Aug 16, 2012 14:16



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round #11, rounds

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Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 4 2012, 11:52:22 UTC
Clint is kidnapped, and despite their best efforts neither the Avengers nor SHEILD have been able to find him. Weeks go by before they get word on his location, and by the time they get there the bad guys had heard they were coming and run, leaving Clint behind. Clint, while a bit banged around, seems to be mostly fine physically - but has clearly been experimented on and doesnt remeber much of his time in captivity beyond injections and pain ( ... )


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping khylara September 4 2012, 22:46:04 UTC
I lovelovelove wing!fic - seconded! And kudos for an swesome prompt!


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 5 2012, 02:22:33 UTC
Yes please, will always second Winged!Clint


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 5 2012, 07:33:58 UTC
Well... You can thank douchebag Word for losing you a fill.
Fucking POS *kicks Word*


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 6 2012, 07:38:58 UTC
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo :( Thank you for the effort though, and i LOVE your other fics!
If you feel at all inclined to try again i would love to read it :)


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 6 2012, 09:58:45 UTC
Good news is, I'm trying to recover the angst used to start the original (lost) idea. Bad news is I totally had a "SMASH!" moment and the rest of the story idea went out the window with the lost data...
Good news, I'm actually WRITTING this one down this time, bad, it's gonna take awhile -.-


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 7 2012, 01:13:06 UTC
The fact that you are rewriting it at all is amzing, ill be enthusiastically camed here until your return


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 8 2012, 17:55:24 UTC
*Flails* I am now stuck on the "Wings?! WTF?!!!" part of this story -.- *sigh*
(random update is random but trying to show the story is being written)


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 9 2012, 13:09:34 UTC
OP: I really appreciate the random updates, and the fact that you are writing!


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 9 2012, 13:18:15 UTC
Yeah, I'm not usually this bad, but now (thanks to Word) it's like a "FUCK YOU TECHNOLOGY!" cause or something XD
Oh, since OP is watching a little more thoroughly than some. Do you mind 'flightless'Winged!Clint? I'm trying to give it an angst, "They don't even fucking WORK!" feel for the reason Clint's trying to convince the others it would be better to just remove them.


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 10 2012, 13:47:25 UTC
Nope i don't mind at all if that is where the fic is taking you :) (though, and i hope my prompt wasn't too confusing on this point, i really dont want Clint to actually get rid of the wings if thats ok)


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 10 2012, 14:29:56 UTC
No worries ;) I'm just trying to give him a logical argument as to WHY he wants them gone (other than the cumbersome stuff)


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 8 2012, 08:21:46 UTC
This non-OP anon would also like to cheer you on.

I also have those smash moments where I write entire fills in half a night, and then the next day it's just ".....o___o" and nothing.


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 6 2012, 09:50:57 UTC
and now i have the imagine of Clint, disgruntled and shirtless, stomping around the tower while everyone else is besides themselves with excitment. oh so very thirded.


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping isiskitsune September 13 2012, 19:22:54 UTC
Okay, it's complete! Finally! I just have to type the fucking thing *sigh*. Hopefully I'll have it up before tomorrow. But I'm an early AM worker so it may take 'til noon for me to get it posted.
Oh, and I hope no one has any issues but *sweatdrop* I couldn't get the story to NOT scream 'Clint/Tony, Clint/Natasha, Clint/Bruce' but it's all non-sexual, just hinting. Damn thing couldn't make up its mind T.T


Re: Clint & Team, Wing!fic, experimentation, torture, kidnapping anonymous September 14 2012, 13:07:55 UTC
OP: Oh you are amazing! Very excited, can't wait to read it :D
(The pairings are more than ok!)


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