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round #03, rounds

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[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [19/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 02:52:55 UTC
In the end, they watch the extended editions of both The Two Towers and The Return Of The King in one long sitting, because Thor - and, to an only slightly lesser extent, Steve - gets completely addicted. Even Clint has to admit that he rather enjoys it. He'd only seen the films once before, back when they were first in theatres, so it's like watching for the first time again - and besides, there's something incredibly contagious about Thor's endless enthusiasm and Steve's continuing awe regarding the special effects.

By the final scene, Thor is sobbing loudly (“THEY HAVE SUCH A PROFOUND BOND!”) and clutching both Steve (who seems somewhat emotional himself) and Tony to his chest, so Clint is the only person who notices the quiet sniffling sounds coming from Natasha beside him.

“Oh god, Nat,” he says, as Bruce attempts to placate Thor before he accidentally suffocates Tony against his pecs, “are you crying“Of course not. Shut up,” she tells him, rubbing at her eyes angrily. She's not crying properly, Clint realises as he examines ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [20/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 02:56:39 UTC
Natasha seems far more cheerful, although Clint isn't certain whether it's due to the massive weight that's been lifted from her shoulders or to the fact that the nausea seems to have abated somewhat (Bruce has instructed her to eat a couple of saltine crackers first thing in the morning, and although it's probably too soon to conclude that they work, Clint shares in Natasha's relief at getting through a whole day without actually vomiting). Evidently at some point she does indeed call Director Fury, because two days later (when Steve and Thor have moved on to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Tony having silently handed a copy to each of them before they could even open their mouths to request it) a whole van full of assorted medical equipment arrives at the mansion. SHIELD certainly doesn't waste any time acquiring things ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [21/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:00:58 UTC
(Clint does a bit of a double-take at that. It's the first time he's heard Natasha refer directly to her 'progeny' as anything other than something making her feel sick, or a way to make Tony's brain short-circuit. He mentally concludes that his earlier assessment of the entire situation as fucking weird was accurate.)


“Just mustard right now. Sorry.”

The three of them finish eating in comfortable silence, and Thor disappears again - presumably back to his quarters to continue reading. “I'm going to go see how Bruce is getting on now,” Natasha informs Clint, and heads back up to the lab (taking some fruit with her for Bruce, who frequently forgets that food is important when he's preoccupied with something sciencey).

The mansion seems oddly deserted (Steve is, like Thor, presumably curled up in his room with his book - seriously, are the pages laced with crack or something? - and Tony is apparently in a conference call with Pepper, who is still in Japan co- ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [22/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:07:59 UTC
A/N: Again, I'm probably being overly cautious with trigger warnings here, but better safe than sorry with triggers, so: warning for some discussion of transvaginal ultrasounds, and (very) vague references to implied consent issues (but, as before, open to interpretation).


He has a quick shower and then, hair still wet, takes the elevator up to Bruce's lab. It's only as he enters the room that it dawns on him that he has no frickin' clue what he's letting himself in for. Up until now, this pregnancy has been a relatively abstract concept - sure, there were those two pink lines, but other than that the only real hard evidence of anything unusual going on in Natasha's body was just a lot of vomit. How will he feel, actually seeing the thing that some random unnamed guy - apparently not a very nice random unnamed guy - did to her ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [23/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:14:48 UTC
A/N: Same warnings apply for this section as the previous.


On the screen, among all the grey static, is a black oval shape. And inside the black oval there's a... well, a fuzzy grey blob, honestly. It looks vaguely like a misshapen kidney bean with little nubby appendages. Or possibly a gummy bear.

And right in the centre of the blobby grey gummy bear thing, something is flickering.

“Holy shit,” says Clint, pointing at the flicker on the screen, “is that-”

“Yep,” says Bruce, sounding far too enthusiastic for someone who has apparently done this many times before, “that's the heartbeat.”

Clint just gapes at the screen as Bruce adjusts the image, looking for different angles. He kind of wishes he'd thought to pull up a chair next to the examination table, because now his legs are all wobbly. That thing he can see on the screen? That thing is actually inside Natasha right now. And, okay, so it really doesn't look anything like a person, but it is definitely there and it definitely looks like a something. An alive ( ... )


[FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:21:14 UTC
A/N: Final warning for references to transvaginal ultrasound. Also, Hulk penis (but not really).


He's still trying to process this - any of this - when there's a knock on the door of the lab and, before waiting for an answer, Tony enters.

