Nov 22, 2011 10:08

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Please use this format: Steve/Tony, Tony needs help adjusting his arc reactor ; ( Read more... )

round #02, rounds

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Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous December 23 2011, 02:42:09 UTC
So I just saw Less Than Zero for the first time, and while I was watching RDJ's character, I kept thinking that bb!Tony could have been a lot like that in his teens. You know, having graduated MIT at 17 but not really knowing what to do with himself, and having all sorts of daddy issues and not much of a support system.

The end of the movie made me sad, so I would love to see a story where Steve is around or found early, and he is able to help Tony out of being totally messed up. Helping him get rehab, or getting him to therapy, that sort of thing.


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous December 23 2011, 03:49:44 UTC
It's been my head canon that Less Than Zero, minus the ending, is close to what happened to movie Tony between the time his parents died and when he took over the company at 21. Tiberius Stone is totally Rip.

Seconded hard.

(Am I a bad person for wanting Steve to walk in on Tony and one of Rip's 'clients'?)


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous December 23 2011, 04:23:33 UTC


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous January 8 2012, 17:57:10 UTC
Do want.


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion joyinthedance April 13 2012, 22:19:35 UTC
This prompt is amazing. I'd probably write it if I hadn't already written a fic where Julian finds out he's Tony's illegitimate son, which can be found here: http://julianstark.tumblr.com/post/8963821515/fanfic-tony-stark-and-julian-wells-part-1-of-4

NOT trying to shamelessly self-promote; I just thought people who like this prompt might enjoy it, even if it's not quite the same thing. :)


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous April 14 2012, 20:56:36 UTC
So now I'm thinking about actually filling this, and was wondering about ages and such. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Tony's parents (at least in the movie) died when he was 19. Do you want the fic to take place after their death, making Tony 19, or do you want him to be closer to 17 and have just finished at MIT? Also what level of relationship with Steve do you prefer? I'm thinking they're not in a physical relationship but are friends, with Steve having only been found a year before or so, but I'll cater to whatever you want. :)


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous April 15 2012, 02:22:03 UTC
Well, in Less Than Zero, his parents are around, but not supporting him, but I'm totally open to whatever works for you. It would probably make more sense if Steve was found while Howard was still alive, but the accident could certainly happen shortly after that.

Steve/Tony is my OTP, but if Tony is still only 17 and really messed up, gen and/or pre-slash is totally cool. Whatever flows, I guess?


Re: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion anonymous April 16 2012, 16:06:50 UTC
Good points. I can see it working either way frankly re:parents, so I might keep them alive because if anything that might make it even harder on Tony (I'm a touch sadistic at times, lol). Oh yeah, and I kinda meant to say they're not *yet* in a physical relationship. Pre-slash is exactly what I had in mind at the beginning (because I ship it too), and then it could develop out of that.


FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (1a/?) anonymous April 19 2012, 05:22:00 UTC
1 ( ... )


Re: FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (1b/?) anonymous April 19 2012, 05:30:09 UTC
“Fifty thousand dollars?” Steve gasped. He wasn’t quite sure how much money that was nowadays, but by his standards it sounded astronomical. He couldn’t imagine how the kid could have racked up such a debt in just a few months, but then again, Tony was used to living Stark large. “You know, Agent Fury finally got me my own place. Why don’t you come stay there for a few days while I talk to your father ( ... )


Re: FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (1c/?) anonymous April 19 2012, 05:34:13 UTC
Steve sighed and released the pressure on the boy’s body. Tony stepped away from the tree and breathed deeply, triggering another thick smoky cough. He shook himself off, looking at Steve warily.

“I take it you’re not going to give me my stuff back,” he said.

Steve shook his head firmly. “It’s dangerous, Tony.”

“Just please don’t report me. Please.” The jaw twitch again. “It’s the last thing I need right now.”

“What do you need right now?” Steve asked ( ... )


Re: FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (1c/?) anonymous April 19 2012, 11:38:11 UTC
Woo, fic!

Nice start, can't wait to see where it goes.


Re: FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (1c/?) anonymous April 20 2012, 23:08:26 UTC
interesting start))


FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (2a/?) anonymous April 22 2012, 03:02:04 UTC
Steve’s encounter with Tony had left him deeply shaken. The kid was clearly poisoning himself with his habits, and more than anything he just seemed so alone. But perhaps the most upsetting thing to Steve was the way it had tarnished his view of Howard. Although the man had always lived a little too large and fast for Steve’s tastes, Steve had grown to respect his hard work and loyalty even more than his genius. Howard had searched for Steve for over four decades without giving up, yet now he had given up on his own son? It didn’t make sense ( ... )


FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (2b/?) anonymous April 22 2012, 03:08:00 UTC
Steve was at a loss. In his heart, he realized, he had truly believed Howard would change his mind. He didn’t want to damage his relationship with one of his closest allies, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t condone abandoning a seventeen-year-old kid ( ... )


FILL: Steve/Tony, Less Than Zero fusion (2c/?) anonymous April 22 2012, 03:11:12 UTC
Opening his eyes, Tony drank gladly, then made a face. “Ugh, where did you get this vodka?” he cringed. “It’s terrible ( ... )


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