Apr 23, 2012 17:14

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round #03, rounds

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Tony/Steve - Steve is captured anonymous May 10 2012, 01:49:14 UTC
Steve is captured by either a returned Red Skull or Loki; and for unknown reasons Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. refuse to intervene.

Tony recruits the scattered Avengers on his own so they can save Steve.


Re: Tony/Steve - Steve is captured anonymous May 10 2012, 02:07:37 UTC
I might have to take this one. I love the idea of Tony gathering the Avengers on his own to save Steve.

Questions! Is OP okay with this being post!movie (meaning, you're all right with spoilers)? Second, are you all right with something very long?


Re: Tony/Steve - Steve is captured anonymous May 10 2012, 05:38:29 UTC
OP is definitely okay with both!


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (1/?) anonymous May 10 2012, 09:54:44 UTC
This promises to be kinda long, so apologies for its pacing! But it also promises epic team-building in emergencies, BAMF!Tony, Steve having serious conversations with trees, Loki learning poker, fantastic sex, and stranger danger. Hope you enjoy!



Night falls over a broken city and Loki is to return home. He cannot imagine his welcoming will be as heartwarming as his brother once promised him-and Thor’s eyes, though wounded, have grown cold. The bite of bittersweet in his own mouth at the sight surprises Loki. But then, he had been so very close to becoming king. There is a distinct pleasure in knowing he has put his adversaries on their toes, neatly undercut with the humiliation of not having made good on his promises and schemes.

Another time, then. Another game. Today, Loki demurs and will allow himself taken to Asgard for a sport of a different sort. Given time, he will return, to New York City and to these Avengers. Never has he had so much fun-the taking of Odin’s throne too painful, too personal ( ... )


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (2/?) anonymous May 10 2012, 09:56:15 UTC
“You reap what you sow,” Steve Rogers tells him.

It’s a peculiar proverb, though not one Loki can’t dissect for its meaning. He laughs, ignoring the painful twinge in his chest as he disturbs healing bones. Were he in the mood to tempt the green beast, and had he more time, he would rip open Steve Rogers from throat to belly, revealing all of those things in him that were no longer working, but old, rusted, lonely, craving. He would flay him in front of his friends and expose all of his hidden insecurities. He would bring the monsters out. He would dance with them ( ... )


Re: [FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (2/?) anonymous May 10 2012, 11:57:40 UTC
Wow, this looks great so far. I can't wait to see where it goes.

(So, if I'm sad for Steve now, I'm guessing it's only going to get worse from here. . .?)


Re: [FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (2/?) cellia May 16 2012, 23:38:45 UTC
Oo, I'm really interested in this.


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footsteps (3/?) anonymous May 10 2012, 10:59:36 UTC

It’s another four months before Tony realizes he hasn’t heard from “the team” for a while, barring Bruce because Bruce kind of lives with him. That had taken some fast talking and a few new shiny toys, but it’s worth it. Tony loves having a playmate. It’d been weird at first, knowing there’s someone in the building who is willing to indulge in Tony’s antics and ravings at most hours of the day, but it’s a weird Tony can get used to. It doesn’t hurt that Bruce is a calming influence (the man is like a ninja always showing up with cups of green tea and placid smiles, a total ninja). Strange, considering he spends his off moments as a giant raging green meathead.

But yeah, so Tony is tinkering in the workshop when he realizes it’s been about four months and really, he’s bad with anniversaries. Always has been. But that seems pretty big, right? Or maybe he’s just bored ( ... )


OP anonymous May 11 2012, 09:06:35 UTC
anon, you have managed to give me exactly what I've wanted so far!

I really can't wait to see more of this! ♥


Re: [FILL, Tony/Steve] Footsteps (3/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 01:46:28 UTC
Loving it so far! This is great. :D Can't wait to see what you do next. <3


[FILL] Footsteps (4/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 03:42:54 UTC
iv. Later that night, Bruce brings home a large pepperoni pizza and a knee-high sculpture of Iron Man made from scraps and gears. He says he bought it from a sculptor selling wares out on a blanket near Central Park, and Tony proclaims it a work of brilliance before setting it on the main living area’s coffee table. They eat greasy slices of New York’s finest and then attempt to give the sculpture a name. Bruce says he’s not calling it Tony. Tony suggests they work their way through the names all those who have made significant contributions to science in the past century. Bruce says he’s still not calling it Tony ( ... )


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (5/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 03:47:51 UTC
And he is, honestly. He goes to the public library after working out on Saturday to check out books, catch up on things he’s missed out on-an entire generation fixated on sociopolitical commentary, who knew?-and pizza still tastes like pizza, that’s never changed. Occasionally, SHIELD calls him in for a job and okay, he hasn’t seen Natasha or Clint, but Steve hopes. He could probably send them a message on his own, but that would be, that’s too-

He looks at the invitation to Tony Stark’s birthday party. It’s going to be big. Flashy. Loud. Steve can’t think of anywhere he’d less like to be, but on the peripheral of his mind is this image of a mechanical house, whirring in the dark-and he needs to give Tony more opportunities to prove him wrong, doesn’t he? And he owes an appearance for Howard, too, doesn’t he? Howard, who never stopped looking for Steve until the heart of him gave out.

vi. Tony doesn’t have a big winning streak when it comes to birthday parties. The fiasco when he thought he was going to die from ( ... )


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (6/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 04:35:37 UTC
vii. Steve thinks that being in one of Tony’s parties is a lot like having asthma again. The music is so loud, his head is pulsing in time to the beat. He’s way underdressed; he sticks out like a sore thumb in khakis and a button-up. So far, no one’s recognized his face and that’s at least one reason to be grateful for the “spangly” costume: his face is secondary to the symbol it represents. But he hasn’t found Tony yet, either, and all Steve wants to do is go back to his apartment ( ... )


Re: [FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (6/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 04:56:17 UTC
this is just so amazingly good. I can't believe how few comments it's gotten. my heart is aching for steve right now you have no idea


[FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (7/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 04:59:52 UTC
Steve raises an eyebrow, but he puts the gift on the deck chair’s arm. There’s a way he does this, a certain grace and ease that makes Tony’s chest close in tight. He’s trying to remember the last time someone has given him a present, barring Pepper, and even Pepper tends to walk out instead of staying to watch him realize it’s a present. But Steve is right here, and he’s looking at Tony, and he’s smiling; it’s an awkward smile, but it covers most of his face and takes some of the dead out of his eyes ( ... )


Re: [FILL, Tony/Steve] Footprints (7/?) anonymous May 12 2012, 15:22:40 UTC
To be honest I didn't read the beginning of this because it didn't grab me in any way but I jumped in at part 5 and I've been LOVING it since then. It's really good.


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