“Hey, Bruce, why's it so dark in here? I'm free now, anyway, d'you wanna get started on the- Hoooooooooly crap.”

Clint scrambles to check that the paper sheet is still covering Natasha (it is); Natasha makes a noise that may or may not have been something profane in Russian. Bruce remains outwardly calm (thankfully, considering he still has his hand underneath the sheet, presumably holding the toothbrush-like instrument), but he's clearly pretty pissed.

“Tony, what have we discussed about knocking? You still have to wait for an answer. You can't just barge in. This is my lab“It's my tower,” says Tony sulkily. Then he adds, somewhat more sincerely, “Sorry, I had no idea you were doing this now. I'll just, uh...” He turns as if to leave, but then stops. “Is that... Can I... look ( ... )


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] snack_size June 12 2012, 03:28:12 UTC
I don't think I should list all the things I love about this because I'll just be quoting it back to you. As always, your Thor is AMAZING, and I adore the interaction between Tony/Bruce and Tony/everyone here, and Clint and his feels. But, seriously - Bruce getting dejected about his accidental innuendo? Operation Growing a Tiny Human? I love your sense of humor, and style, and writing, and...yeah. *ends flailing*


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:44:00 UTC
hjgsKJfjhgsagfclk`dgkvhsdGFDHGFxhjgdhgcfh`gsvchjsagFHgsfchksavKfhjadshgjasegd omg thank you so much! Seriously, this whole comment made me so happy. Considering how nervous I was to post anything in the first place I'm just thrilled to still be getting any comments at all, never mind such lovely ones like this! I've been fighting with this section for days and I'm so, so happy that you like it. Thank yoooooooooou! <3


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] janetlin June 12 2012, 03:34:45 UTC
"Operation: Grow A Tiny Human"
... 'so that Tony can stick it on the refrigerator door'.

love you forever, Tony!

hmm, what is opgath?

blonde moment


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:46:11 UTC
Tony can be a decent person sometimes, bless him.

Heh, glad you figured it out! Tony ran out of letters. (Mostly because Thor keeps spelling out MORE HAM and such with the rest of them.)


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] janetlin June 12 2012, 03:49:44 UTC
My daughter used to get annoyed there was only one of each letter. She'd get creative, though: "I LOVE MO(upside-down W)(sideways 3)Y"


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 03:51:58 UTC
Oh, that is adorable. <3 Magnetic letter sets should definitely always come with multiples of the more common letters, indeed.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] tonights June 12 2012, 04:20:53 UTC
This is, bar none, my favorite fic on the meme right now. I bounce with glee the entire time I'm reading the updates, I am not kidding.

And I want Thor to come to my house and leave messages on my chilling cupboard. AAAAUGH SO MUCH LOVE FOR THIS.


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 16:59:49 UTC
Oh wow, seriously?! Thank you so much! <3 I am really, really honoured that you like this so much, and thrilled to have caused bouncing with glee! :D

I imagine Thor's messages on the chilling cupboard consist largely of things to the effect of "MORE HAM PLEASE" and "SORRY I ATE ALL THE POP TARTS". Perhaps with a side of "GOOD MORNING FRIENDS IT IS A FINE DAY" and "I LOVE HEDWIG".


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] sugar_fey June 12 2012, 05:13:41 UTC
Operation Grow A Tiny Human is gold. And poor embarrassed Bruce. And Thor needs to have an owl! I can't wait to see Steve's reaction to the ultrasound.

Oh, Clint. I want to give you all the hugs! And Natasha to give you all the hugs- shut up, shipper brain!

I can't help thinking though- what will happen when the comments get too skinny? Will you just post the next parts further down rather than as replies?


Re: [FILL] Natasha, Clint and team, gen - pregnancy [24/?] anonymous June 12 2012, 17:13:35 UTC
If Thor has not somehow acquired an owl by the end of this fic, then I have failed.

Honestly, I very nearly had Steve walking in on the ultrasound in progress purely for his OMGWTFBBQ reaction (plus there's definitely been a lack of Steve thusfar), but I figured he'd never barge into Bruce's lab uninvited. But yes, there will definitely be baffled Steve and Thor reactions.

Clint and Nat really do need ALL THE HUGS, bless them.

Re: comment thread, that is an excellent point (thanks for reminding me!) - I have a massive widescreen monitor so I hadn't properly considered it, but yeah, I definitely don't want to break the page for anyone (apologies if I have already!). I'll start a new sub-thread as reply to part 1 for the next section, indeed.


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