WEEK 25 || triangles ; bender battle ; "wolf like me"

Sep 23, 2007 17:20

NEW NOTE ON SUBMISSIONS: Because the new season has started, I'm going to request that you do not use SPOILER caps from an episode until two weeks after it has aired. This means that you can use a cap that doesn't give anything away from the episode. I'll let you know if your icon has potential spoilers.

General: Triangles
This week, your icon must feature triangles. The object in the icon can be triangular, or your texture(s) used can be triangular, or the people can be in a triangular formation, or... well, be creative! If you feel your icon needs explanation, feel free to leave me a note in your submission. :D

Image Provided: Bender Battle

(Caps provided by AvatarSpirit.net)

Remember, you may use stock images, brushes, textures, etc., but you may not use other caps. You may use the image at a higher resolution if you have it.

Lyrical: TV on the Radio - "Wolf Like Me"

link to imeem page
Say say my playmate
Won't you lay your hands on me
Mirror my malady
Transfer my tragedy

Got a curse I cannot lift
Shines when the sunset shifts
When the moon is round and full
Gotta bust that box gotta gut that fish

(My mind's aflame)

We could jet in a stolen car
But I bet we wouldnt get too far
Before the transformation takes
Its bloodlust tanks and
Crave gets slaked

My mind has changed
My body's framed,
But God I like it
My heart's aflame
My heart is strained
But God I like it

Charge me your day rate
I'll turn you out in time
When the moon is round and full
Gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mongrel mind
Baby doll I recognize
You're a hideous thing inside
If ever there were a lucky kind
It's you, you, you, you

I know it's strange
Another way
To get to know you
You'll never know
Unless we go
So let me show you
I know it's strange
Another way
To get to know you
We've got 'til noon
Here comes the moon
So let it show you
Show you

Dream me oh dreamer
Down to the floor
Open my hands and let them
Weave onto yours

Feel me, completer
Down to my core
Open my heart and let it
Bleed onto yours

Feeding on fever
Down on all fours
Show you what all the
howling's for

Hey hey my playmate
Let me lay waste to thee
Burned down their hanging trees
It's hot (here), hot (here), hot (here), hot (here)

Got a curse we cannot lift
Shines when the sunshine shifts
There's a curse comes with a kiss (we're howling forever)
The bite that binds the gift that gives (oh, oh)

Now that we got gone for good (we're howling forever)
Writhing under your riding hood (oh, oh)
Tell your gra'ma and your mama too (we're howling forever)
It's true, true, true, true... (oh, oh)

We're howling forever
Oh, oh
(Lyrics provided by Let's Sing It)

Remember, you must quote three CONSECUTIVE words that inspired your icon. :)

How to Submit:

URL: http://pics.livejournal.com/helium_icons/pic/0007f4zs
Theme: General
Lyrics: n/a
Notes: (Credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)

And here's the code for you to copy and paste into your comments (be sure to remove the option that you're NOT choosing!):

Theme: General/Image Provided/Lyrical
Lyrics: Only for the lyrical theme. Put the three or more words you based your icon off here.
Notes: (credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)

♦ Submit icons to this post (screened before and during voting; unscreened after voting has concluded).
♦ Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 or smaller; 40kB or smaller; jpg, png, or gif).
♦ You may combine themes if you wish, but your icon can only be entered into one theme.
♦ Up to three icons per artist for three different themes.
♦ Absolutely NO text of any form!
♦ Completely fill out ALL areas of the submission form (except for notes, which are optional).
♦ Icons are due Friday, September 29 at 7:00PM PDT.

Have fun! :D

submit, week 25

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