WEEK 5 || reminder ; mini-challenge

Apr 04, 2007 16:09

So many explications to do tonight x___x;;

This is your mid-week reminder to submit icons for Week 5's challenge, Your Mirror/Afiko and Kinto/"Gravity of Love"! We currently have 7 lovely icons (2 general, 2 image, 3 lyrical), but we can definitely use more. C'mon, guys, I know you're capable of much more than that 8D

Remember, we need at least:
♦ 15 entries total in order to have a general special category voting;
♦ 10 entries running for any given theme in order to have special category voting in that theme; and
♦ 25 entries to have a mod's choice.
(Explanation in the profile.)

Submit your icons to this entry by 7PM PST Friday! Happy iconing!

Last week's was way too easy 8D So this one requires a bit more effort. This week, we have a jigsaw puzzle! Yes, that's right, I went and downloaded a program just for you so that I could make a flash jigsaw 8D

CLICK HERE TO PLAY! 8D (Sometimes the pieces are under the puzzle, so you might have to move it around a bit to get them all.)

I won't make you guys take screencaps, because it's too much of a hassle, and some people can't do it. ^^; So, in order to prove that you finished the puzzle, you just have to answer two questions in your comment, which will be screened:

1. Which characters are in the picture?
2. What happens once you finish the jigsaw puzzle?

That's it!

♦ You do NOT have to be a member to participate! This mini-challenge is open to anyone. :)
♦ If you are a member or participating in the current challenge, you are NOT obligated to do the mini-challenge! This is just for fun.
♦ Hush hush-don't spoil the fun and tell other people the answers!
♦ The challenge closes whenever the voting post goes up, but the post and flash will stay here forever and ever.
♦ If you don't want a banner for any particular reason, please say so in your comment!

Have fun! :D

Banner Reminders:
♦ Week 3 - fatalnocturne
♦ Week 4 Mini-Challenge - helium_lost

- hl

mini-challenge, reminder, week 5

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