Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Tsubasa gives words to feelings.
Note: For ten for tenth ficathon
Pic credit: Naughtiest
Small, Still Voice
Tsubasa turns on his side to check on his partner. He can’t remember the last time he did that. As expected, the younger man next to him is pretending to sleep. The not-so-great pretender has never been a great actor and Tsubasa’s glad that some things don’t change.
While acting prowess remained stagnant, much has changed around them. They’re no longer sleeping in Takizawa’s rented apartment. His more-capable-half has since grown up and moved on to assume adult responsibilities, like financing a mortgage and taking care of his family. And they’re no longer 20, they’ve moved up an age bracket.
So much has changed, yet it still feels the same. Pressing against that warm, inviting body still makes him tingle; and stealing a chaste kiss from those soft, waiting lips still makes him blush. For a moment, Tsubasa feels 20 again. But he quickly reminds himself that he isn’t. He’s older now and maybe a little wiser, and braver too. And so, in a small, still voice, he gives words to the unspoken feelings, ‘I love you.’
A/N: Since it's Christmas now, it'd be nice if this was a Christmas confession. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012!
Next up, T&T comic strip:
All Seasons.