-sufficient but sex-deprived Takki removed himself from Tsubasa’s lap. And promptly proceeded to remove all articles of clothing from his body. A fully clothed Tsubasa was, however, in no hurry to join in. For now, he was completely satisfied with simply savouring the priceless view.

Sitting on the edge of Tsubasa’s mahogany desk, a naked Takki spread his legs wide as invitation. Stroking Takki’s bare inner thighs, he gently commanded, in a low, husky and very sexy voice, ‘Lie back. I want my slave to be comfortable.’

Obedience has its rewards. And Takki was immediately rewarded with a skilful combo of hand, mouth and tongue masterfully pleasuring his throbbing member.

In between loud moans and low grunts, Takki realized that the bento that he had painstakingly prepared was now rapidly turning cold next to him. But as he raised his head to see Tsubasa mouthing him completely, Takki was happy. He would much rather Tsubasa eat him than his bento.

While the world outside might be lost and confused, without a purpose, Takki had already decided on his lifelong mission.

‘Tsubasa, I am your sex slave forever.’

At the end of the three-hour 'lunch', Tsubasa, too, had made a decision. He had finally figured out how to legitimately give Takki that third pay raise in six months.

‘Be my lunchtime fitness instructor.’

Disengaging from their naked embrace, Takki sat up on the couch.

‘Eh? But I hardly look the part.’ Takki objected.

‘Your very pronounced six pacs do,’ Tsubasa assured as he went on to kiss every one of them.

‘Besides, you’ve never fail to make me hard, very hard. Isn’t that what good fitness instructors’ all about?’

Eyeing Tsubasa’s enticingly engorged ‘chin chin ii’, Takki mentally prepared himself for the added responsibility.

‘Personal assistant, boyfriend, sex slave and lunchtime fitness instructor, I’d better be getting a raise,’ Takki thought as he lubricated the erect fellow, preparing it for yet another round of adrenaline pumping session.

Comments make me
. Thank you for reading and love you for commenting. Rewards with babelicious girl Takki 
. Next up is 'I Want You'. But it'll only be out in about a month's time. Hope to hear from you again. In the meantime, please watch Takki's latest drama, Orthros no Inu. Enjoy!

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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