Apr 23, 2012 17:14

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round #03, rounds

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[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 03:13:40 UTC
A/N: I'm probably being over-cautious with trigger warnings here, but I'd rather be over-cautious than under-cautious, so: warning for implied past suicidal thoughts and depression, and vague non-graphic references to past abuse and miscarriage.“So,” says Clint when only he and Natasha are left hovering aimlessly in the kitchen, “that... was a thing that happened ( ... )


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] sanhaim June 6 2012, 05:31:52 UTC
Oh god Ow. I sctually started laughing so hard at Thor that I bashed my head into the coffee table.
And then, the mood whiplash.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 15:03:29 UTC
*offers ice pack* I'd apologise for your head, but really I'm just proud to have made you laugh that much!

Yep, this fic definitely isn't getting any less mood whiplashy. Apparently it's the only way I know how to write.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 10:15:04 UTC
So keen for more!


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 15:04:10 UTC
:D There'll certainly be some more.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] sugar_fey June 6 2012, 10:26:27 UTC
*inner shipper thoughts* Just tell her how you feel, Clint, God!

Seriously though, what I really like about this is how the exact nature of Clint and Natasha's relationship is open to interpretation. Like in the movie, there's obviously a lot of love there, but it can be romantic or platonic. Except for That One Time In Budapest, which I demand to know more about!

And Thor, OMG, THOR!!!!!! *dies laughing*

I look forward to reading more!


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 15:18:06 UTC
I share your inner shipper thoughts! I mean, in general I absolutely adore both Clint/Natasha OTP and brOTP, and can't seem to decide whether I prefer them romantically or platonically. The prompt called for the latter so that's what I've aimed for here, but you're absolutely right, it's open to interpretation. I think That One Time In Budapest shall remain unspoken of, though, for much the same reason - it can be as shippy as your brain decides.

I am seriously having far, far too much fun with Thor - can you tell? XD

Thank you so much. <3


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] butterflykiki June 6 2012, 10:55:37 UTC
Oh, Thor. He's not a rocket scientist, but he's not dumb, and he is intrinsically sweet. *hugs him*
*hugs Bruce for the saltines and the follow-through as a doctor-type*
*hugs poor traumatized Steve while giggling*
*does not hug Tony, but smacks him, which he'll take the same way anyway*

... *hugs Clint for being so damn decent and supportive and concerned*

*hugs Natasha 'cause she needs it even if she'd break my arms*

Also, fwiw, I'm guessing you're a Brit by the exclamations-- which amuse the heck out of me, but, "oi" and "bloody hell" aren't heard so much on this side of the pond. Otherwise, I'd never guess, so don't let the observation slow you down. (And if I'm wrong, I'll just shush.)

Morrrre please!


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 15:24:37 UTC

I am indeed British, you're absolutely right. I was being pretty careful with the Britisms (spelling aside, because if I tried to write without Us I'd have a nervous breakdown) but evidently a few slipped in there anyway (well spotted!), whoops. That's what I get for writing mostly in the middle of the night! Certainly if (if!) this ever gets finished and archived anywhere I'll ask an American beta to go through and clean it up for me first.

I'm so glad you're enjoying it anyway, thank you! There should definitely be so more. :D


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] beanarie June 6 2012, 16:33:32 UTC
I am loving, LOVING this story. Natasha and Clint (and everyone else, but especially those two) feel completely in-character and their interactions and complexities make me so happy.

And oh my God the Sleipnir conversation was priceless. If I weren't in the office right now, I'd be making some really embarrassing noises.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 6 2012, 17:07:41 UTC
asdfsdasghjgfadhjfdhjsdfjhgashd oh wow, thank you so much! I am so, so happy that you feel Natasha and Clint are in-character - everyone else is mostly there for comic relief at the moment (so may well be somewhat Flanderised, though I'm thrilled that you think they're IC too), but I was really nervous about getting Nat and Clint right. Seriously, thank you! <3

To be honest, the entire reason I gave in and started writing this in the first place was that I just really, really wanted to write the Sleipnir conversation. I'm glad you enjoyed it, so long as it doesn't get you into trouble at work!

(Also, your icon is weirdly adorable.)


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] samjohnsson June 7 2012, 03:42:05 UTC
Oh not fair! Right before Fury - and Hill - finding out is not where to leave us waiting!


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [15/?] [mentions of past suicidal thoughts] anonymous June 8 2012, 02:57:24 UTC
Hah, I'm sorry! There's a little bit more up now. *points down*


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [16/?] anonymous June 8 2012, 02:26:41 UTC
Clint does worry. All morning. He can't focus during training (not that he misses any targets, because he's The Hawk, but his reflexes are slower and he keeps losing track of what he's supposed to be doing), and can't think of anything else to do with himself. All he wants to do is go join Natasha on the Helicarrier and make sure she's okay, but he knows she wouldn't be too happy if he did. No overprotective big brother dude.Eventually he abandons the half-hearted training session and, in an attempt to feel that he's at least doing something useful, walks to the grocery store to find some of the crackers Bruce mentioned. He buys six packets (he has no idea how many she might want to eat; best to overcompensate) of the most expensive brand and pays using a wad of dollar bills Tony had left lying around unattended. When he returns, Natasha's car is back ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [17/?] anonymous June 8 2012, 02:43:37 UTC
Clint, relieved that Natasha seems happy to note the absurdity of the situation, allows himself to laugh again. “You! Talking about maternity coverage! The Black Widow on maternity leave!” He links his thumbs together and waggles his fingers in a vaguely spider-like motion. “Shouldn't you just lay eggs?”

Natasha, apparently letting go of days - weeks - of accumulated anxiety, collapses into hysterical giggles. “You think I should lay eggs?” she splutters, gasping for breath, “You're a hawk!” She flaps her arms and makes clucking noises ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [18/?] anonymous June 8 2012, 02:52:28 UTC
“Erm,” interjects Clint, “not to put a damper on this plan, but is that even allowed? Don't you have to go to registered practice or something? I mean, I honestly have no idea, but I'm assuming there's protocol.” Protocol. Oh god, how is he so ignorant about all of this? Yep, he's definitely going to have to join Thor on the research spree.

“I'll talk to Fury again,” says Natasha, “He can sort something out with the medical unit, give Bruce access to my medical records and so on. He did say to let him know if there was anything he could do.”

“When he'd stopped saying Goddamn, presumably,” says Clint ( ... )


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