Age Requirement: You must be at least 18 years old to play this game. There are no exceptions, and both mods reside fully in the United States, if your country has different rules on such things, we have to go with what we know and that is 18 only. If we find out that you have any point lied to us about this, you will be removed immediately from play.
Posting Minimums: We have no maximum for posting, however we do expect each character to participate at least once every two weeks - this means a completed/still in progress thread or a completed private fic at least twice a month.
All posting is done in real time - there will be no backdating or past fic involved (though flashbacks/dreams, etc, in current fic are of course welcome) - the dating system is as follows: Monday, November 11th, 2008 = Monday, November 11th, 1999 / January 1, 2009 = January 1, 2000.
More than one month without a post and/or previous arrangements with the mods will result in a warning. If the character goes another two weeks without a post, we will request the journal be given back to game mods. All journals are the property of the game - paid time and other paid options you may contribute cannot be refunded, if you decide to leave while there is still paid time/extra icons on the journal, this does not effect it's ownership; apologies.
No Godmodding (referencing another character's actions/thoughts/feelings/quotes without that character's author's consent and/or cooperation. If there is any instance of Godmodding, we request that you attempt to take it up among yourselves and if that doesn't work please feel free to contact the mods at
To that end, if there is any public snark, there will be consequences. We want everyone to be able to have a good time and even those not involved in any debates could have their experience altered by public snark. We will not tolerate the airing of grievances even in our OOC community at avauthors. If there is a public display of wank, there is a warning system in affect - Strike 1 = a warning from the mods and the deletion of anything within public comms/Strike 2 = Removal from the game; we will not hesitate to take back your character if you feel the need to create community drama. If there is an issue between authors that cannot be resolved amongst yourselves, please simply e-mail the mods at to have the issue mediated. [Side note: One of our mods is even a trained mediator! Use our knowledge, we beg you! *g*]
PBs: Please don't feel you must use HP movie actors for your icons, however be aware that most of our characters are younger than the average RPG - use age appropriate (3 years within either direction) and realistic models for your icons - aka, we really don't want to see Hermione played by Adrian Grenier just because he has curly hair.
While we welcome ships of all kinds (gen, het, slash, femmeslash, and anything else) we must stress the importance that a lot of our characters are under the age of 18 as much of this is based in the halls of Hogwarts. The trio were 18 at the start of game, thus anyone in their original year can also be assumed to be 18, however, Ginny is a 'normal' 7th year and thus is 17. Any character under the age of 18 will not be participating in "adult" threads - aka nothing beyond kissing, sorry kids! Livejournal has strict rules on such things, and we don't want to jeopardize the entire the game. Anyone who would like to "play" is welcome to do so in locked posts at avauthors for the enjoyment of the other writers; posts in avauthors are not game canon and do not affect the game plot. As for other relationships - sex for the sake of sex is not welcome here, a one night stand that has reason behind it, sure; but if you just want to see your characters together, that's not furthering the game. Relationships should be built up, unless pre-established in character history (aka Molly/Arthur). Relationships left unclear in canon (Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, etc) will be up to the discretion of both writers involved.
We adhere to canon - the game is set post-Deathly Hallows.
Our over-arching plot will affect all characters. Mods will post with prompts, Daily Prophet articles and (until further decision on the matter or the character is picked up) Minster Shacklebolt announcements/events concerning the overall plot. This means there will be political discussion, in fighting, and debate - we welcome all political opinions and would love to see characters really get involved, however this is not all the game is about, of course.
Please keep references to Muggle technology/items limited. In canon they do not use e-mail, mobile phones, or the subway, thus we don't here so much either.
Feel free to join the fan community - avfans - with both your character journal and your private journal, we ask however that interaction here be kept OOC.
Please join only the authors community - avauthors - with your personal journal. Personal journals (with the exception of the mods for maintaining purposes) will not be allowed to join the main game community at oneav.
If there are any questions/comments, please feel free to contact the game mods (littledupont & syven) at - we'll get to any questions as soon as we can and we promise, we don't bite :-)