Ahoy, I'm Admiral Zhao!

Jul 21, 2009 07:39

Name: Halcyon Queen, also known as Hallie and Asma
Age: almost 17
Likes: I love coming home on rainy days, making a mug of hot chocolate, turning on the fireplace, and sitting down and reading in front of it, wrapped in old blankets and surrounded by pillows. I love going to the mall with my best friend and spending hours in bookstores, and then an equal amount of time eating dinner and just chatting. I love sitting up late at night and asking myself “what if?” questions. I love explaining things to people, and I love it even more when those people listen intently. I love winning contests, and I love being able to justifiably say that I’m the best. I love being on my own and having free time. I love video games and books and manga and my computer. I love my family and my friends and myself. I love getting my way. Most of all, I enjoy storytelling in any medium-books, movies, comics, video games, or what have you. Anything that tells a story and tells it well has my love.
Dislikes: I hate people who think that they can get away with acting however they want without any thought of the repercussions. I hate being beaten, or losing. I hate being forced into things that I wouldn’t have chose for myself. I hate feeling helpless, and I hate feeling that I could have done something but didn’t. I hate it when people don’t listen to me. I hate fighting with people, though that doesn’t stop me from being overly-aggressive and confrontational. I hate regrets. I hate loneliness-especially the kind that comes when you’re in a crowded room as opposed to all by yourself. I hate cowardice, and people who have no honor or morals. I hate the fact that most people pass judgment on things as if their opinion really matters at all. I hate waiting-in line, for the mail to come, for stories to update. I hate the fact that people of intelligence can’t be valued simply for their intelligence, but have to go out of their way to prove their worth. I hate feeling inadequate. Most of all, I hate the fact that I often say too much and can’t stop myself.
Strengths: I probably shouldn’t count this as a strength, per say, but I can be a very good liar. This isn’t to say I’m dishonest; rather, I just tend to trim the truth a bit when it’s convenient. I suppose that you could also say that I’m good at thinking on my feet-or that I have a lot of tact. I’m also a fairly eloquent speaker, and good at explaining things. I can remember anything after reading it or hearing it. I’d like to consider myself a decent writer. In addition, I tend to the person who remembers personal things-birthdays and important events.
Weaknesses: I can be arrogant at times-and by “times,” I mean a lot. I don’t deal very well with setbacks or failure. When people don’t agree with them, I tend to not want to deal with them. I compartmentalize a lot, and if I don’t feel passionate about something, I can’t force myself to do it. I’m cynical and a bit blunt, so I suppose I’m not as nice as people would like me to be. While I’m fairly social, I tend to block people out when I need alone time. I’m also quick to anger and have been known to have the occasional shouting-match.
What compliments do you frequently receive?: I’ve been told that I’m confident, intelligent, a good leader, witty, and that I have a good sense of style.
Please post the links to three recent applications you've voted on:

Leader or Follower?: LEADER
Idealist or Realist?: REALIST
Lover or Fighter?: FIGHTER
Cautious or Impulsive?: CAUTIOUS
Mature or Immature?: MATURE
Forgiving or Grudge holding?: GRUDGE-HOLDING
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist?: REALIST

Favourite Avatar character and why: I love just about every character in this series, but my absolute favorite is Azula-I sympathize with her, admire her strength, and love her psyche. I also love Zuko and Ty Lee, amongst others.
Least Favourite Avatar character and why: Probably, out of the main characters, Katara. I still like her, but I never really understood her as well as I understood the rest of the main cast.
Favourite Avatar episode and why: The Beach -- delving into each of the Fire Nation characters’ psyches was just awesome and heartbreaking.
Firebender, Waterbender, Earthbender or Airbender and why: I’m inclined to say Air, as it’s my favorite element, but I think my overall personality fits better with Fire.
If you could have one character as your teacher, who would it be and why?: Iroh. He’s wise without being condescending, a good trainer without being harsh. Basically, he’s the perfect father-grandparent-teacher-mentor a person could have.
You're going to fight your most powerful enemy tomorrow. What do you spend the day doing?: Planning. Training won’t do much at this point, and resting would leave me unprepared. I’d be the person down in the dark room, moving pieces across a map.
While on an important task, you come across a stranger being attacked by a group of enemy benders. You...: Shield myself somehow, and then try to discern what they’re after before attacking.


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