Japanese word of the day:

Jun 17, 2008 17:12


definitions include the following: narrow, narrow-minded, petty, intolerant

Okay, after yet another episode this afternoon, I've started looking up a few other choice words:

不愉快な/ふゆかいな - unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, nasty, abominable, obnoxious, ugly, "a pain"
(人を)がっかりさせる - discouraging
消極的な/しょうきょくてきな - negative, passive
引っ込み思案な性格/ひっこみしあんなせいかく - a negative personality
素っ気無い/そっけない - curt, blunt, short, rude
無鉄砲な/むてっぽうな - reckless, rash, foolhardy
無責任な/むせきにんな - irresponsible
近視眼的な/きんしがんてきな - shortsighted, myopic
素人臭い/しろうとくさい - amateurish
幼稚な/ようちな - childish, infantile, naive, puerile
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