T&T Fanfiction: Broken Wings (Part 5/5: Lonely Skies)

May 27, 2011 10:42

Characters (full series): Tackey, Tsubasa, Nagase and Kitagawa
Genre (full series):  AU, angst, fluff, friendship and light smut 
Rating: PG13
Summary: When two broken souls are joined together by lies and deceit, can there be salvation within? Note: For Imai Julia.

Part 1/5: The Kite in the Puppet Show
Part 2/5: The Hands the Touched Me
Part 3/5: Buried Memories
Part 4/5: When the Wind Changes

Part 5/5: Lonely Skies

'What are we having for lunch?' Little Tsubasa asks excitedly as he walks home hand in hand with his father.

'Pasta. You like that don't you?' His father smilingly replies.

'Yep. And one day I'll cook my version of it for you.'

'Not too soon, I hope. I want you to stay my little boy for a little longer.'

Tsubasa doesn't understand why but he holds his father's hand a little more snugly.


Tsubasa wakes up and feels his hand in another. It's not his father's.

Looking around the room aglow in the evening sun, he could've thought he had died and gone up to a flower shop. There're flowers everywhere, some he can name and many that he can't. There's even a huge get-well balloon in a corner, next to a giant feel-better card.

'You think someone's trying to finish the job?' Tsubasa jokingly asks the man who is also just waking up by his bed.

'If the bullet doesn't get him, the pollen will?'

Takki doesn't laugh.

'It's not you they're after. It's me.'

Tsubasa nods knowingly.

'Did the chauffeur say anything?'

'No. I emptied your revolver.'

For a moment, there is silence.

'How did you know about the gun?'

'I know a lot more than that. I do background checks.'

Tsubasa is startled. He hasn’t expected Takki to be so cautious.

'Why take that bullet for me if you’re gonna kill me anyway?! You want to do the job yourself?!'

Tsubasa looks away, down at the tag around his wrist. If only it was on his toe and he was lying cold under a white sheet. If only he was with his father, he wouldn't have to face this music.

When he joined the gang, he didn’t' know how long it would take to be in a position to get close enough to Takki. It happened sooner than expected and he had more opportunities than he could ask for. So how did it come to this?

‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

‘If I’m gonna die young anyway, I might as well die to atone for my father’s sins.’

Tsubasa feels his chest ache, and it's not from the bullet wound.

Before the silence becomes more unbearable, Takki announces, 'You're fired. The severance pay is already in your account.'

It suddenly becomes hard to breathe. He doesn’t want to be alone again.

'I'm not leaving.' Tsubasa answers, his voice quivering.

'Did the bullet get your head too?' Takki asks, incredulous. Forcing back his tears, he continues, 'Did you forget that my father killed your father?'

When Takizawa-gumi was invited by a real estate developer to 'persuade' a church to make way for a swanky new shopping mall, Takizawa-san took the task upon himself. The pastor of the church was an old classmate of his. Despite that, his numerous negotiations failed. Nonetheless, Takizawa-san never gave up.

'Maybe you don't know this. But my father didn't just kill yours. He broke him too.'


'This is ANA Flight 283 to Tokyo, Japan. We would like to welcome all first-class passenger on board please.'

Takki stares blankly ahead at the plane outside the long full-length windows. He feels heavy. He didn't buy any souvenirs or gifts back. But he feels like he's carrying excess baggage, probably the same emotional kind that his father carried around with him.

When Takki inherited his father's position, he became in possession of many things, including a key that opens to a drawer full of letters. The letters were rubber-banded according to the year it was written. There were about ten bundles of them. All the letters were all neatly folded into envelopes with no name or address on them. Some letters are pages long and some are just one-liners. But they all bore the same sad content, of pining for a love that was forever lost.

'I wanna kill that drunk driver. It’s not fair. He’s alive and you are...‘

‘I’m still checking my phone for messages from you.'

'It's funny, you know. It's so sad to remember, yet I don't want to forget.'

'I wish you left more voice messages behind.'

'You think it’d get easier. It doesn't.'

'I just realised that I never told you that I love you. I love you.'

'I tried making that pasta you used to make. I failed. But it was fun.'

'The boys are graduating high school soon. Tsubasa's homeroom teacher says he wants to be language teacher. Don't worry, I'll find a way to sponsor him. My son, Takki is graduating soon too. But he hasn't seemed to make up his mind about what he wants to do. He worries me sometimes. I've enclosed Tsubasa's picture and Takki's too. Won't it be nice if they became friends?'

Takki smiles a little at the last recollection. They did become friends after all. But it wasn't all nice.


'Stop, don't!'

Takki ignores Tsubasa's pleas and continues lip lubing the erect penis.

'Maybe my dad wasn't sucking on my mom's pussy because he's too busy with your dad's cock. You think?

He plays with the head a little then takes the thick shaft into his mouth, working the entire length of it diligently.

‘Maybe a man of God tastes better; or maybe doing it in church is more exciting?'

Restrained by the earlier gun wound to his chest, Tsubasa could only grimace and squirm helplessly. But when Takki’s fingers finally find the spot inside him, his reactions made any resistance futile. It didn’t take long for him to climax in Takki’s mouth.

'Lift your hips,' Takki commands as he hooks the immobile man's legs in his arms. Watching Tsubasa bite his lips in involuntary anticipation and his legs dangling in mid-air, it’s so intoxicating, Takki almost feels dizzy.

‘We’re doing it for real now,’ he smiles deviously.

Late that night, Takki finally steps out of the room. Tsubasa is left naked and spent on the bed. The leaving figure doesn’t bother to clean up his blood and bodily fluid from the wet and wasted face and body. The nurse can do it. The humiliation has to be complete.


'This is the final boarding call for ANA Flight 283 to Tokyo, Japan. We would like to invite all remaining passengers to please board the plane now.'

The holding lobby is now empty, except for the anxious ground crew watching him at a distance. If only they knew that what awaited him was a treacherous future.

Takki doesn't know who tried to kill him. Nagase-san? Kitagawa-san? He only knows that he didn't die. Perhaps he should get busy living instead.

But life can be such a lonesome journey. Would he have to make it alone?

Takki doesn't have answers, only questions. And so, he sits and waits, just a little longer. End
Spoiler: Takki lied to Tsubasa to push him away from danger. Tsubasa's dad died not because Takki's dad ordered it. It was a car accident. Their fathers were actually secret lovers.

Hate it or love it, please comment and/or rate it here.  Thank you! Rewards with deeply pondering Tsubasa 
. Pic source: http://tsuyotsuba.blog14.fc2.com/blog-entry-698.html

Next up, T&T fanfic, The Dancing Tree.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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